My divorce is in progress now. There came a point after all the lies for years & some recent admission of same sex attraction (minimal), I knew if this person valued me, cared for me, or cared for our children, grandchildren or the wonderful life we had the ability to have them there would be no reason I would need to be wondering about all the unknowns & thoughts/activities he may or may not be involved in.
It seems simple now that if he respected or cared for me or our family, we would not be in the situation we are in. No more questioning him, trying to figure out about TGT or if he loved us at all. The only resolve I could see was divorce with no contact ASAP.
No reason to delay the inevitable any longer. They are self-centered and only concerned for themselves or we would not be in the spot we are in!
Can’t wait for my divorce to be final! I don’t need a self centered, using AHole taking advantage of me any longer.
Best wishes for a good outcome for you. It is definitely difficult any option we choose!