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Posted by Crushedhusband
September 2, 2019 12:52 am

She told me she loves me but we will never be intimate again because she realizes she is gay. She wants to see other people. We have been together for six years and are married.

The slicing agony of anticipated loneliness
The burning feeling of how I will tell my daughter from another marriage that calls her mom that her happily ever after family is going to end again
The shame of telling my family and friends that I am getting divorced for a second time
The constant spinning of of ideas to “fix” this and her that my mind creates.
The deep swell in my gut that I feel when I try and imagine my future without my love partner
The pain of ripping our families apart. I love her family.
The fear of financial instability. Single income again
The brutal process of separating our things and friends
The terror of being a single parent again
The irrational idea that I somehow had something to do with this
When I wake up or get lost in a moment and forget that forever is over, then I remember. It takes the wind out of me. I’ve been crying all the time. I try to hold it together but it is so hard.
Nothing tastes good. I can’t eat. I’ve lost 10 pounds in 6 days
I can’t focus on work, chores, parenting, life, etc
It is all consuming and overwhelming and I don’t know how to go on...

Posted by Crushedhusband
September 2, 2019 12:54 am

Please reply with anything if you see this . I’m so sad and alone.

Posted by DanielleisDizzy
September 2, 2019 1:25 am

I am so sorry that this is happening to you! This really does suck for all of us!!!

Posted by Abby
September 2, 2019 6:56 am

This is a holiday in the U.S. so it may be awhile before we wake up and check the site. The general advice though is take care of yourself first. If you are having physical effects see your doctor and let him or her know what is going on and if medication is recommended, go with it. You need to be your best self to deal with all this.

It also is important not try to go it alone. Assemble a support system. If you have family and/or friends who will be helpful, turn to them and be specific about what you need. A sitter. A partner for walks. Hot meals. A place to go to get away for awhile. See if there is a Straight Spouse group near where you live too. We are here for you but can only offer virtual hugs and you need real ones too.

Perhaps because you have been divorced before you already have a therapist and lawyer you are comfortable with. I am sorry that this has happened you again but rather than beating up on yourself consider that you have an advantage in that you have made it through before and can do it again.  


Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.
Posted by lily
September 2, 2019 6:57 am

Hi Crushed,

Basically most of the time I answer the question what would you rather be in - emotional or physical pain with the answer emotional - but this sort of pain?  it's really bad isn't it.  If you can't eat, try getting getting some sustenance by drinking it - it will make you feel better if you can get some nourishment on board - can be easier to do a few sips at a time, just keep going.

You will feel better in time.

One place I worked we had the Emergency Procedure List up on the wall and at the top we put as the first thing - Don't Panic and never trust a Vogon.  That is where you are now.  I don't know if you recognise the reference to a Vogon - it's from Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy - they are a race of aliens who make bad poetry which you don't want to listen to.

I am supposed to be taking a break so I don't want to get into detail, I just wanted to respond to your post;.  And I wanted to say there are heaps upon heaps of women with same sex attraction dating and marrying men - don't feel like it is your fault it happened to you, in any way.

So look after yourself, and wishing you all the best, Lily


Last edited by lily (September 2, 2019 7:01 am)

Posted by Shouldofknown
September 2, 2019 8:42 am

I feel your pain and so sorry this is happening to you and apparently me too ..just mine has not admitted it yet. I am feeling each emotion you described as well including the not able to eat, etc. i don’t have any great advice as I’m going thru it too but just try to keep your mind occupied that is what I been doing. I make myself isn’t easy. I hope you can find strength and hope within this forum. It seems as tho there are so many of us suffering. Gentle hugs 🤗

Posted by a_dads_straight_journey
September 2, 2019 9:36 am

I’m sorry you are here and facing the pain of facing it again. I second the advice here ..and here are a few suggestions to start small.  Specifics on nutrition, try a drink like Ensure to keep your calorie
count up and Vitamin D for your immune system and drink water to stay hydrated.  You will need your physical energy.

Ask for help on the small stuff, a neighbor or friend for help with your daughter, or errands
and chores and hopefully one close friend or family member to confide in.  People will surprise you with their kindness.

And do not beat yourself up on going through this a second time. As you read the narratives here you will probably see patterns in your STBXs personality similar to other GID spouses.  Most of us here are giving trusting people and the odds just worked out that we found narcissists in waiting without seeing it. 

Put yourself and your daughter first now. 

All the best,


Posted by Daryl
September 2, 2019 9:53 am

This is all familiar territory to many of us when we first found out. What we thought was ahead of us has now vanished, leaving a great big question mark in it's place. The emotions are normal or else you wouldn't be human. As others have said, focus first on your health. Allow yourself time to grieve. Don't feel pressured to figure it all out asap. Build your support system. Once that is done you'll be in a better place to plan your next steps. Take it in small steps. I found the fear was bigger than the reality. One day I hope we see you rename your forum name to reflect a new you.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
Posted by Rob
September 2, 2019 4:20 pm


This is not your fault.    Do not feel any shame in this..   We love fiercely and loyally.    This is something that happened to us..  its not something we did.     Im over 4 years out and I look back and try to think if I did something different if it would have helped...   and no .. I cannot have loved and tried any harder.

Build your support system..    You are not alone.  

Last edited by Rob (September 2, 2019 5:27 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by morpheus
September 2, 2019 4:40 pm

Yup, same story here. Sorry for a delay. What helped me:

counselor. first time i entered the room, i just cried for 5 mins and couldn't tell a word. i prepared questions, prepaired my thoughts, but when i opened my mouth, i just cried nonstop. it was 5 or 6 day she told me her news. i cried all these days hiding from our son. after the visit at counselor i don't cry at all. you need to release these emotions to someone, who may understand situation and support you.
avoid. try to avoid your spouse till you get stronger. if she lives with you, tell her, that you're very emotional now and have to understand what happens alone. and to be without her. for me it took some time to accept the idea (if it's possible at all tbh), about new her.
take rest. if it's possible, take a break at work for several days. i'm glad she told me things at the middle of my vacation, so i had a week to cry at home.
try sleep, eat and take some sedatives. even if it's homeopathic, it will help you to calm. i alomst didn't sleep and eat for first two days, first week was a hell, but later on it started to normalize. so, the worst is behind you.

about future: you'll have to release your spouse. your child would understand and support you.

and remember, you have done nothing wrong. you seem a nice and loving person. force majeure happened, so it's nothing you or your spouse could change.

Last edited by morpheus (September 2, 2019 4:41 pm)


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