Posted by Karis ![]() April 9, 2020 11:27 am | #31 |
Wow. You are right about everything. Literally everything. He absolutely likes to have the image of perfection and he is very much a narcissist. He prides himself on a lot-his spiritual disciplines, his weight, appearance etc. He loves to portray the image of having it all together and never letting any of the pieces drop. He has confessed to me his insecurities lately because we have had so many arguments, due to the fact that Im not giving him 110% anymore. He says that he needs assurances. He is currently studying to get a PHD while I work full time and he says he has insecurities about that also. He's #1 focus and priority other than himself has always been his job and now that he is a student, he is struggling, which is compounded by the fact that Im not doting and worshipping him like I used to.
I do see how illogical their thoughts can be. One thing that stuck out to me during our arguments was how instead of my distance and indifference causing him to reach out to me and pour affection on me, it just made him angry and caused him to blame me for his insecurity and how I don't assure him of himself anymore. Its not about me getting what I need, its about him making sure he gets what he needs. That is why I was so upset when he chose to FaceTime his gay friend who is depressed because of quarantine. How can he show so much concern for him? For other people?
You are right about the porn. I don't need anything else to take his attention away from me.
Your words are so hard hitting but so on target. Thank you.
Posted by Abby ![]() April 9, 2020 12:46 pm | #32 |
I went back and found this post of mine from November 2019 because it was my "wake up" moment. My husband had announced he was gay and wanted a divorce, had moved into an apartment and my attorney had told me that it was o.k. to date. I had not realized until this how conditioned I was to living under my husband's dark cloud:
"... I was on a date, out in a kayak on a lake, and was enjoying the moment. When we went back to shore as we took the kayak out he mentioned that his back hurt. I asked him why he didn't say anything when we were on the lake because we could have come in sooner. His answer, you were enjoying it so much.
That's when the difference hit me. My husband wouldn't have taken a boat out because it wasn't his thing. If he had taken one out he would have complained long before his back hurt because something would be wrong. And if his back hurt I'd surely have heard about it - for days!
Everything was always about him but I was so used to it that the fact that someone could take pleasure in seeing me happy came as a shock. Eventually the numbness begins to wear off and like a plant in the spring we come back to life."
Posted by Karis ![]() April 9, 2020 2:28 pm | #33 |
Thank you Abby. It's amazing to me because I try so hard to explain to my friends, my sisters and my Mom what it is like living with my husband and then I get on this board and everyone already knows. Everyone here knows exactly what it is like. The canoe example is exactly what my husband would have done (what you say your ex would have done.) Especially if it had been my idea to go on a canoe trip...there would have been so much complaining and if his back had been hurting...then I could forget it! This is exactly what it would have been like with him. The similarities are shocking.
Posted by Karis ![]() April 9, 2020 2:41 pm | #34 |
I’ve been distant from him ever since I started feeling my eyes were opened to this possibility. As I mentioned before, I don’t dote on him, I don’t go over board in praising him anymore. I am basically treating him now, the way i have been treated for 22 years. I know he hates it and is bothered by it but he doesn’t know what to do and that’s the issue.
He’s never known how to reach out to me. He can’t do it and he won’t. So he stays stuck in his head and mind like always.
He has never and will never come up to me during the day and just hold me and ask me, baby, what’s wrong? It’s not in his nature. He’s never called me anything ever, except my first name. He doesn’t know how to reach me because it’s never been a priority before.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() April 9, 2020 9:18 pm | #35 |
Baby, if I may channel Sean, your husband is as gay as a rainbow, and trying very hard to say it to his correspondent without saying it outright. He's engaged in a covert flirtation. He can't admit it outright to anyone, especially to himself, and much less you, his beard and cover.
You would be far better off to stop thinking of yourself as a couple, stop thinking about what he does and thinks, and of yourself in relation to him and him in relation to you, and start thinking about yourself, as yourself, only yourself, alone, amen, forever and ever. His closet is what is important to him, not you, and every one of his actions in relation to you is all about protecting his cover/closet. This is the hard truth so many of us have to face.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (April 9, 2020 10:45 pm)
Posted by Karis ![]() April 10, 2020 5:10 pm | #36 |
Thank you for your comment OOHC. I think you are right and I appreciate this board and everyone on here for helping me think through things. Im reading a book on intuition right now and it seems very timely. I know what my gut/my intuition is telling me. I am able to check who he texts/calls on our phone records and they have already been texting this afternoon. Of course I don't know what the messages say, but at this point, does it really even matter?
Posted by Rob ![]() April 10, 2020 7:31 pm | #37 |
K, does not matter what they are texting. How many text did he send you today? (Even if in the same house)
My GX had over 200 text to her girlfriend in a day..easily seen on the phone bill. Her phone was her new spouse.
I am so glad to be free of someone cheating and berating me in the same second they say they love me. My GXs affair took place right in front of me..she got some sick amusement from it..made her feel clever ..never immoral.
Posted by Karis ![]() April 11, 2020 11:03 am | #38 |
As I mentioned in my earlier posts, my husband used to be a pastor but is currently not pastoring. I’ve been in the church world quite a bit. I love so much about it but have also been wounded (as most have) by it as well. I noticed the scripture verse that you have at the end of each post. It always shocks me when I see it because it’s been one that I have clung to during this time as well.
I believe God wants us to be happy. I believe God wants both people in a marriage to feel cherished. I trust that God has more in store for my life, even though I can’t see it right now. I believe God put people and circumstances in my life at this moment to open my eyes to the unfair and unequal aspects of my marriage. I know God wants more for me.
Do you mind explaining what this verse means to you?
Posted by Rob ![]() April 11, 2020 8:00 pm | #39 |
I was in hell on earth for 2.5 years..
It takes faith. A busload of Faith. We need to walk forward even though we cannot see an end to the hurt. There is an end to it..unseen, unknown, We need to believe that God is with us and he has some plan..unseen, unknown.
She saw just a scared trembling person.. clutching his bible in pure physical fear...all alone. But i was not alone. God was with me and he did comfort me and he did send help.
I leave the verse there so that others may know how someone else found some courage, comfort and strength..
Last edited by Rob (April 11, 2020 8:01 pm)
Posted by JenS ![]() April 12, 2020 7:56 am | #40 |
Last edited by JenS (April 27, 2020 8:03 pm)