What is your husband's background, if you don't mind sharing? I mean, what was his family like when he was a child, or his religious upbringing if any, or his social circle? Do you or he know any gay people in your social circles? It's interesting that he wants his therapist to tell him, almost like "diagnosing" him, because just letting himself be who he is, is too unacceptable. If that is so, then that's something he learned at an early age, is my guess. That really is sad and heartbreaking for both of you.
I wonder if he thinks it will be easier for him to explain, "My therapist tells me I'm gay, so I guess I am," as opposed to "I'm gay." It sort of sounds as if he wants someone to be responsible for it, when nobody is responsible for it, it just is.
Last edited by BryonM (September 10, 2016 6:04 pm)