Lori Gottleib is someone who wrote a memoir about her anorexia ("Stick Figure") and then went on to become a therapist. She has given some questionable advice to people whose spouses have cheated (look up what Chump Lady has had to say about her), and I would take anything she advises or her analysis with an iceberg-sized grain of salt.
I found it remarkable that in her answer she never says, "And what is it that YOU want, poster?" In Gottleib's advice about what she describes as "a letter about sexuality" I find it remarkable that she doesn't say, "So if your boyfriend is bisexual, or gay masquerading as bisexual, how do YOU feel about that? Is that an acceptable state of things for you?" Instead she focuses in on the narrow question of sexual activity, rather than on sexual orientation or sexual proclivity.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (May 18, 2020 8:25 am)