3 Months grief.Then I decided to respect MYSELF as in, if he had said he wanted to be with other women would I be celebrating his honesty /bravery and sympathising with his life of confusion? NO
My husband managed to do shit this through an engagement ( woman) and 2 marriages ! and is now 50 .This is off the scale stuff , yes of course they suffer in their way but they chose to marry /commit /have children
out of their own fear and weakness. I finally woke up to see his sexuality confusion as NOT my issue and certainly not something to sort out for him which is what he desperately wants, I have the power to say leave or go - but I wont this is now his gig- face it up for once and own your own decisions
This doesn't make men/women who do this bad people obviously , in fact not at all , I still like ,love and respect him but I know he is NOT my responsibility to sort out. This gives me great mental and emotional freedom but it requires working through a grief period to get to this place, and its hard to get there. But common sense needs to prevail
I protect my own mental and emotional health. Not ideal as I am uneasy as to my future but I am taking back my power as a woman and a wife who deserves EVERYTHING, He needs to do the work to find out who/what he is, it is NOT MY JOB to make him feel better, make sex better /work out solutions for our marriage or his mental health
I know I will be impacted by him going forward but I'm ok with that as I know who I am and I stand strong
Pull the power back from him. They lied , They are incongruent, It will play out.
Last edited by Virion (August 28, 2020 4:27 pm)