I think that you may be in the wrong place if what you are looking for is advice about a long distance relationship. At the beginning of this forum it states:
This forum is for discussion of issues related to Mixed Orientation relationships only, that is when one partner is heterosexual (straight) and one is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning.
I don't see in your post any mention that your relationship includes any one of these issues.
(For what it's worth, as someone in my 60's I would say that the idea that there is only one person with whom you can be happy is a fallacy. Those of us here have relationships that aren't working out for the reasons listed but that does not mean that we can never find love again. Venturing out is hard but the world is filled with single people and by focusing on one person whom you cannot be with you limit your chances of finding love close by.)