I have to agree. Don’t feel guilty for following your convictions. I am a strictly monogamous person. I was married before & my 1st husband passed away at 56. I was 18 when we got married, so I’d been married my entire adult life. We never had a problem with infidelity at all. It was unspoken & just known.
Before I married my now husband, I told him what I expected in a marriage concerning monogamy : That he not have sex of any kind: intercourse, oral, hand, etc; with anyone else but me.....period. I told him if he couldn’t handle it, then don’t marry me. He was 53 & had never been married. All I knew was marriage. All he knew was having sex with everyone....little did I know that meant everyone.
So, when I found he had been cheating with men our entire relationship, I was devastated. If it had been women, I would have been, too.
After we started to get past that, and he mentioned that he would rather have an open marriage, I was deeply hurt. That he could cheat on me all those years and then have the nerve to know my position on monogamy & ask me to give him permission to have sex with other men with my complete knowledge and approval. I told him no way, but actually thought about it after seeing so many couples doing it. One thing I kept seeing was where women had opened their marriage, like I was considering....not wanting to do it, but doing it to please their bisexual/gay husbands- to fulfill their urges....and, then becoming totally miserable once they did it.
Open marriages can work...as long as BOTH of you truly want it. I realized I could NOT do it, and was even ashamed of myself for considering it, knowing how I felt; that I was about to compromise one of my core beliefs. If he had these great urges for young women with big boobs (I’m older & flat), then I wouldn’t have even considered it, so why was I doing it just because it was men?
anyway, my 2 cents worth (or more 😉). Good luck with whatever you do.