Posted by StraightSpouse1979 February 15, 2020 2:33 pm | #1 |
Sometimes I dont know what type of post to make because it all seems to be overwhelming to me so I thought maybe I would just start some type of daily journal on here to go through the moments as they happen and maybe something within these daily journals would help somehow because as it happens I can get some input from everyone on this board. As people say, it is a group no one wants to be apart of but surely glad that it exists.
So it is the day after Valentine's Day. I never fell victim to the hallmark holiday of Valentine's Day but for the past twenty years I have not had to think about Valentine's Day as a day of mourning or sadness. I dont miss the over priced flowers or finding a place to get reservations for because places are always booked but I do miss not feeling depressed on Valentines Day or extra depressed.
In addition to getting eachother something for Valentines Day we always got a small something for one another from our daughter. This year, I did the same thing because I figure it is the co parenting thing to do. It was not something huge, it was a small stuffed animal she picked out and we did a craft and she painted him a picture on a canvas. I didnt get him a card because to be honest I have a hard time finding cards the last year that says dad because i cannot even consider him a "dad" anymore with what he has done and how he presents himself. But, I got him a gift from her. He did not get me anything from her not even a card which I am ok with no cards because they are overpriced but nothing. I told him last night that he ruined my Valentine's Day. It sucks to begin with due to what is going on but he made it worse by not even getting me something small from her. His excuse was I am not the ONLY one who is suffering and it is selfish for me to think this and that he did think of getting me something but that time got ahead of him. He had the ability to think about getting himself 55 dollar women suade books when I have ONE pair of work shoes I have had for three years that are getting a hole in the toe. He has had time to get himself new hoop silver earrings to wear but the time has gotten away from him to get me something small from our daughter. I told him HE has been SELFISH in making himself happy I reserve the right to be SELFISH in the pain that he has caused me. I finished with I am sure he found time to get his "girls" he is friends with something for Valentine's Day and finished the conversation at that.
I went to the liquor store and bought some wine and it was me myself and wine last night. I watched netflix as I do every nigh which after a year of this is starting to become overhwhelmingly depressing. I use to say man I wish i had some ME time at night to watch TV but man I think that just bit me in the butt big time because it is all I have now is ME time. He at least has these "women" to text and talk to on the phone. I literally feel like I have no one to make me feel good about myself. No men fluffing my ego like he has to fluff his all the time.
I work today 4-8 PM so at least while that sucks when I come home it is bed time so I dont have to deal with him. Anyways that is my update for today.
Thanks for listening
Posted by Ellexoh_nz February 15, 2020 5:39 pm | #2 |
StraightSpouse1979 wrote:
Sometimes I dont know what type of post to make because it all seems to be overwhelming to me so I thought maybe I would just start some type of daily journal on here to go through the moments as they happen ......
The "daily journal" idea is a good one SS. If nothing else it gives you a record of your days to reread & refer to. I'm doing similar on the MOM board (though not every day) and lately have been thinking of moving it to another board because although I am still with my's no longer committed and feel I'm in the wrong
So I'll be reading your posts and as for the Valentine Day meant something to me 35 years ago. I used to try to make the day mean something but he just ignored it. The sentiment, the romance....the possibility. It's just another day
Posted by Davin February 15, 2020 8:11 pm | #3 |
If you want someone to talk to, we can get together on Discord (free app) and chat over the internet. I created a channel called ToughTimesSupport for people to have someone to talk to, vent, and whatever is needed at the time I suppose. is the link to it. I'm not always on but send me a private message on here and we can schedule a time to chat.
The loneliness is getting to me these days. First Valentine's Day for me in 27 years where I didn't have a Valentine in my life with which to share it. I tried connecting with some friends of mine and the rules of engagement change. One friend told me "I'm not available to provide you with the emotional support I'm sure you so desperately need right now..." I had only asked her out for 20-30 minutes for a cup of coffee to catch up. I wasn't even planning on telling her my wife had moved out and that we were getting a divorce, I really just wanted to share a cup of coffee and strike up a conversation.
That new set of rules of engagement is a tricky thing for me to navigate these days. Some women don't want to talk to me because I'm in the separated but not yet divorced stage yet. Others have an internal clock that they seem to have where I have to put in 1-5 years of being divorced and single before I am eligible to re-enter the dating pool. Even if I explain that I'm not looking to date, that I just want to have some adult conversation for a few minutes, they treat me like I'm some sort of pariah.
Creating and writing in a journal every day is a great idea! I've been doing it for 3 months now and it has really helped me immensely get through the toughest of days. I generally write in the journal in the evening as I reflect on my day. It helps me vent and get things off my chest so that I don't end up taking that out on people around me. I'm dealing with the issues of a GIDW who had an affair with a man to try and prove to herself and to me that she is straight. I watched a 25-year marriage dissolve as she changed and morphed into a person that now looks like a complete stranger compared to the woman I met 27 years ago. I had to put processing my anger aside when I learned about the affair because she agreed that we should try and reconcile and reconnect. Problem was, she didn't want to break up with her boyfriend at the time... so we were going through marital counseling while she was still seeing her boyfriend. She never truly wanted to reconcile she just was biding her time until she built up the courage to walk out and go it alone. Now that we have separated and are getting a divorce, I am finally processing the anger issues of the affair and writing in a journal has helped me immensely with that! I don't have a public journal, I just write in a Word document every day. Nobody but me will ever read my journal.
Posted by StraightSpouse1979 February 15, 2020 8:27 pm | #4 |
.I used to try to make the day mean something but he just ignored it. The sentiment, the romance....the possibility. It's just another day
The sad thing with me is that my husband was always good with holidays, birthdays, anniversaries. Always got something from him. Last year was the first post being told about the estrogen Valentines Day but we still went to dinner to try to enjoy Valentine's Day but it was uncomfortable. It was awkward. This year was just miserable and depressing.
Posted by StraightSpouse1979 February 15, 2020 8:34 pm | #5 |
I find the "talking" thing with me is an odd thing. I have a good amount of in real life friends and family who are aware of what is going on with me. None know what to say or how to empathize because it is not the "normal" my husband had an affair or he is a drug addict or alcoholic. No one has any experience with my husband wants to be a girl. So, I get a lot of "sympathetic" ears but mostly the why dont you just leave comments. But what they do not get is that I have spent 20 years with him and even though I want to put hot sauce in my eyes and ear plugs in rather than see or hear him we have a daughter so I battle with do I suffer myself or do I rip her life apart?
Men in general I find fall in two categories. The ones who know think that I can probably have a fling with her because her life is in shams right now or they dont want to touch me with a ten foot pole because of what is going on in my personal life. Or, I feel guilty even having coffee with a guy friend because i am still married even though he goes out to gay bars every month and hangs out with other transgendered women like himself who I am sure he is hooking up with them.
You are more than welcome to message me
Posted by Nuked2018 February 15, 2020 10:51 pm | #6 |
Straight Spouse:
I hear ya. The loneliness is the worst. I remember laying in bed with GIDX and feeing so utterly alone and empty. My heart goes out to you.
I’m dealing with 30 years of being together and now I’m on my own after my divorce was final in July and I’m glad not to have to deal with him anymore. The GIDX has moved right on and got himself another beard and moved in with her while I am still trying to pick up the pieces of the life I thought I had. It’s amazing how easily I was replaced, he puts on a great act.
Posted by Nuked2018 February 15, 2020 11:00 pm | #7 |
The loneliness is the worst part. Even though we know we’re better off without them and the abuse it’s hard to be alone after such a long term marriage. Mine was about the same as yours and a similar experience of marriage counseling while he was carrying on an affair. We actually went to a church sponsored marriage encounter and he had been texting the OP that morning! Its crazy how many of these stories are similar. It’s like they all get issued a play book or something.
Posted by walkbymyself February 16, 2020 10:58 am | #8 |
You know what's worse than Valentine's Day? New Year's Eve.
I have very little patience for these guys wallowing in self-pity because they think they want to be female. Wanna be female? Just take a 30% cut in pay. That's what being female is. Work twice as hard so that everyone else can take credit for your accomplishments. Come home to the kids and work an entire second shift wrangling dinner and homework and housework while your spouse watches TV. That's being female.