Posted by TakenbySurprise January 15, 2021 4:04 pm | #1 |
I keep going around and around with this issue in my head, but it's simply not the same when a spouse comes out as trans as opposed to same-sex attracted. Especially if one has children. This is more than just a divorce.
My children are going to lose their father if/when he transitions. That doesn't happen with a gay/lesbian parent. Fathers have value to children. He is taking away their father.
Posted by Julian_Stone January 15, 2021 4:47 pm | #2 |
I know...It is unimaginable to me—the impact this must have on families. TGT and TTT are both painful and confusing, but "the trans thing" is a different ballgame...and I'm always blown away by the resilience and strength of so many here. I hope there are other support groups for families going through this. With children, I think it's more important than ever for them to have that one strong, consistent force in their lives.
My heart goes out to you...I literally can't imagine how hard this is.
Posted by Stronger January 15, 2021 8:27 pm | #3 |
Not at all the same, but my daughter believes she is trans. (Yeah, double whammy for me as she came out right when I am discovered my husband’s secret) We have been supportive all along but me more than anyone else because I know what this is like... I would rather her go ahead and become who she feels she is with love and support but not drag anyone through the emotional turmoil at some later time in life. It’s a process... I’m terrible with the pronouns and don’t like the names she/he has chosen but I will grow and learn. The hardest part for me is when my daughter is learning and educating me on all things gay and I’m having a hard day with her dad... some days are too much gay for me and I simply cannot escape it.
Posted by OutofHisCloset January 15, 2021 9:36 pm | #4 |
TakenBySurprise, I've written somewhere here on the Forum exactly how TTT and the TGT are different. If I can find that post, I'll repost it here.
Posted by OutofHisCloset January 15, 2021 10:23 pm | #5 |
Found it:
Feb 28, 2018
The issues are confused with the trans situation. With a gay/lesbian revelation, the situation is clear: your spouse wants someone of the same sex: a male feels desire for a male; a female feels desire for a female. If you're the straight spouse in such a situation, there's really not much you can do to accommodate that desire and situation. GID spouses might use the bi ruse to avoid admitting the truth to themselves and others, but as we've seen, it's more often a ruse than the truth--and even when it's the truth, the bi spouse in a monogamous marriage can choose not to act on a same sex attraction (just as the straight spouse chooses not to act on opposite sex attractions).
With a trans spouse, there is no such clarity. A husband suddenly announces to his wife that he is or wants to be a woman, and he can say !) I still love and desire you, but as a lesbian, and want to remain in the marriage, but as your wife; 2) I want to be with men because having sex with a man who desires me as a woman will make me feel validated as a woman; or 3) I want to have the freedom to have sex with both men and women, because I want both validation by men but still feel attraction to women.
Only with the second scenario is the future remotely clear, and it it analogous to a man who comes out to his wife as gay: a man who becomes a transwoman and wants to be with men is not going to be happy staying with his wife.
In scenarios 1 and 3, the straight partner encounters the confusion of still being desired by the trans partner, and, when the trans partner opts to only partially transition (such as taking hormones/having breast augmentation but retaining his genitalia), or remains closeted and dresses only in private at home, the straight spouse is further confused by seeing what appears to be the partner one has always loved still there--the same, or a recognizably same but altered, body. It's confusing and comforting and alienating and traumatizing all at the same time. I've said before that what this felt like to me was that suddenly my husband brought home a new woman and installed her in my marriage, my home, and my marriage bed, and said, I love her and you must love her, too. If your partner just brought home another woman, you'd say, Hell no. But when that other woman is at the same time your partner, the person to whom you're married? And your partner after all belongs in your home and your bed? A mind fuck of a very specific and different order.
Add to this the fact that although we use "trans" as an umbrella term, there are two very specific varieties of trans for men. One is the stereotypically feminine boy who always wanted to be a girl (and is not otherwise, as studies indicate many such boys are, going to grow up to be a gay man); this type of trans woman typically desires men; the other is a male with autogynephilia, a boy with an unproblematical boyhood, doing boy things, until, typically adolescence, when the condition manifests, and the boy "borrows" his mother's or sisters' clothing and masturbates while wearing them. In that case it is not just a case of "I want to be a woman"--what we refer to as "gender identity." It's a sexual desire: I want to dress like, act like, be, a woman because it makes me sexually excited to dress like, act like, and imagine myself as a woman. Lots of times this desire manifests at adolescence, and then is repressed, or recedes, or appears periodically, all the while the man is living an otherwise unproblematic life as a man, perhaps to manifest once again later in life as a full-fledged fever (often leading to transition).
[edited out material not germane to this thread]
That the straight partner is still recognizably the partner, and still says, "I love you" and "I want you" is, I believe, the reason so many of us spend so much time concerned with what the trans spouse wants or needs--or who the person is! Each straight partner in a trans situation works out what the bright line is: mine initially was "If you go ahead with transition, I can't stay married to you. I'm unwilling to be the wife of a transwoman." When my stbx [now ex] decided he would stay in the closet and simply act out his sexual desire with me, I wanted, as his spouse committed to marriage to him, to accommodate him. I had no idea of the way autogynephilia would affect him and how his need would escalate and how acting as a woman would push him to believe in this woman he was acting out.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 16, 2021 8:38 am)
Posted by LostAtSea January 16, 2021 1:08 am | #6 |
This is so devastating not only on spouses but children. I can only imagine the pain and how to even start talking to a child about losing their father. I would not even know how to begin or be strong for my child when I’m falling apart. I will pray for you.
My soon to be ex and I do not have any children. Today was first day I have seen him since 1 1/2 months he told me his trans revelation and now desiring to be with a man.
It was very hard to face him. I was so anger and hurt and betrayed. Every disgusting calculated behavior he did was not the person I know. I asked him to look in the mirror and tell me what happened to himself?
How did I let him leave Boston to visit his mother and I get a called that rocked my world? He’s trans, now desires men or maybe bi and wants to transition within the year!!
After lots of yelling screaming and crying, I sat across from him and held his hand. I asked him to look me in the face and tell me why this all happened this way? Not the part about being trans but about stealing, cheating, sexting nude pics an dating websites. He asked me to forgive me, I just couldn’t and sobbed.
I literally just slip down from my chair sobbing on the floor. He left me there and said he had to leave. His friend was waiting in the car outside over 2 hours.
Just like how I let him walk out in Boston. He walked out again and I know I will never see him again. This is so so sad after 16 years.
I haven’t cried in over a week but seeing him today I just broke down.
Posted by OutofHisCloset January 16, 2021 8:42 am | #7 |
I'm sorry this happened to you and that your stbx has exhibited the same narcissism and lack of empathy so many of us have experienced as part of our partners' transformation.
It is excruciating and traumatic to lose one's spouse to this madness.
If you can possibly see a therapist who is trained in trauma recovery, I hope you will.
Posted by SusanneH January 16, 2021 11:20 am | #8 |
To all of you going through TTT, I really feel for you & wish I knew of something to say to help. My husband is bi (and, who knows, may be gay.....), but every time I see someone post that their spouse is trans, I want to cry for them and their children. It has to be so confusing for everyone involved and I hope all of you get professional help because I know I need it myself, and if he was trans, I’d be beside myself .
All the best to each of you and your families as you move past this.
(((((HUGS)))) and peace of mind.
Posted by TakenbySurprise January 17, 2021 11:42 pm | #9 |
Yes, we are going to be getting lots of professional help. There is no way to explain this to children and have a net positive.
Posted by OutofHisCloset January 18, 2021 6:58 am | #10 |
Below is a reference to an article (in a refereed journal in the field of psychotherapsy) for you to read (and give to any therapists). You can google the title and authors and get a full text online.
Donna Chapman and Benjamin Caldwell: “Attachment Injury Resolution in Couples When One Partner is Transgender”
Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol 31, No. 2, 2012, pp36-53
(full text of article available online)