Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() July 8, 2020 7:59 pm | #11 |
I think that community needs to add the letter D for dishonest
or H for Hiding
Posted by lily ![]() July 8, 2020 10:27 pm | #12 |
Here's J.K. Rowling talking about transgender activism.
Posted by Lynne ![]() July 9, 2020 12:59 am | #13 |
Last edited by Lynne (October 3, 2020 5:37 pm)
Posted by Lyonene ![]() July 9, 2020 12:20 pm | #14 |
lily wrote:
Here's J.K. Rowling talking about transgender activism.
I've been watching/participating in the "trans are women!" debacle for some years now. I've watched GallusMag's GenderTrender get pulled down. Seen my friends Miranda Yardley and Infamous T banned from Twitter. Observed the lunatics protecting predators like Jonathan Yaniv. Watched as men in skirts have taken women's positions in politics, corps, and charity orgs. Have seen the women's shelters in Canada made worthless by admitting men. Spoken with Ray Blanchard about autogynephilia. Been called a terf and every other female related insult you can imagine because men are threatened and jealous of what I am that they can never be.
And now I'm watching JK get raked over the coals a bit. Notably, she's getting more love than hate. Her Twitter ratios speak loudly. The tide has been turning.
Last edited by Lyonene (July 9, 2020 12:22 pm)
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() July 9, 2020 2:04 pm | #15 |
Yes, I, too, have been digging so deep in the trans bullshit ever since my autogynephilic now-ex declared in 2015 that he was "a woman in a man's body" that I feel like I've given myself a graduate degree in the subject. People really have no idea of the degree of the madness: "girl dicks," kicking women out of homeless shelters and the de-funding of women's shelters because females don't want to sleep in the same spaces as males pretending they're women.
Good thing JK Rowling is wealthy enough to hire security, and thankfully she's earned herself enough cred that people aren't abandoning her. You know Gallus Mag is up again with "Gender Trending," right?
Posted by Lyonene ![]() July 9, 2020 2:23 pm | #16 |
"You know Gallus Mag is up again with "Gender Trending," right?"
I did not! I gave up on it resurfacing when months and months went by and word press wouldn't let her transfer her files somewhere else. I'll look into it. I was very active there.
"feel like I've given myself a graduate degree in the subject"
Ain't that the truth? Feels like I've seen enough garbage to fill multiple lifetimes. Some days I wish I could unsee it all lol.
"Good thing JK Rowling is wealthy enough to hire security, and thankfully she's earned herself enough cred that people aren't abandoning her"
I'm glad she's speaking up. She's intelligent, communicates well, and is in a position to be listened to. The rest of us non-famous non-billionaires can talk, talk, talk, and get nothing but dismissed.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() July 9, 2020 5:46 pm | #17 |
The official line of the Straight Spouse Network on transness seems to be the same as their position on homosexuality, although the two are not at all alike. In Britain, there's a new movement started by gay people that has severed itself from the T. LGB, yes, T no. Trans activists claim that lesbians are transphobic because they do not want "girl dick." (Trans activists claim that a male's penis is "female" if that person "identifies as a woman.")
I am all for gay rights. I am for the rights of trans-identifying people not to be fired, but I am wholly against women being forced to give up their single space protective spaces for men who claim to be women but are more interested in forcing themselves into women's spaces than they are concerned for the women who need them.
If you start looking around at the violence threatened--and committed--against women who do not wish males in their locker rooms, domestic violence shelters, hospital wards, or on their sports teams and competitions (and taking sports scholarships from women), you will be horrified.
In addition, my experience, and that of many other women who have been married to men who announce they are trans, has shown me that many men who claim to be women are actually men who are sexually excited by the thought of themselves as women. It's called autogynephilia, and it's well documented in the psychological literature. Most reasonable people want everyone to live the lives they wish to live, and don't look into the details. I was like that, too, until I was forced to investigate and think critically about what had happened to me.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (July 9, 2020 5:50 pm)
Posted by Whirligig ![]() July 9, 2020 6:07 pm | #18 |
There is more and more pushback happening. I think it's a good thing. There's also something of a schism developing in their community. It's mostly in the UK but spreading as this stuff with the 'T's' is getting more out of control. It's starting to cause problems in their own groups. I think it's past due and hope more critical thinking continues. People are starting to stand up and say things aren't right. I think the rational LGBT's have to or they will lose what goodwill they have built up. Approval is declining when they are polling acceptance now and it's of their own doing.
More of them need to start saying that abusing straight people from the closet isn't okay and stop condoning the abuse of women and girls and calling it bigotry when we object. Stop dating closeted types with straight partners! Stop promoting fetishes as sexuality. Stop thinking of straight people as being tools for reproductive 'rights'. Stop with misogynistic drag that targets children.
I have a great deal more respect and sympathy for those that stand up to this behavior than I do for the others. A lot of them, honestly, probably aren't even legitimately in the category but more likely have a mental illness but you're forbidden from saying so. People, especially women, are getting tired of being silenced though. Enough is enough.
Posted by Leslie77 ![]() July 9, 2020 6:13 pm | #19 |
Okay, I hope this doesn't offend anyone and I am really not writing it to be mean. But this really bugs me ...
My STBX talked about his "female side" and how he had an alternate woman personality. Okay. I brought up to him many times the following things that I went through as a woman. These are things he did not "get" to experience in his fantasy world of being "female" and then going back to being a male:
(1) Getting my period at age 10 and having menstrual flow so bad I had to wear two super-plus tampons and a pad. That's in addition to the cramps, mood swings, and monthly headaches that were so bad I thought my head would explode.
(2) Being told repeatedly as a youngster "You can't do that because you're a girl."
(3) No sports for girls in my high school but every sport you can imagine if you were a boy.
(4) Reading classified ads for jobs and they were segregated by gender. The shitty, low-paying, subservient jobs were reserved for the females.
(5) Being on the job and men were known as "Mr. So-and-So" while women were addressed by their first name.
(6) Giving birth, naturally, to two ten pound babies.
(7) Speaking of births, if you don't want a baby and you are a woman, you'd better make sure you're using birth control because most men don't want to, or won't, wear condoms.
I know a lot has changed in the last 65 years that I have been on Earth, but putting on a dress and some sparkly make-up and saying you're going to be a female, even for one night, does not make you one. At least not in my book.
Posted by Lyonene ![]() July 9, 2020 6:47 pm | #20 |
"Is there nothing we can do? Nothing? Can we rise up against it? Can we stand up as women against it? There are many valid reasons to stand against this?"
A lot of us do, but there always needs to be more. More women, more voices. Women only spaces (bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, positions on councils, boards, politics) are being usurped. Men in dresses are counting as women filling positions so that women are actually losing out in getting positions in corporations and politics.
Girl organizations like GirlGuiding in the UK are being altered to accommodate male children who ID as girls, and men as leaders who ID as women.
Both gold and silver in 100m girls’ dash in Connecticut went to natal males. This is an ongoing court saga now. Meanwhile the actual girls missed wins and possible scholarships.
Swimming competitions in some states, and university athletics in Canada, have switched to self-ID.
Rhys/Rachel McKinnon/Veronica Ivy, became a women’s world champion in a cycling competition. When the third-placed female cyclist complained that a natal male had an unfair advantage, McKinnon called her a transphobe.
Stephen Terence Wood/Karen White, a self-identified trans with a record of sexual offences against women, was placed in a women’s prison in Britain—and promptly assaulted several other prisoners.
I could make links all day to the things that have happened or are happening.
"Does sexuality ever cross a line and become more of a sickness/mental disorder than an actual sexuality?"
Depends on who you ask really. Currently there are people at work trying to include pedophilia as a sexual orientation (a legitimate one). For most people this crosses a clear line, for others it doesn't. There's no hard and fast rulings out there. Blanchard, responsible for coining and defining autogynephilia, views it and states it as a clear mental disorder. The trans lobbyists and various and sundry LGBTQIA orgs would have you believe that 45 yr old men who have married, fathered children, and had whole careers in the male domain are in fact women. It's all very messy with not much science and a whole lot of virtue signalling.
"I am not against gay people."
Nor am I. My oldest son is gay. This really has zero to do with pro-gay/anti-gay, and more to do with the protection of rights, compelled speech, and thought policing.