Posted by tornandconfused ![]() October 8, 2019 5:23 pm | #1 |
*Apologizing ahead of time, this is a LONG READ...
Me and my BF dated only for about six months before I struggled with a hardship and he took me and my son in out of necessity. He lived in an apt sponsored by his job, so there were two other guys that would stay there during the week sometimes (not always). He’s been on the job for almost 20 years and so his 2-3 co-workers = his ‘friends’. He does NOT have ANY friends outside of that.
One thing I can say (in hindsight) is that he has a fascination with Bigfoot. And when he told me why he liked Bigfoot so much, he described his ‘big beautiful physique’ and I had the passing thought that it seemed like he was actually ‘turned on’ by it. *But I shook it off.
Posted by lily ![]() October 8, 2019 6:53 pm | #2 |
Hi, I'm going to guess that by the time you have written all that out and posted it you are in emotional shock and well basically you have your answers, don't you. so sorry. you are in a tough situation.
you say you want validation for your sanity. I agree, that's the way I feel - I need my sanity and the time came when I needed my answers for it. one thing I realised was I would never get any answers let alone validation from my exgidh. (ex gay in denial husband), quite to the contrary, he actually liked to make me feel confused.
denial doesn't mean doesn't know it means not telling - it's deliberate.
so yes, tough situation - if I read you correctly the man you are being looked after is gay in denial, and he is the dominant partner, or top ender. You have offered him the ultimate comfort beard deal, and he is still pushing you - shoving it further and further In your face challenging you to call him gay and then attacking you for it - that's one of the tactics of bullying, isn't it?
one thing I learned about my ex is the thing he loves the most is his closet - I had been married to him for all my adult life but what I learnt was as a beard, you are expendable, but the closet itself is not.
so my advice to you is to take some time while you absorb the reality of your situation, give yourself as much bed rest as you can for a while, really, as much as you can, it's good for you. Be kind to yourself at all times be grateful to yourself for having the courage to face up to it all and take pride in being who you are. Good for you. And you don't really have to do a thing for a while, just look after yourself and you might be surprised at the ways you find to improve your situation in the long run.
wishing you all the best, Lily
Posted by Whirligig ![]() October 8, 2019 7:02 pm | #3 |
I'm sorry torn and confused. It sounds to me like your BF is gay and is using you as his beard. Regardless, he is abusive, and it's not your job to make him feel safe enough to come out. He won't.
He is well aware of what he is doing. He's keeping you around because you are useful to his image. He's mean to you because he's not actually interested in you in that way and resents you because he's playing a part he feels forced into. So he's taking it out on you. But Heaven forbid you threaten the status quo by leaving after such treatment. He can't have that either. I hate to say it but it's possible he chose you because your vulnerabilities make it harder for you to leave him. And easier to maintain his closet.
Honestly, though, the only real question you should ask yourself is whether this is acceptable to you or not. It's not going to change. He'll hot and cold you forever until it becomes unbearable. It's a form of emotional torture in my opinion.
I dated someone (unconfirmed GID too) for years who did some of those same hot and cold behaviors. It did not get better. I was experiencing constant panic attacks and illness when it finally ended. I'm not exaggerating when I say that your health may actually worsen being involved with this person. Please consider getting out. If not, you need to start working on self-care strategies and try detaching emotionally. Your well-being depends on it.
Posted by tornandconfused ![]() October 8, 2019 8:36 pm | #4 |
Thank you Whirligig and lily, so it sounds like this is really real then. At least I know I am not just making a mountain out of a mole hill. Never heard of a 'beard' but I think I understand it, so thanks for that too. I've only been able to talk to people who don't understand and think my ego is just so big that I can't accept that the relationship is just not working out.
To answer your questions:
The disrespect is not acceptable, which is why I speak up (but only to be met with more strife for doing so).
My health has gone down the drain, lost so much weight just stressed out and not eating.
I had asked him before he renewed the lease if he could just move us to another apt complex at least, to make it easier for me to stop yearning for him (knowing he is right across the parking lot and seeing his truck everyday), he said no of course.
But that night walking home after the incident at his front door, I felt know when you ask God to reveal something or send you a sign...I had never felt SO sure about anything in my entire life. And I tried to find peace in that. more being confused, I know for sure now. So I just need to figure out how to deal with it.
I did block him for about a week recently. And it was amazing how quickly I started to feel my spirit come back. OMG. He doesn't contact me much, but just not having to wonder if I'd hear that ring tone, or wonder if he was going to be hot or cold on any given day. I started catching Uber to the market, didn't contact him for anything. My energy level came back, I listened to music and danced around my house. Everything was fine. But I unblocked him because it was rent time and I was worried he might get mad and try to put me out 😆. Then all my positive energy went down the drain because of course he had to make me 'pay' for blocking him, because 'how dare me'.
So you are right. Self care is important and it really does make a difference. All sorts of good things started to happen during that week. I guess what I have been hoping for is...for him to just be honest about it with me since he knows I'm willing to go along with this 🤷♀️. And if he can't be honest (say it out loud) then at least stop insulting me with the attempts to convince me this is not happening. don't have to come tell me your friend is now engaged to some new (imaginary) woman he's been seeing for three months. If we could have a 'i know that you know that i know that you know' kinda thing...(i was thinking) that he wouldn't have to resent me and we could cool!
But from what you are both saying, it doesn't sound likely. I guess they don't realize the psychological damage they are causing to the woman.
Anyway, thank you so much for responding. I'm sure you know NOBODY wants to hear it (as far as having friends/family) to help figure out how to feel or what to do. I have more questions that I will post separately because they are specific and short.
Bless you!
Posted by lily ![]() October 8, 2019 9:28 pm | #5 |
Look, it's not that he doesn't understand he's doing psychological damage to you - don't be naive to this, he probably likes that aspect of it too. My ex did. People are not normally accidentally abusive. Yes they might accidentally step on your foot, psychologically or literally, but if it is an accident then they apologise. What you are describing sounds deliberate.
You are right there's no point in speaking up, if he's already being disrespectful he will just use your respect towards him as the opening through which to continue.
Posted by tornandconfused ![]() October 8, 2019 10:32 pm | #6 |
You know're right. And he never acknowledges his poor behavior or apologizes. EVER. Won't even try to say he said things out of anger. Ok. I'm going to try to just keep my mind occupied and feel better. Keep exercising and get in a good place mentally where I won't get 'confused' so easily. Where I can welcome him when he comes around and not be derailed again after the visit. Get mentally tough I guess... thank you so much
Posted by tornandconfused ![]() October 8, 2019 11:06 pm | #7 |
Soooo...I just remembered something now that I've learned of this 'beard' term. Last week he was here and asked me to rub his back, so I did. But after a few minutes he gestures me to stop and says nooo you don't do it the way you used to, its not the same anymore. So I got up, and he laid there and just randomly said "I think I'm gonna cut off my beard". - Think this was a coincidence, or should I be concerned 🤔? He DOES have a beard and usually keeps it pretty bushy, so it could have been coincidence, but now I am wondering....
Posted by lily ![]() October 9, 2019 12:24 am | #8 |
Well, did he cut off his beard? If he hasn't he was maybe testing to see how you responded - once he knows you know he's not going to like it much at all if he is like my ex. idk, he probably senses you are feeling different towards him. so my advice is look after yourself carefully, just let him discard you if that's what he wants and look suitably woeful while he does it, save the sigh of relief for afterwards. In general stay friendly but keep your own counsel - if he is like my ex then he is not your friend, that very nice chemistry is only skin deep.
Last edited by lily (October 9, 2019 12:27 am)
Posted by tornandconfused ![]() October 9, 2019 12:39 am | #9 |
I haven’t seen him since that day. But he already knows that I know. I’ve asked him about it a few times. And if I ‘ask’ and wait for an answer, he gets mad. But when I dance around it and say things allow me to acknowledge without him having to ‘agree’ or admit, then he gets nice. But today he was emailing (because he blocked me) and was telling me to F off again, and I asked him you want me gone then? He usually won’t answer that. But tonight I pressed the issue, and he finally said YES! So I said ok then, by when? And he said it doesn’t matter because he’s gonna pay for the place whether im here or not (which basically means, he’s not telling me to leave). So I did respond and say... “I don’t think you should cut off your beard. But alright. You have a good night.” 👀🤷🏻♀️😂. I’m sorry sometimes I just get bold or loose with my words and I wanted to see if his response would tell me if that’s what he was referring to when he said it. But...he did not respond.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() October 9, 2019 8:36 am | #10 |
I've only been able to talk to people who don't understand and think my ego is just so big that I can't accept that the relationship is just not working out.
Trust your gut on this. You have been the one living with it, and you are the one with the knowledge. Your initial post reveals that you have been observant and have waited until you had a preponderance of evidence--circumstantial or not--that reveals the truth.
I agree that you are being used as a beard; his behavior when with his family speaks volumes. I also agree that your vulnerability is why he chose you to serve (unknowingly) in that capacity as a beard; your financial and health situation, and your need to provide for a child, make it very difficult for you to leave. He knew this was the case when he "rescued" you and it enables him to gaslight and abuse you directly now that you have indicated that you know the truth.