Posted by OneDayAtATime July 2, 2020 11:04 pm | #1 |
How do I stay secretive enough to stay safe until I can get free, without becoming a lying manipulator like him?
I need to get my gidh to move our family closer to my work, (an hour away) before I tell him I want a divorce. The kids all need the resources they can get in a bigger area, and a permanent home (right now we’re in a rental.) My GIDH has abused me horrifically and I have to get free. I can’t pretend anymore. But I can’t tell him I’m going to leave him or else he won’t buy a house or move at all.
I don’t care much who will end up with the house, I just want the kids to have a place since one is already 18 but she’s far from ready to leave home.
I’m scared I’m acting like him by trying to manipulate him while trying to get a more stable home for the kids.
Am I just supposed to lie or pretend things are ok in order to get him to let out family move? I hate not being honest, but he can be viciously cruel and if I tip my hand I will not be safe.
Posted by JoeC July 3, 2020 9:22 am | #2 |
Are you safe, do you feel safe? This is a serious question. You mention that he is abusing you. If you aren't safe then can you move in with your family or friends now? My worry would be a potential for escalation of abuse. The financial situation, a house, is secondary to your safety. I hope you are safe.
Posted by OutofHisCloset July 3, 2020 9:56 am | #3 |
One Day At A Time:
It's a false equivalence to believe your attempts to stay safe are as bad as his manipulations and deceptions. To operate in stealth to preserve your safety and that of your children is self-defense. Your action is undertaken to protect yourself. If he had not done what he has, and is, you would not need to act in secret.
Securing your safety is the topmost priority.
Getting your GIDH to move may not be possible; we can't control or influence behavior by means of our own actions.
Please look up the number of a local women's shelter. You can always call 911, but here is the number for the national domestic violence hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
Posted by Whirligig July 3, 2020 10:36 am | #4 |
I would add that entangling yourself more with him by getting stuck in a mortgage might make it harder to leave and not less but you know your situation best. The rental lease might be a consideration but easier to get out from under and away from him. If he's physically abusive, restraining orders can get him out of a shared residence and can keep him away from you with legal ramifications if he breaks it. Everyone has given some good advice. Please stay safe.
Posted by OneDayAtATime July 3, 2020 3:20 pm | #5 |
Thank you so much for caring, everyone. It helps so much. If it wasn’t for the kids, I would have been long gone quite a while ago. If I wasn’t terrified of him convincing them all that he’s the good one and I’m the bad one, it would also be easier.
I don’t know how to leave with five kids and my daughter’s cats (she has extreme anxiety and at times severe depression and absolutely can’t make it without them.) At this point; there’s nothing that would make the kids leave with me, they are all hooked on all the electronics he has them addicted to. If I leave, even to work, he immediately works on them to resent me being gone. It was ok for him to work, even out of town four days a week every week, but when I work he gets them to think I’m abandoning them. Very, very, very subtly.
Right now, I am physically safe. Right now, you’ve never met a sweeter, more gentle man than my GIDH. At least that’s what he’s hoping to portray. Right now, he’s taking full advantage of the fact that we’re all stuck home.
The biggest harm that is happening to me right now is that I have to keep remembering all of the abuse he’s done to me and retraumatizing myself since he is gaslighting me so bad. I have to remember why I feel confused, why I need to get away. He’s being so nice, and acting out his version of thoughtful (that doesn’t include valentine’s or Mother’s Day gifts, or any consideration of me as a human with needs and feelings of course.) But every day I see him portraying his happy-family-man persona and it messes with my brain because this is the same person who has abused me so badly himself plus gotten other people to abuse me for his pleasure. He’s the one who has destroyed me down to nothing so I’ve had to rebuild myself to be able to have something left to offer my very needy children... and now he’s being the fun one with them, literally Disney dad, and I can’t/won’t compete.
If I tell him I need a divorce, that might change. One trick he’s used in the past is to threaten to kill himself (by either driving several hours away to go off the cliff where we first decided to get married, or by threatening to jump out of the car into traffic when I’m driving, or banging his head on the tile floor, or begging me to get a gun for him to shoot himself while drunk.)
A different tactic he’s used in the past when he was angry with me was to threaten to punch me or anyone who helped me in the face. Or to start destroying my stuff again or punching holes in the wall. Or abuse himself like the one time he told me he punched his crotch instead of punching me.
So he’s never laid a finger on me yet. He has guns, all rifles, but his own dad spent time in prison for shooting a friend so I half think he wouldn’t shoot anyone but half of me is afraid it makes him more likely to.
He’s extremely smart and calculated. He basically did a 15 year long-con on me to work me up to what he actually wanted, slowly but surely abusing and manipulating me along a path he’d planned. All of his outbursts were always for specific purposes to control me and as you can see were kind of ridiculous. None of his suicide threats were even realistic. Who threatens to jump out of a car on the freeway just because our marriage counseling session didn’t go well for him?!? 🤦♀️ His main goal of the last six months has been to be a “great dad.” He wants the kids to like and choose him, the same way he and his siblings prefer their dad over their mom. He has decided that if the kids have good memories of him he wins. So I think that is the thread I’m clinging to... he won’t do anything physically violent to me because he wants the kids to think he’s the good one. He wants to use them for attention because he has no friends, he doesn’t like having to work at being a friend to anyone. I think it’s exhausting for him to pretend.
Reading all that... it all boils down to a fight for the kids. None of them are ok; they all have a lot of needs, behind in school or speech or crippling anxiety etc. Plus at times I have up to three other nieces or nephews at my house too because of their various home life issues. Plus extreme fire danger season...there were three fires within 10 miles of my house yesterday. I have to stop thinking this is a no-win scenario, but dammit it feels like one.
I know the kids need to see me get free, it will be important and maybe life-saving for them in their futures. My mom just laid down and died, and that example for me as a young girl keeps influencing me way too much; so I know my kids need to see me fight for my life so they have THAT in their subconscious instead.
Posted by Rob July 5, 2020 7:25 am | #6 |
One day,
Here's what I,observed with my kids or rather my mindset from the other side with my kids.
The kids need a mom and a dad. Or rather they want a mom and a dad.
What they get with me now is a dad that is not abused..then they go back to their moms house. I don't want to take their mother away from them..she can be mother of the year for them ..she can be the strong mother she is or thinks she is for them.
(They may never know how much she hurt me or how much she screwed them over financially). I dont want them to hate her, I want them to have a mom...they need a mom.
For me, I have to have some use for her. Otherwise shes just a raging abuser to me...who I have no use for.
So if he thinks he is so strong and Disney dad of the year..well great...because he's going to need to be Disney dad and work and take care of the kids with school and their needs. I can surmise he probably is not too good at the stuff you do with them. If you separate there will parenting arrangement..he will need to take care of them when they're with him.. And when they are with you they can get the strong fierce consistent love and skills you have with them.
Let their dad practice now..because he's going to need it. The kids don't want to have to choose loyalty to either parent. They may selfishly complain if you go to work and they are with him..he can jump on that childish bandwagon..but when you come home or they are with you they will get the consistent fierce love they want.. I think , in time, kids see this. I think all kids gravitate toward their mothers..
In a sentence, if he cant treat you right, he is not privy to you as a full time babysitter.
You may have to wait and plan but don't think for minute that the situation he created for you and the kids is permanent..he may think it is but these spouses are not Gods. They cannot abuse us and then expect no consequences..
This is not us leaving them..this is them rejecting us.
Posted by OneDayAtATime July 6, 2020 3:38 am | #7 |
Thank you Rob, I appreciate your clear thinking and good advice.
One thing I keep thinking about is how your ex would be cruel to you but like a light switch would then be nice to the kids. I’m so scared of being like that. Of course I’m not being cruel to my GIDH, but I’m being way colder than I ever was. Friends that met me when I was still trying to make the marriage work have told me they were shocked at how sweet and obedient and considerate of him I was... so I’ve now cooled it down to a kind of roommate situation, but I’m trying to be polite and sort of friendly but not too friendly.
As much as he’s made me suffer, I don’t want to be cruel, and I especially don’t want to ruin the possibility of any sort of amicableness through the divorce.
So I’m trying to find the balance of not being cruel but not being too friendly, but it constantly feels like I’m being so mean by having boundaries. Are there any specifics that your ex did that was just terrible and something I should avoid? Or am I pretty safe from doing that since I’m still being polite, just trying to not have to sit next to him on the couch or do anything longer than a quick hug and peck when I see him (we have separate rooms.) Both of us try to do the dishes and try to back each other up on the rare occasion we have to change rules for the kids or whatever... he’s basically copying some of my supportive behavior I’ve always had towards him.
Posted by Rob July 6, 2020 8:03 am | #8 |
It is hard.. It is not like use to unkind to not be ourselves. One thing I swore on my life is I would not become like malevolent and cruel she was. To be able to physically reject people, lie and become a light switch her.
I guess in a way my GX made it easy...she would scream at me and if i screamed back...she would be like "you screamed at me". So I was polite, cordial.. nice to the kids...but just polite to her. She was the same way around the kids.. it was sick in a way...imagine a conversation where the kids talk to both of you and you talk to them but not to each other.. In a way you could say we both mimicked each other. I guess the difference for me was she was actively having an affair...i was acting this way for survival. I can recall when we were divorcing, or maybe not just yet, she found out I was plannin or doing something without her knowledge and call me secretive... And again I its it ok for you to a have a secret affair and not tell me where your going but if I dont telll you something, its not ok and Im secretive?
I had to be secretive for my survival.. it was not like me ... I cried doing a lot of things... but I had to keep thinking she caused it...she had forfeited all rights and privileges to telling her everything, my time, talents, ....she was not my friend.
And through it all I had to keep to saying I would not become like her..
I was not unkind. I can look back now and think how kind I was.. that I should have been meaner and stood up more. I had every right to be angry and swear..more than her. But then I remember that that is not me.. I got to keep me.. she would not/could not take that away.. Be freindly, be polite, no need to yell or swear. But dont' think for miniute that all your actions are "becoming like him".