Posted by Damaged88 ![]() October 9, 2019 7:00 pm | #1 |
It will be two months tomorrow since my husband moved out. I was so happy to find this site as it brought me out of my darkness. For the first time, I felt validated and sane. No matter what any support I received from people that were trying to help, I started to feel like I was going crazy. Then I found this site and read through so many stories and found so many similarities to mine. I felt for the first time I wasn’t alone and that other people knew exactly how I was feeling, even in my “crazy” moments.
I feel like it’s time to tell my story. Kind of long, but here it goes....
I grew up with my husband. We were high school sweethearts. We went to elementary school together. He always had a “crush” on me. Actively pursued me even though I had no interest in him at the time. He never gave up. Pursued me hard until one night I realized I started to have feelings for him. As much as a 15 year old girl in high school could have feelings for someone. We started to date. June of 2004. Never broke up. He was teased all through high school for being gay. I was always there by his side to defend him. He denied it. Hard. I never asked him straight up but I figured if I was actively defending him to bullies then he would tell me if it was true. Wrong. We graduated high school, went to the local community college. Got married. Bought a house. 2 years into our marriage (we were 23 years old) he drops a bomb. “I think I might be gay”. He goes to counseling. We go to counseling together. I learn more details about the sexual abuse he endured as a child. Being young and naive, and in love, I contributed his confused feelings to PTSD of his sexual abuse. But at the same time he would tell me “he didn’t want to label himself as gay” So how am I supposed to take that when he is so confused himself? But I gave him an ultimatum. I said “stay and we can work through this together, or leave. But just know that if you leave, we cannot be a part of each other’s lives. It would be too painful for me to continue to be friends. I just can’t do that”. He was scared of losing me he said. So he stayed. Naive me thinking that staying meant forever. Life slowly got back to normal. And we went on as a married couple and it seemed as though he had gotten past his feelings of confusion. In the next 7 years, we bought another house, moved, and had two children. I was happy. Life was great. It couldn’t be better. I couldn’t be more in love or more happy than I was. Fast forward to September 2018, I could see him starting to get depressed with his 30th birthday approaching. Like a mid life crisis in a sense. He talked about wanting to do things that seemed rebellious and out of his character. I could see his depression setting in. It was a long few months while he seemed disconnected and uninterested. Here comes the new year, and things start to get better. I can see his mood improving and it seemed like we were back on track. Here, I feel I am the happiest and most in love I have ever felt. Having two beautiful precious boys, ages 1 and 3 at the time and feeling like I have everything I ever wanted. The love of my life, a beautiful family. Being able to raise my boys in a traditional environment, doing family things together and feeling like I was on top of the world. Then our 9 year wedding anniversary hits in April. I tried to be intimate with him, and he says he just can’t. I knew in my heart what was happening, and feeling like it was all going to come crashing down again. He didn’t really ever admit to me what was wrong just yet. But I knew that it was because of his “feelings” however I never thought that it would be the END of us. We went on a prearranged vacation the week after. A time that should have been exciting and relaxing and fun with the boys. But it was not that for me. Inside I felt depressed and crushed. On the outside I tried to enjoy my time with the boys making memories. Things were awkward between us. I was sad. I cant even remember when or what he actually said to me about what was going on. I just remember us disconnecting and falling further apart from each other. I even stopped talking to him all together. I was in such a dark place I felt so stuck, just waiting basically for him to make up his mind. If he’s going to stay or go. Our interaction went from husband and wife, to roommates in a matter of days. I was devastated. He would continuously say “I don’t want to hurt you”. We stayed in this limbo period for 4 months. I learned a lot in these 4 months. I learned he had been on and off Grindr for years. I learned that he never really loved me the way I loved him. I learned that he apparently always had these gay feelings since as long as he could remember and that now he is so certain that he is gay. I learned that growing up he never wanted to be gay so he did everything he could to live a straight life. And who better to marry than your best friend that you thought was pretty? Yes, that’s a good idea, lets ruin her life and bring her into the closet with you! But wait, that’s not enough, as if the closet wasn’t cramped enough, let’s build a family, have children so that we can suck them into the closet also. So much guilt I have for allowing that to happen. I let my kids down. Completely ruined their chance of growing up in a household with both parents and being able to be their best selves without having to go through something so traumatic at such a young age. As a parent you want to do everything in your power to protect your children. My husband’s response... “the boys will be just fine”. He didn’t seem worried about them at all.
He goes away for a work trip end of July and when he got back, I found messages on his computer with another guy. (Not the first time I had found inappropriate messages on his computer) I had found out about other things he had lied about also and it was like a light bulb going off in my head. This whole time (the past 4 months) he had been allowing me to hold on to hope that we could make it work together. He would say things like “moving out doesn’t feel like the right option”. But at that moment, I had realized it was NEVER going to go back to the way things were. In that moment, I had told him that he needed to move out. Because he was always too coward to make that decision on his own. It was like he was waiting for me to make the decision for him. A week and a half later he did. He blames his parents mostly for our situation and also blames me for “shoving him back in the closet” when he tried to come out 7 years ago. And he’s guilted me in to thinking that if I could just accept him and basically put the blame on his parents like he does, then we could be in a better place, still be friends and still do things as a family. It wasn’t until I realized a couple weeks after he moved out that I didn’t have to accept him or think the way he thinks just so we can still do things as a family. I let go of that guilt because it wasn’t my guilt to carry.
After he moved out, he entered his “adolescent phase”. In just the short two months since he moved out, he has been in and out of a “relationship” with someone that he had been “talking” to for the past couple of years but always downplayed it like it was just a friendship and that the attraction was one sided. But not just any guy! This person, I guess you could say, is well known in the drag/music world. At this time he was on broadway and my husband on a whim and at the expense of this guy, jumped on a plane (3.5 weeks after he moved out) and flew across the country to see his broadway show in New York and to be with this guy. And then jumped on a plane again two weeks later to be with him in CA. Both times having to find a babysitter for our boys as I work a normal Mon-Fri schedule and he left mid week both times. But tried so hard to keep where he was going and what he was up to from me. And he told me he had planned on doing it every other weekend. (Before I really knew there was a relationship, me being naive still) My husband has always dreamed of living a famous life. I just thought this guy was his ticket to his dream. But then a turn of events, only a few days after he told me he’d be going every other weekend because it was the beginning of a relationship (he said he was still trying to figure that out, which I took as he wanted the relationship but wasn’t sure the other guy did), he suddenly says that he told the guy he’s “not ready for a relationship” and hasn’t spoken to him since. And he hasn’t been out of town since either. That’s the worst things he’s done. Ever since he moved out he’s been enjoying his new found freedom. Right away got back on Grindr, partying with his new gay friends, and having no responsibilities. He’s been posting provocative things on social media, then blocked me completely on social media and all my family and friends/co-workers so I couldn’t see what he was up to. Yesterday was my birthday. He chooses yesterday and this week of all days to post more provocative pictures of himself on social media. My closest friends are his friends too and they support him. It feels like betrayal.
He acts like our boys, ages 2 and 4, are oblivious to what’s going on and that they will be just fine! He calls me a bigot for not wanting my boys to see any “gay” behavior from their father. It’s been such a roller coaster ride.
The worst part is that I miss him. I miss my best friend. I miss coming home to him. Going to sleep next to him. Celebrating my birthday with him. I miss my old life. I miss having my family together.
I’m seeing a counselor and I have gotten my paperwork together to file for divorce. I just have to tighten some things up before I submit it. I owe it to my boys to try and do this the nice way. If he wants things to get nasty, I have no other choice but to protect myself and my kids but I feel like I have to at least try and do things without lawyers at first and see how that goes.
This is a terrible position to be in. None of us chose this. It is so unfair. I’m trying to find it within me to be in a better place where I can look to the future rather than continue to mourn my past.
Posted by a_dads_straight_journey ![]() October 9, 2019 8:11 pm | #2 |
Sorry you are here but everyone here gets it. Change the genders, the age of your children, and it could essentially be my story. Don’t beat your self up, you gave him the benefit of the doubt early on and it didn’t work out. There’s a lot to grieve, the loss of the intact family is especially hard when that was one’s dream. Don’t rush the mourning and grieving process it can come in cycles. Given how articulate you are you sound grounded and cogent through this.
Assuming you were born in 88 you are still young and you will rebuild. In those tough moments to get unstuck I relied on a quote by Arthur Ashe on getting through hardship...
Start where you are, do what you can, use what you have.
Wishing you strength and courage,
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() October 9, 2019 8:25 pm | #3 |
"My closest friends are his friends too and they support him. It feels like betrayal."
My heart ached for you when I read this
Posted by Rob ![]() October 9, 2019 10:15 pm | #4 |
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
"My closest friends are his friends too and they support him. It feels like betrayal."
My heart ached for you when I read this
Ditto on the friends..she had good friends that knew me and they knew exactly what my gx was doing.. They are her friends still now..God only knows what lies she told them about me but somehow they feel that what she did was ok. Again, I think they tell their friends how horrible we are.
Reality is we are good spouses and they don't know how lucky they are to have us. God knows.
PS.. Consider changing your board are not damaged.. We are so much more than these spouses. We are more than they can ever comprehend..
Posted by Expecto86 ![]() October 10, 2019 10:37 am | #5 |
Oh Damaged88, like most everyone here, I absolutely feel your pain.
We were high school sweethearts as well. He was my best friend. We grew together. We went through all of life's challenges together. He was the one person besides my parents that I could fully trust and count on no matter what.
Then this.
I always suspected like you did but I too defended him tooth and nail. Now I feel like a fool.
My husband still denies. Swears what I saw isn't what it was. In some ways I wish he would just live that crazy life so I could feel some closure. But then I think watching him do that would tear me apart in a whole new way.
Either way, it's crushing.
I feel your agony so much when you said you miss your best friend and your home and your life. I miss those things so much. We just bought our first home. We were about to start the surrogacy process. We're still young and had so much planned.
It hurts so so much.
I'm trying to find that better place to be as well but it's very difficult. Right now I can't get past the pain. And the uncertainty of the future.
If you ever want to chat, feel free to private message me. I feel our stories are very similar.
Posted by Damaged88 ![]() October 10, 2019 12:54 pm | #6 |
ADJS - Thank you for your kind words. I’m trying to be of sound mind when it comes to what’s best for my kids. They are so young I want to protect them from any irreparable damage. I’ve never felt that this was my fault. The only thing I ever did was love him. I would have done anything for him. I did! I put my dream career on hold so he could have his own business and live his dream of being a fitness instructor and only teaching classes 2-3 hours a day, Mon-Thurs. Our setup was pretty great. I would go to work and he would be the stay at home dad. I’d get home from work and he would leave to go teach his class or two. I even supported him through teaching special “women empowerment” classes where he would teach women sexy dance routines (he’s a great dancer) so they can be more confident with themselves. Not other straight wives would be comfortable with their husbands doing that. But I think it was because deep down I knew he wasn’t attracted to them. I allowed him to go every year to a work convention even though it made me uncomfortable because in my gut I knew it was an opportunity for him to be his “gay self” when he was there. Because everyone else in that industry is gay too it seems like. But I supported him anyway. The one thing that I regret was the first time he had met this guy (the one he immediately started dating when he moved out.)Two years ago he was having a concert that was only 2 hours away. And he wasn’t going to go, but I encouraged him to go. He had reached out to him before and had gotten a response back from him and was so excited that he would have a chance to meet him. I was being supportive, I thought it was a great opportunity for him and encouraged him to make it work and go. My youngest was 4 months at the time so I had no plans on going with him (We had gone together to one of his previous concerts). They have been talking ever since. And then when I told him he had to leave, the first thing he does is run right into his arms.
Ellexoh & Rob - I don’t really have any of my own friends. We have always shared friends. We have both come to know some great people that come to his work out classes (classes I used to go to also, but then stopped after this happened obviously). So it’s a grey area. They all still go to his classes, which I understand it’s a time for themselves also, and I also understand wanting to support him coming out as gay as they are his friend too, but what I don’t understand is them seeming like his behavior since then has been okay at the expense of my feelings. These are people I would confide in. They were trying so hard to “help” but their actions felt more like they were just trying to push me to get better faster and I felt betrayed when I would find out certain things they knew but withheld from me. I know their intentions are good, and they are really trying to help, but it’s just not working. They had spent a month planning a special birthday get-together for me. I was nervous about it being awkward. Which it did end up being awkward, I hardly said a few words to my two closest friends that had planned it for me. I heard them mention that they were hungover from the night before. A few days later, I learn that they had gone out with my husband the night before my birthday thing and every single person that went out with him the night before came to my birthday outing. And not one of them said one word about it. And it felt like people weren’t sure what to say, like there was an elephant in the room. I am now removing myself from them. It makes me feel so sad to lose such great friends and to do this when they have tried so hard to help me. Literally dropped everything and came running when I needed them to, but me being around people who are going to support him is not helping me get better.
Ellexoh - “Reality is we are good spouses and they don't know how lucky they are to have us. God knows.” — this is so true! I just wish they would realize that.
I feel damaged. I feel like I will never be the same person again. I feel like he ruined me.
Expecto - you are not a fool. I don’t feel like I fool. I just look at it that I loved him so much I was willing to do anything for him. Such as continue with our marriage and try to make it work. If I would have thought it would end like this, I would never have stayed, and would have NEVER had children with him. Note: I don’t mean that I want to return my children. I love them with every part of my being. My life would just have been different. I’m sorry you are in this position.
My situation now is he still comes every morning before I leave for work and is with the kids all day until I get off work. We both felt it was important to keep the kids routine as normal as possible. He doesn’t spend any additional time with them on the weekends. He hasn’t really asked except for one time. It’s hard to see him every day. I asked him if he could start waiting in his car until I left so that I didn’t have to see him. I think so far that’s been helping. I didn’t like seeing him come in all happy and smug like he’s enjoying his new life. I would end up crying in my car the whole way to work and that is not a good way to start the day.
Last edited by Damaged88 (October 10, 2019 1:03 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() October 10, 2019 1:30 pm | #7 |
Damaged88 wrote:
Ellexoh & Rob - I don’t really have any of my own friends. We have always shared friends. I'm the same. My life, our r'ship was so great....and I was so busy being Mum that the people I knew were always at arms length. Never bosom-buddies except for 1 or 2, and that's how it's always been. And these days....with the Mindfuck I find myself in there's little chance to find people that would be good friends because of my distrust in people keeping my confidence in them of my situation, This mindfuck seems to take all my energy and I rarely have any left for the "normality" of friends.
My situation now is he still comes every morning before I leave for work and is with the kids all day until I get off work. We both felt it was important to keep the kids routine as normal as possible. He doesn’t spend any additional time with them on the weekends. He hasn’t really asked except for one time. It’s hard to see him every day. I asked him if he could start waiting in his car until I left so that I didn’t have to see him. I think so far that’s been helping. I didn’t like seeing him come in all happy and smug like he’s enjoying his new life. I would end up crying in my car the whole way to work and that is not a good way to start the day. I guess I can be grateful that our children are adults (but it does make me wonder....when our youngest moved out of home was when the Mindfuck started)
Posted by Leah ![]() October 10, 2019 3:40 pm | #8 |
I'm so sorry to read your story 88! I always say "Welcome to the club no one wants to join!" I cannot imagine how strong you are to deal with working and young children! Go giiirlll! You are amazing. This is tough stuff. You are young and you can and will RISE!
But man, that is tough, but we are a tough bunch of very empathic and kind people who have been shat on from a great height. These spouses of ours are NOT lucky to HAVE us!!! NOOO they deceived us and lied to us and we would not have been with them had they had the decency to be honest about their actions, selfish actions! We are not handbags for them (or beards) TO HAVE!!! We are suffering and finding solace with others who understand our pain.
We are not fools!! We have been lied to and deceived by confused, selfish people. They have not been best friends really. This is the hard thing that I have had to keep reminding myself nearly daily at times. My GIDX was lying to me for 20+ years!!! I am not a fool, but I have been gullible. They have their charming side and they are humans with feelings, but they have thrown us under a bus here.
And our society of gender neutrality and morphing just celebrates this 'diversity' even as it condemns anyone who has the temerity to say hey wait a minute, this person coming out at a late stage has had implications that are devastating to the person they 'tried' to be 'normal hetero" with! I sympathised so much with my GIDX as the signs piled up around me over the years and the denial and tears convinced me to ignore the red flags. But literally no one sympathies with me now. Not my children or ex-in-laws and some friends, they only want to have their lives NOT be impacted or have to comment on this minefield! It does tend to land you in a place of isolation. I'd say a new start helps, but my experience was that the energy required to start anew is a bit hard to come by when you are in a full on trauma and grief situation. I'm treating myself far more gently now and I've had a few years now post divorce. It does take so much time, and I too heard far too many voices saying I needed to 'move on' and get over it. But it does take so much energy and time to heal. It is like we have been in a car crash. You wouldn't say to someone who has had their body smashed up to get up and walk away from the scene. But we have to do this at times. Caring for children and family whilst still hemorraging! It is a lot. Just take care OF YOURSELF! Obviously the babies too, but really prioritise your health and mental state over them even! Though having the beauty of little ones is such a great way to be yanked out of the mental ruminations that are so destructive.
Sending you lots of strength at this terrible time!
Posted by Damaged88 ![]() October 29, 2019 5:24 am | #9 |
A few weeks have gone by since I first posted and I am still feeling stuck. This “relationship” that he had ended is now starting to snowball again. He claims they are just friends but he’s starting to take off on the weekends to go see him after being dormant for 2.5 weeks. On top of this emotional trauma, I tried discussing the divorce with him and he wants his share of the house. Now I understand that this is normal to do in a divorce, however, he has his business. Which apparently isn’t worth as much as his stake in equity of the house. He also has no retirement, savings, or money whatsoever that he’s saved over the years. He has always been on my health insurance as I was the breadwinner and had access to affordable and good insurance. I know my state is 50/50 so he is technically entitled to half of everything I have, my retirement and my savings. He thinks he is being generous by only asking for his part in the house and allowing me 3-5 years to pay up. Now this puts me in a difficult position, because I feel like any scenario I play out, I’m left in a financially difficult situation. I met with a lawyer and he suggested that I go see a lending officer and just see how much I would be able to refinance my home for, because he thinks based on my earnings that I would not be able to get a loan in the amount I would need to pay my husband his share of the house. But to see what max I could get and offer it up to him as “this is how much I can get and you can have this” and right him a check. My lawyer said that would be a “win” in his book. But I’m still left in a financial hole. I’m at such a loss I don’t know what to do from here. And I don’t know how to handle my husband, with him being a narcissist and all. He thinks his business is valued at next to nothing. I was hoping it would be more of a trade off, you keep your business, I’ll keep the house kind of deal but the equity of the house would be way more than what his business is worth so that’s not a fair trade. Talk about fair! What’s not fair is him up and leaving his family like this. What’s not fair his him being able to live his new gay life with his new gay friends (and boyfriend) with minimal responsibilities. And leaving me with the mess to clean up. That’s not fair. While he sits and waits for his pay out. His “lottery”. It’s disgusting and completely not fair. Because it puts me and my children in a difficult position. I have everything to lose as he has nothing to lose. I don’t know what to do or how to handle this situation. Help! Any advice would be great!
My plan right now is to meet with a lending officer and just see what the numbers come out to so I know what I’m working with. My other plan is to meet with a couple other lawyers to get other opinions and maybe find a loop hole somewhere.
Sorry I went off on a little rant. I needed somewhere to vent and ask for advise as I lay here at 3:00 in the morning unable to sleep because my young children take turns waking me up every hour since 11:00pm and by 2:00am I find myself completely awake and restless and unable to shut my mind off. This is the new norm by the way. Usually can’t fall back asleep until about 5:00am. Just in time to wake up and get ready for work. I haven’t had a decent nights sleep since my husband moved out. I take that back, I think I have had one night where I have slept all night.
Posted by Abby ![]() October 29, 2019 6:54 am | #10 |
I suggest meeting with a couple of other lawyers before you meet with a lender. The lender is going to pull a credit report and since you are not planning to borrow now why have it on your record that one was pulled?
I do suggest that everyone get free annual credit reports if they are in the U.S. That way you can spot and work on correcting any errors and see if any accounts were opened in your name by someone else such as a devious spouse.
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