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Posted by DeeDee1771
October 30, 2020 1:51 pm

I need help.
I have caught myself lately scouring bi/gay forums and chat sites and our local Craigslist looking to see if he's been on. Looking for any indication that he's seeking out another man. On one of them, I actually created an account just so I could see the members list!!! I actually have another tab open on my computer at this very moment for a bi chat forum. I don't know why.......
I need to stop. It's becoming obsessive. 
Has any other straight spouse found themselves doing this? Why am I so adamant to catch him when he's sworn up and down that he has never done anything and has no plan to ever? Why can't I trust him and get over it?
Any support or advice is welcome.

Posted by SusanneH
October 30, 2020 3:59 pm


In did it, too. Mine started with him accidentally showing me a nude photo of a guy on craigslist when he was trying to ask a question on how to do something. Of course, he tried to explain it off & even though we never had any problems before, I couldn’t let it lie. The next day I looked in his computer for the first time in 15 years (that’s how much I trusted him). The first thing I saw was an email labeled “SEX”. It was an answer to the CL guy saying "I'm xxx . I live in xxx, am 66yrs old, married & looks like we're interested in the same things (the guy said he liked s*cking & f*cking & could stay hard for 4 hrs) & would like to meet you tomorrow" . That  was the end of my world as I knew it and the beginning of my searching all devices. However, I did it with his permission. When I told him what I saw (BTW, he said he cancelled the meeting mentioned in the email. I believed him. First lie).
I searched for 15 months, finding porn, dating web sites (one with a nude avatar of HIM! Aghhh), emails to men (one of them had a video of him jerking off! Aggghh again). He kept denying even meeting any of those men —-always adamantly & defensively, so I didn’t believe him, but until he admitted something, I couldn’t be sure of anything. Finally 6/1/19, I had enough on one for him to admit to having sex with this man for 2 years at the local porn video store. Then, months later, when I told him I needed a polygraph on all the other men from the computer, he admitted to having sex with men all through our relationship. So, that didn’t help stop me from looking. 
Once he admitted to this, I realized I had “seen” him at the video store once when I was watching him on “find my iPhone”. I didn’t know that’s what it was. I had called him because he was supposed to be on his way to the grocery store & he was flustered. now I know why. He had met a man there. It was after  I had caught him with the CL ad. 
So, none of this helped me get ‘un-addicted’ to snooping! Since it’s been a year since he’s been with a man,  ( & I’ve been checking with find my iphone) I’ve gotten better at it & don’t look much any more. Just check in on the find my.. here & there since he used to do his thing during the day when he was out doing jobs in town. 

I remember getting on dating sites, etc & using his regular sign-in to see if he had an account there. On one I did find one. It was a dating site. He says he didn’t remember. (I actually believe him. He’s got a bad memory due to drugs in his past...I mean reallllly bad. It caused him to fail a polygraph on something I even realized he had gotten the dates wrong with.)

edited: He's been honest and also not fooling around for over a year now, so I've backed off looking at his stuff. The last few times I did look on his phone & used a reverse number program, it was more frustrating than anything else. The calls were mostly from customers anyway, and I don't know who they are, so it was pointless. There wasn't anything suspicious at all. It was a waste of time & I'm glad I'm not tied to it any more 😊.

So, yeah, I know where you’re at 😉. And, it will get better. 

Last edited by SusanneH (November 18, 2020 2:50 pm)

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
October 30, 2020 9:22 pm

DeeDee1771 wrote:

I need help......

Deedee... Step away from the computer!   A little way down the line you may, probably will realize snooping only ends up hurting you and your self-esteem. I know you know I'm right, but I know you'll have this beast of curiosity inside you that will make you look/search anyway so be a little methodical when you do it and either screenshot what you find or note it down.
If you can put your emotions on a shelf as you search... Even better.

Don't let your need to see what he's up to.. end up making you hate yourself for looking, but know in the end what he does are his choices, not yours


Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (October 30, 2020 9:25 pm)

KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Dutchman
October 31, 2020 11:48 am


I think it's a natural response. You've lost your trust, and are trying to regain (some of) it. 
Trying to prove you're wrong to trust is no different.

When my wife told me she'd fell in love with a woman, it destroyed all the fundamental trust I had that was supposed to be there.
I didn't realize this at once, she wanted to continue our marriage, still chose for me, so at first it felt like the foundation is going on like it was.
But it didn't turned out to be that simple. Her feelings for that woman were still there, noticable on her laptop, certain songs she played.
It kept refering back. Even after I noticed and objected, she secretly kept this going.
Actually this behaviour of her was the most damaging factor of the deteriation/destruction of trust. 

I started policing her laptop, checking her browse history, noticing certaing pop songs she played. It made me sick to discover things, because this obviously didn't align with a choice for me, but keeping her feelings alive and attached to that woman.
(years later my wife told me there were more activities to keep that connection alive, that I didn't know about. Like driving by the her house, hoping to get a glimpse of her and things like that).

For me the trust was gone, so I started checking her behaviour on internet. It felt terrible to do, but also felt unavoidable. Like being caught between hope and fear.
Hope you don't find evidence and fear you might find evidence. It's a frantic situation.

Well, years later I can reflect on it. Our trust was rebuild by honesty and openess (talking) while she was getting a grip and understanding on her sexuality, not because of me checking or policing.
But this took a lot of talks and time. In the mean time you have to keep your head above the water, and the checking/policing is at least a way to do it. It sucks, feels like "I shouldn't have to do this", but as a temporary measure it works to some extend.
And also like you'll never know for sure, like I found out years later what she did that I wasn't aware of)
but you can't miraculously create trust by decrete. Getting some assurance, somehow, is the best you can do.
It may help if your spouse understands this, gives access to mails etc. but that's still double and never the ultimate answer.

Rebuilding trust by talking and openess, really dealing with sexual orientation and feelings, is IMO the only answer. 
Notice the all important role and path, the non-straight spouse has to follow in this. It's not just your ordeal, but something you go into together.

Last edited by Dutchman (October 31, 2020 11:51 am)

Posted by Rob
November 2, 2020 3:26 pm


Snoop if you must.   I think we all did it.
But at some point I knew what i would find..just more bad stuff.

Yes,it's a horrible feeling and I asked myself.."what kind of person makes their spouse do this?"    Not a loving one..not a loyal and trustworthy one.

The horrible thing about TGT is the anxiety and distrust will eat you up..
Is he goes to meet a friend for a beer..or is it a date?  Is she having sex or shopping? What is he doing on his phone/computer? 

I say snoop to gain reality..but at some point stop..know that just the fact that you have to snoop means they they are not beyond hurting and lying to you..that they feel entitled to keep things from you.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by SusanneH
November 2, 2020 3:36 pm

Rob, You are SO right. I didn’t stop after I found ‘everything’. I kept thinking he was still up to stuff. It was taking so much of my time: checking the phone- then, checking the phone numbers on Truthfinder/Spokeo, only to find I didn’t know who they were (mostly customers, so I wouldn’t know most of them anyway). 
I followed him on “find my iPhone”, only to get frustrated when he’d go someplace I didn’t know about, only to find it was something for work.
I kept checking his computer/iPad. Whew! Exhausting. And, when I’d find web sites that looked suspicious, I’d look them up on my computer to see what they were------never found anything 'bad'.

SO, he was no longer doing anything wrong, and I was totally wasting A LOT of my time doing this. I finally realized how literally crazy it had made me & it has taken me awhile, but I hardly look at anything any more. Just the find my IPhone every once in awhile to see if he's on his way home.

SO, there are better things to do than torture yourself! Take it from someone who knows firsthand 🙃.

Last edited by SusanneH (November 2, 2020 3:40 pm)

Posted by Blue Bear
November 3, 2020 12:04 pm

I think a lot of us did similar things.  I reject the use of the word "snoop" because it carries the negative connotation of attempting to learn information that's none of our business (e.g., "snooping on the neighbors", "snooping on conversation from the nearby table at a restaurant").  [No offense intended, Rob!]

To the contrary, this process is obtaining information to which we are deeply entitled because it is being withheld by the person who should be sharing it with us.  It is information that is material to the foundation of our relationships.  I prefer to call it "discovery", and I heartily encourage it as a way to uncover the truth that was deliberately withheld from us.

But after a point, you know what you need to know.  They aren't straight.  They are often adulterous.  Those are two independent deal killers for most relationships.  More information isn't relevant because you know that your spouse has crossed either or both of those boundaries.  How far past those boundaries our spouses have wandered isn't terribly relevant.

What's relevant is "What Happens Now?".


Last edited by Blue Bear (November 3, 2020 12:06 pm)


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