Posted by UserNada ![]() February 24, 2020 11:34 am | #1 |
I am not seeking advice on how to leave my relationship, though the prospect of escaping is tempting just because staying post mindfuck(s) has been horrible. I am looking for genuine advice on how to cope - adjust.
So, my wife has had same-sex attractions for probably her whole life, but only recently has she fully begun to recognize them. She had a two year stint a few years ago where she masturbated to women and lesbian porn. She claims that she has no interest in having sex with or having a romantic relationship with a women, even if we weren't married/together. She simultaneously went from denying (our whole marriage, but particularly the year after I discovered the porn) to now admitting that she does find some women sexually attractive. But she still claims that she doesn't actually want sex with them. Personally, I seriously doubt she is being honest with me or, possibly, herself, in this regard. I think she does find the fantasy of having sex with a woman satisfying and would, should she allow herself to be comfortable in the moment, enjoy actually having sex with a woman or just going to strip clubs and buying lap dances from women.
Now, back when I thought my wife was straight, I would occasionally fantasize about her being bisexual for arousal's sake. I have always found lesbian porn perfectly suited to my purposes when I was alone and feeling sexually unsatisfied (which was frequent). Now, however, that I realize it is true that she desires women - it makes me physically ill to think of her acting on it (as either masturbating to porn, as she did, or acting on it directly with a woman , or even just being turned on by some woman in a restaurant). It makes me feel VERY uncomfortable and, again, disgusted.
I am not sure why I feel this way. Does this ring a bell with anyone and, if so, did you have any breakthrough in finding out why you felt this way and how to get over it?
We are trying to make this MOM work, though I am having a VERY hard time with it. This issue, finding her new sexuality disgusting, is just one more hurdle for me to jump and, I HAVE to clear it for our relationship to work. Others include trust, emotional safety, infidelity, and others, as she hid the porn and her desires to women for many years and, despite us having numerous deadly serious talks about it over our marriage, she always had an excuse, minimization, outright lie, or rationalization that would calm me down until the next conversation a few days or years later.
Thank you for any thoughts on how to become comfortable with my wife's bisexuality.
My own list of causes (I don't know why it disgusts me so much):
-I have always found bisexuals inherently untrustworthy when it comes to their sexual motives and behaviors. I would never had married or even dated my wife if I had known she was bisexual.
-I see her attraction to women as a sign that she will leave me, in the end, for a woman (either because she is secretly lesbian now, "fluids" her way into being one later, or just won't be satisfied with being exclusively with me long-term).
-Each incident of her attraction to women in the past is an instance of her deceiving me, as she claimed she wasn't attracted to women our whole relationship. Deception and infidelity disgust me.
-I simply find same-sex attraction from a spouse abhorrent in a hetero relationship context because of all the divorces and breakups I have personally seen it cause.
-The thought of my wife masturbate to anyone other than me is deeply disturbing, but with women, it is simply compounded by the deception to make it extra disgusting.
I don't know which, if any of these, are causing my visceral reaction of wanting to puke when I contemplate her having these feelings or acting on them in any way.
Last edited by UserNada (February 24, 2020 11:46 am)
Posted by lily ![]() February 24, 2020 1:31 pm | #2 |
UserNada there is an old saying - sexual magnetism. the opposite to attraction is repulsion. This is very basic.
How many straight spouses talk about feeling sick? it is normal. There is no way to get over it. It is the same for your gay spouse. It means you are in an incompatible sexual relationship. How do you handle it?
Well if you ask me, I say don't try and handle it but I did a longterm MOM, I didn't know that's what I was doing but looking back I can see that like the Dutchman it was my religious beliefs that made it swing as well as it did. I looked to God to make me happy instead of my spouse.
By the time my 40's rolled around I didn't want to have sex with him any more than he wanted to have sex with me. I still didn't know he was gay. It was visceral. That slightly sick empty feel in the pit of my stomach - like having the rug pulled out from under your feet feeling - had got worse. When I knew he was gay it just imploded and I spent 3 weeks having hour long showers before I could start to cry it out.
Knowing what I know now, if I were in a situation where I needed to stay in a MOM, I would take the sick feeling seriously and defend myself better. The best thing I did for myself was pick up my artwork. Do you do the cooking? better to eat your own food. Better to try and cope than try and adjust - embrace your straight self, you need yourself!
Most importantly, take a good long carefully considered look at your spouse. Step back for a moment, don't ask questions, don't engage in talk, just listen and observe. Get to understand her.
The stronger you are the better she will treat you.
Posted by UserNada ![]() February 24, 2020 3:25 pm | #3 |
Lily, Well - I am not strong now. I am a nervous wreck. I am crying now. I wake up crying. I go to bed in tears. I cannot take joy or pleasure in anything, so long as I am even the least bit consciously aware of what she has done or how she feels about women. I cannot seem to shake it. I cannot concentrate on my work. I can hardly sleep, eat, or perform daily functions. I don't want to be awake. I fantasize about killing myself all the time. Even my kids cannot make me happy anymore. I just feel devastated and bereft of all hope or happiness.
This is NOT my normal self, by a long shot. I am naturally industrious, independent, self-actualizing, and pretty happy. This has just taken me to some sort of hell state and I want out. Trouble is, I don't want out without my wife. I didn't marry her for her looks. I would stay married to her if she never could have sex with me again (so long as she didn't want to have sex with anyone else) or suffered some other terrible fate health wise. If not for her under satisfying me sexually (I want it daily, she is more every 2 weeks or more [at least with me]) and this seemingly growing attraction to women, I would be (and was) absolutely trusting and in love with her.
While I appreciate the advice - "look after your own needs, hobbies, work, friends, etc." is advice I have heard often lately. The problem is, I don't care about those things right now. I just don't care at all about them. I feel like my clothes are on fire and I am burning alive and people are suggesting I go for walks. It is crazy talk to me. I need to know what to do with this situation I am in, not put myself somewhere else. If I need to just move on, I will divorce. If I need a distraction - that ought to do it.
My religious beliefs won't save me or keep me in this relationship, as I have no religion. Only my wife and I, with whatever advice or help we can pull from, can save us. I do have principles, like truth, integrity, freedom, and such, but they don't seem to be working well for me lately. Truth has resulted in discovering this horror. The lies were more comforting, at least while they lasted...
Last edited by UserNada (February 24, 2020 3:29 pm)
Posted by lily ![]() February 24, 2020 4:20 pm | #4 |
okay that's good - I don't have religious beliefs either any more. I don't think they helped at all in the long run, just enabled me to stay longer.
So the symptoms of deep shock you describe are a very normal response. We can all empathise here. I believe you when you say you are naturally industrious, independent and pretty happy.
It was a bit different to me because I already went to hell and back before I knew he was gay, finding out sent me into shock and all the physical and emotional symptoms came pouring out but it also, there was this point where I just thought that's it he's used it all up, I don't love him any more. My heart was my own. So my path was more simply laid out.
While I didn't know he was gay I put up with all sorts of stuff and never questioned but that I would always stay with him.
um, just got an unexpected call and need to go out shortly so back later but just want to say I know you're in hell but you are making progress and you will feel better again, promise.
Posted by HurtAndConfused ![]() February 25, 2020 6:37 am | #5 |
Your feelings are real. I think allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without guilt about doing so will help. I've discovered it was part of the process. The discovery is really big thing, life changing, so understand it makes sense you are going through those emotions. All of us here can relate to that. Try not to over think and ride those emotions and eventually you will come to a conclusion as to what is best for you and your marriage, whether it be MOM or not. Sometimes, while external input is helpful, too much when you are feeling this always can be overwhelming. I wish you the best. EHug
Posted by lily ![]() February 25, 2020 9:12 am | #6 |
okay so, I know it's not something you want to feel but my sense of things is that the disgust is both cleansing and self-protective - it is your homeostatic answer to the burn. Shaking and crying and feeling like killing yourself is intense serious response to the circumstance you are in. Trust yourself to handle this - you are on a voyage of discovery right now, when you are waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You take things on board in bits. Don't censor yourself, however bad the feeling it will roll in, tell you what it has to say and keep rolling out it will not last. You will be okay, better out than in.
I literally fell to the floor when I realised he was gay. Crying and shaking is good - your body is looking after itself. It's like the bit where he is telling me his bisexuality is none of my business. My jaw dropped, literally. I am looking at him thinking I wish I could close my mouth but actually I think it keeps the oxygen coming in.
The thing about tgt is that it changes your past as well as your present. I felt like it was a lightning strike that illuminated the darkened landscape in one bright flash and then it took time as I sifted through my memories seeing them in a different light,
Take your time. rest as much as you can. And yes, go for walks, sometimes it is easier to think things though while you're walking.
Posted by UserNada ![]() February 25, 2020 1:09 pm | #7 |
I appreciate your writing to me. I am in so much pain. I know how very much in love with my wife I was. I KNOW it! She was everything to me. I could take the greatest effortless joy in just holding her hand. I sacrificed my career and so much else to her and our family's future together. I didn't begrudge it when I had finished letting that stuff go. I stopped going to strip clubs, without a moment of hesitation or judgement when she asked me to stop (very early in our relationship). It was easy. I went from being addicted to daily porn (for two decades) to dropping it cold-turkey when I read all the research at how it can threaten a relationship. No problem.
Now, I am having these feelings I never had before toward her and our future. It is terrifying and horrifying to have her touch my hand and I feel no comfort or warmth.
To get this thread back on point - Does anyone know how to get over a disgust reflex about a spouse's new sexual orientation?
Posted by lily ![]() February 25, 2020 5:34 pm | #8 |
Well I am the person who is saying the disgust is an automatic homeostatic wired in response, and trying to 'get over it' is akin to trying to get over flinching away from a thorn.
Your body is telling you what you need to hear.
What you are telling us in all your story is that you are a heterosexual monogamous man who is capable of falling in love and maintaining a loving relationship. Unfortunately you are now discovering that the woman you fell for hasn't been entirely honest with you - of course you are in an enormous amount of pain.
Nothing you did wrong but here you are.
Please bear in mind the idea that this is not new information for your wife - it is not a new sexual orientation.
and look after yourself. Your belief in your own perceptions has been undermined, you can make it easier on yourself with lots of trust instead of second guessing.
Posted by UserNada ![]() February 27, 2020 11:13 pm | #9 |
More and more lies revealed in the last few days, some of which represent years of deception in conversations where she was being "totally honest" and "open" to me. Surprise, chump! They were nothing but more lies. Lies all the way down. I feel like such a sucker for trying so hard. I feel like such an idiot for loving her so much. Seriously, I would have cut my arm off if she asked me to. I trusted her that much. What a doofus I am. Now we have two little girls who may well witness their family implode.
Posted by lily ![]() February 28, 2020 5:46 am | #10 |
Nada, I am so sorry, I know how much it hurts and all the emotions. It is a ride of intense emotions for a while. It will ease with a bit of time. Yeah, I trusted my ex too.
So, from my vantage point of knowing nothing about you or your family other than what I read in your posts, I am of the opinion that the thing your two girls need is to have as much of you in their life as they can have. And I mean that in a deep down feeling way more than just in hours.
ie. and this is an important point - you can give your all to be there for them but not to sacrifice yourself in the process - that is never going to work, for them as much as for you.
Calm, composed disposition is what I am wishing for you. Really let yourself observe your wife, and take the time for the shoe to drop all the way to the floor.
there is a lot of sympathy here on this board. wishing you all the best, hugs Lily