Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() October 14, 2019 2:40 pm | #1 |
I am taking the liberty of posting your story below, from "Our Storie," because replies are not enabled there, and it looks as if you could use some support (you say you have tried without luck to contact the SSN twice in the past few months). I will remove it if you object.
Hello - Glad I found SSN and can finally tell my [long] story out loud. Thanks for listening.
I have been together with my gay husband for nearly 30 years. We have a teen child and we are 6 years post-disclosure. I blame myself often for where I’ve ended up. I knew from almost the very beginning of our relationship that he was gay.
After living together for 6 months, I came upon a journal totally by accident. I opened the notebook to see what it was and - bam - “I think I’m gay” was written on the page. He proceeded to describe his feelings toward some guy at a club he lusted after. A few pages after that he wrote that he liked me and was enjoying the attention & affection I was giving him. That he was enjoying being attracted to a woman. He wrote, “what’s wrong in waiting for the rest?” as in, waiting for love to develop.
I was so angry, hurt and confused about the journal. BUT I NEVER CONFRONTED HIM. You know why? Because I didn’t want him to think I was snooping. I was worried about my integrity and we had also just moved in together investing an entire SIX MONTHS into our relationship. Yeah, I know, I was really stupid at 20 years old… I tried to get out of the situation though. I told my mom and hoped I could move back in with her. She listened to me and blew off all the hurtful gay bits and basically said: “that sucks, good luck with that”. I wondered why he would start this relationship with me if he didn’t love me? That he must be bi and have feelings for me… so I decided to stay and see where things took me.
Over the years there have been more opportunities to confront. I’m so ashamed of my younger self. The few times I did try to gently ask if he was gay, he would deflect and try to disorient me by pointing out some default of mine. He always made it sound like there was something wrong with me or something wrong that I was doing to make him emotionally & sexually detached. I developed the habit of thinking badly about myself and feeling insecure.
After I turned 30 I contemplated leaving. I had a decent job, money saved & it was clear we were going nowhere. I also wanted to be a mother and knew it would take some time to find a new person in my life. Unfortunately, I had written these ideas in my own journal in which *he* purposely snooped. In an attempt to keep me in his closet, he asked me to marry him. I didn’t answer right away because I was planning to leave. After a little thought, I again wondered why he would ask me to marry him if he didn’t love me or was gay. This time I DID confront. He said that those types of feelings were in the past when he was young and now he wanted to be married to me. Ultimately, I loved him and decided that I would like to see how marriage might affect our relationship. I said yes (ugh).
At the start of the marriage I promised myself that if I ever found definitive proof that he was gay, I would have something to throw in his face and would leave. Six years ago, I finally found it… I came home from work early and found his laptop on the bed and it was open (normally locked screen). He had just gotten in the shower, so I looked at it and there was a gay porn video running. I finally threw it in his face and he just looked really sad and said: “I can’t help it.” He begged and pleaded for me not to leave. He said he would do anything for our marriage, that he loved me, blah blah blah. “Please don’t break up our family”…. I told him that I needed to go to counseling to figure things out. I found a therapist who seemed open to MOMs. I brought my husband into counseling with me and we were able to address a lot of his religious issues & shame associated with that. He maintained his love for me & willingness to do anything to save our marriage. I decided there are many types of families and many ways to love so I was willing to see if we could make it work with our new found communication. We were both on the same page about being monogamous to each other.
After disclosure, we actually had a really nice honeymoon period. I felt the most love and affection I had ever felt in our relationship. He was initiating sex often and when he looked into my eyes there was the look of love I had always desired to see. During this time, he discovered how much he could qualify for a home loan & suddenly really needed to buy a house. I went along with it but knew I shouldn’t be getting involved with buying while we were still figuring things out. WELL, we ended up buying anyway. I cried so much the first few days knowing I was creating another difficulty for myself & my child down the road.
My husband became distracted by the house and the attention I was enjoying started to wain. Shortly after buying, he experienced some job insecurity and said we couldn’t afford to go to counseling anymore. Once that stopped, he told me to quit asking him questions or talking to him about his sexuality then slammed his gay-closet door shut once again.
Over the last 6 years, I have slowly become more & more lonely & miserable. I finally decided to tell some friends hoping it would keep me from going nuts. I’ve always feared the humiliation of “coming out” but 3 of the 4 people I’ve told have been supportive.
Last month, our wedding anniversary rolled around and I could not bear it. Another year had flown by. Another year wasted with this person. Another year that I didn’t try to fix my situation. I’ve spent more than half my life with him - 28 years!! My beauty is fading, I can no longer have children, my mind is full of negative thoughts all the time, I don’t have financial means to move out, and I can no longer put on a happy face for my sweet teenager. I felt like my head was going to explode from despair… My husband was annoyed with me because I barely acknowledged our anniversary so I decided it was time to have the break-up talk.
He was blind-sided and attacked me with all his tricks trying to control me & keep the closet door closed, but for the first time, I had complete clarity and stood my ground. He left the house for a little while and we continued communicating through email. It’s been a couple of weeks now and we are in agreement that our marriage is over because he is GAY. We still need to work out the rest. Right now, we are both in the house sleeping apart.
I feel ashamed to say that I loved this person. I can’t believe all the years I spent pining for him. That I still love him. That I care what happens to us both. I hope that I am able to keep moving forward OUT of this marriage that makes sense for both of us. That I can protect my child… I have tried contacting SSN twice since August with no reply. I hope I can get some assistance soon. I broke up with my husband without a plan and I’m feeling pretty scared right now. Oh, and I told my mom... she said, "Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Hope you can work it out." (sigh)Last edited by broomhilda (Today 8:39 am)
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 14, 2019 2:41 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() October 14, 2019 6:43 pm | #2 |
I always think when I see a new story in Our they know nobody will reply?....have they read and understood "replies are disabled"?....I hope when nobody acknowledges their story they realise why!
I also think that no Our Story should be reposted without the OP's permission. I would have been mortified if mine had
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() October 14, 2019 6:53 pm | #3 |
I contemplated sending a PM to Broomhilda, but like you, I didn't know how familiar she was with the site, and whether she would even see a PM. So I reposted it, deciding to err on the side of offering her some support, which in saying she'd tried to contact the SSN it seems she wants.
Posted by Lyonene ![]() October 15, 2019 12:16 pm | #4 |
The "our stories" section is confusing imo. When you're new here it's not readily apparent that it is not for support or replies.
I don't get the purpose of the section.
Posted by lily ![]() October 15, 2019 12:59 pm | #5 |
Yes, I have no idea why the stories section exists on the front page like that either, it must be confusing for new posters.
Hi Broomhilda,
first, my sympathies re your mother. and second please don't be too hard on your young self - I have the benefit of hindsight now that I have been away from my ex for a few years and it is shocking to see how quickly one's self confidence is eroded - I reckon it took about three weeks of having sex with a gay man - and how profoundly that affected me. someone wrote here recently something to the effect that the worst part is not the fake husband it is the theft of oneself. Yes. That. I am so much more myself again and it happened quite quickly but has continued and now I feel fully myself again.
Just take it one step at a time. your feelings towards your husband are likely to change somewhat as the full picture emerges during the process of separation. my tip is to rest a lot, as much as you can even if it is only short naps, take them. One step a day. Look for the people you need to support you - form a plan. The crux of divorce is the financial split and you only get one chance - once it's done it's done, protect yourself.
wishing you all the best, Lily
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() October 15, 2019 1:23 pm | #6 |
Lyonene wrote:
The "our stories" section is confusing imo. When you're new here it's not readily apparent that it is not for support or replies.I don't get the purpose of the section.
As time has gone on I've noted every time a story goes into that section I wonder how comfortable the author is with English, how at-ease they are in an online a time when this Mindfuck has many straightspouses lost and confused, and how many new members the Forum loses because they don't realise the structure of it.
Should "Our Stories" be a place where new people can post only after they have posted something on one of the other boards?
Posted by broomhilda2 ![]() November 28, 2019 2:07 am | #7 |
Hi - I was the author of this OP and just seeing that it was reposted here... I don't mind and I understood that there would be no replies in the newbie section. I just needed to purge my story and then take some time to deal with my situation.
When I talked about contacting SSN 2x prior for support, I used the contact form on the main website where it says they will put you in contact with a support group in your area. I received no response... BTW, my username is now broomhilda2 because I couldn't login & the "forgot your password" function doesn't work (no ability to contact anyone for website support).
ANYWAY, I'm not in a great headspace right now. I'll try to articulate my thoughts in a new post. Thank You, Lily, for your response. "The theft of oneself" - yep. That's it.