MTF spouse declaration during pandemic

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Posted by Zenobia
August 4, 2020 10:39 am

Hello all. I finally joined after lurking for a while. Popped in on another thread and was encouraged to start an introduction.

My spouse has been cross dressing a bit for years (I caught him putting on my underwear over 5 years ago and it slowly progressed) and had a name for the alter ego. A couple months into the stay at home for the pandemic in my country my spouse announced transitioning and immediately went to obtain hormones and take out a loan for electrolysis.

When I first learned of the cross dressing I was taken aback but supportive. I had and ex that did a little so I let my then boyfriend know I had experienced it before. With my ex however he never involved me. The ex had some sex/porn addiction and while I helped obtain some items he kept it private and that was it. With my current spouse however it then became requests in the bedroom and dressing in the bedroom. To the point where it seemed that I was just an accessory there to carry out the fantasy and it didn’t really matter who I was or what needs/wants I had.

This progressed for some time. For a period there were angry outbursts from them and I also found they were on some chat site. I figured it may be good as it would be supportive. A big blow up when I went to hand over their device left on a seat and a d%&$ pic popped up as an incoming text. We did not separate though I strongly felt I should leave. I felt that whatever was being engaged in with people from the site was cheating but he didn’t feel that way. That all allegedly stopped and the dressing waxed and waned though the bedroom was nearly exclusively for the “her” persona.

I wound up having a child so we married. The dressing was less for a few years and things were going ok for the most part. Dressing started to come into play again as well as bedroom demands that still didn’t include me in any real sense. For my part I’ve found I am very codependent and never actually spoke up for myself and just went along with what I felt my partner wanted.

As the child became older the dressing came back more. There is also long term marijuana use on my spouses part and anger outbursts when that ran low. With a little one we didn’t go out to our usually activities so increasingly it was just us and no what I now see as a buffer of being among a large group of people. Outside of the dressing he became more and more into arguing with people online and being pushy about it in real life.

Then now we have stay at home. I now am working at home (the only one that works) and see the child is ignored a lot and next to nothing gets done. The announcement was made I don’t even know when now as time is all messed up. Despite home take being left to linger for ages the appointments with confirming counselors can be made a kept as well as obtaining hormones. Promises of being the same person (which I suspect may have some level of personality disorder so not exactly comforting) followed by more anger outbursts. The last big blow up as me (all while the child was present) knocked me right out the fog. The horrible twisting of my words, the successful attempts to get me to beg and plead to understand what I was saying, the outright lies, just broke me.

I’ve a bit more so will return.

Posted by Zenobia
August 4, 2020 1:27 pm

Basically where I am at now is the child still needs to be told (so far agreement that dada is ok to still use and mom will not be used, seems like a change to the new name at some point rather than a parental name). The anger outbursts (from them) fluctuate. Attention is most all on new online friend group and hours and hours in the phone. Better attention paid to the child some days though. Relationship at a platonic place for raising our child. I’m trying to get to a place where I can attempt to build a friendship for the sake of said child. I am not managing their transition and leaving it to them to do the work. Financially it falls to me but at some point the plan is a return to work for them.

The person I originally met seems to have been at least in part a fiction. Not just from the undisclosed identity questioning but from whatever else it is with them. Working on coming to terms with that and also working on myself. So many red flags I did not heed and going through all of the emotions that go along with that. Feeling quite used. Much of what was said during their last huge anger outburst were meant to hurt and they did.

With the pandemic there is no means to really change being all stuck here. Some days I manage ok and others I’m at a various stage of grief.

Posted by Zenobia
August 4, 2020 3:19 pm

Keep doing this in chunks. Orientation wise I am straight and my spouse now says slightly bi but mainly still attracted to women at the start of the relationship and for the first few years nothing was brought up about orientation as it seemed self-evident. Neither of us indicated otherwise. Based on some of the berating I’ve received recently from my spouse I do now realize should I ever date again I will explicitly state my orientation so there is no question later. I never set out to give any other impression as I’d not want to waste the time of someone who felt my orientation was incompatible with them.

My personality is a mix is what is coded as feminine and masculine with the masculine parts being mainly thing that have the older traditional stereotype of who does what work in the home. Somewhat because of pandemic and somewhat because of my situation now I tend to find less inclination for anything outside ‘messy casual’ for appearance like painting nails or doing makeup. A little like I’m rebelling against performing femininity as I don’t think that is what makes me a woman.

There seems to be a lot tangled up for me as some of my feelings relate to the identity change and some to just the overall personality that I’d be upset with even if the identify change did not exist.

Seems there are others here with similar situations. I don’t see this working out as a romantic MOM. Far too much trust has been lost. I have a lot to work through to get to a place of friendship for a platonic parenting MOM.

For those who stayed, even if not for good, was there anything that helped you detach from the past and be able to move forward? I feel like I need to complete grieving for the person I though I knew (and really was in denial for many years that they were no more) but a person is still here I need to interact with daily. It’s been difficult to do both. With the past anger outbursts and my concern there may be a slight personality disorder at play I don’t really feel I can talk deeply with my spouse at this point. Initially I did confide my feelings and in the outbursts my words were just twisted to the point where I was questioning my own memory.

Posted by Zenobia
August 4, 2020 5:11 pm

Thank you longwayhome. Yes, it does seem while I image the scenarios have their unique challenges they share a lot of the same emotional hurdles. Thank very much for the btr link. I’d never come across them before.

I’m fortunate that financially I am in charge and have been able to install and keep boundaries to prevent ruin in that sense. I did allow one new loan (rather did not fuss when it was done) but was transparent about how that extra bill fits in with all the the family commitments. I’ve been near financial ruin in a previous relationship so am extra sensitive to it.

I feel I know what I’d prefer for myself. With a younger child their needs are front of mind so working a lot to determine short and long term how different options would impact them. Some of the spouse’s anger outbursts have been yelling at the child so that is a priority to stop even if it is not often. With the pandemic eliminating a lot of short term options I’m working more on myself to take care of my mental/emotional health and be there to support my child.

Since I’ve not got a time machine I’m trying to minimize the massive amount of “I should have” “why didn’t I” thinking. Been hit and miss on success there.

Then there are days when the behavior is fine so guilt starts to creep in that I don’t want to stay.

Posted by OutofHisCloset
August 6, 2020 12:37 pm

 I didn't answer your post because you asked for advice from those who stayed, and I didn't.  But I did want to say that if you don't already know about the mumsnet group you might want to go there, too.  It's exclusively for those who are dealing with trans issues.

Posted by Zenobia
August 6, 2020 2:18 pm

Thank you OOHC. I’ve posted a bit on mumsnet which has been helpful. Some there are in the same position where they are not yet out of the situation.

Right now I’m doing my best to work on detachment and healing while having to still be in the middle of the situation and it being right in my face.

Reading a lot more here and seeing so much that I’ve faced as well. Just reviewed a thread mentioning it being common for the spouse to start blaming the straight spouse out of guilt. Yep I was screamed at for not stating I was hetero oh so many years ago. ??? Just so many examples I see of the pattern. Thank goodness for this site and those of you that have shared as it helps so much not think you’ve just lost your mind.

I know I’m the only one that can do it but I am working to get myself to the point where I can say “I don’t care if you don’t “feel” like you can find a job as your new self for “years” but you are an adult and this is the path you have chosen so leave and go live that life.” 

Not even sure how much it would help if it felt like I had an equitable distribution of the work (house/child/finance) where I could  at least see them as a roommate that pulled their weight. They are so self absorbed I have a lazy houseguest that has overstayed their welcome.

I’ve some more reading to do I’m the First Aid Kit as well.

Posted by lily
August 6, 2020 5:33 pm

Hi Zenobia,

It is wrong of him to take out a loan without your prior knowledge and agreement.

We get it here - we know this is about love for you and I do respect that but I also want to point out that for him, he can run through an awful lot of money in a short time.

In my case there was no feminisation involved but still - as it slowly dawned on me I was a responsible adult but he wasn't I started with taking over the household accounts which was a good first step, and then I was talking about financial separation for more than a year meanwhile my ex had already opened a secret bank account and kept siphoning off more and more cash out of our account the longer he could.  

so I am hoping you have some support, someone you can talk with about all this.  who. can help you think through your next steps.

wishing you all the best, Lily


Posted by Zenobia
August 6, 2020 6:47 pm

Lily - It was more that he committed to take it out (financing) then told me. Wanted me to fill it all out but did not so he had to figure it out. Thankfully I have the full budget and account access And he’s only ever had access to one account. A set amount is budgeted to him to use for personal use. The payments for the financing are taken from this. I’ve seen time and again that this road can be very expensive so doing what I can to safeguard my finances. Having that heads up was a HUGE help to be able to prepare and keep an eye out. 

I’ve confided in a few friends and my in laws know. With friends with all but one I focus on the non TTT behaviors and pretty vague/generic about my feelings on the rest. The one friend though I’ve been able to be free to speak as I need.

My in laws have been very supportive and I’ve learned that much of the irresponsible behavior and anger issues are long standing. So many ways the person I first met was a fiction. Feel I have a good support system although not local.

Posted by Zenobia
August 6, 2020 7:05 pm

Longwayhome - Good advice for the detaching. They use lots and lots of words. Some days it does seem I making progress better than others so perhaps some journaling to help see a pattern? Limited contact helps but hard in the same house. I’ve taken heed from other posts to it out myself in a position to be the confidant for transition. Before it had escalated to this stage I had helped with hair and such to be supportive. It’s too difficult now.

Last edited by Zenobia (August 9, 2020 8:37 pm)


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