Posted by Destroyed70 June 12, 2019 6:33 pm | #1 |
June 7, 2019 is the day my life changed forever.. not really sure what to do. actually the first place I contacted. My husband of 25 years came out to me that he’s gay. I really honestly do not know how you people do this. I have contemplated suicide and I’m currently sitting, waiting, with the suicide hotline to chat with someone. my husband is at work,he did go to a counselor today. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to use the word husband anymore. I’m so angry,hurt ,destroyed...just utterly destroyed. We have two children and obviously they do not know yet, they are 21 and 18,both girls. I never intended to spend my life alone. I always talked about retirement, moving to Florida doing things together as a couple and making this stuff happen for us as a couple. I don’t see any of that in my future now. I don’t know where to go, I don’t know who to talk to. From what I understand he’ll be known as the gay hero....straight spouses get left behind ,right? The problem is, and I know it’s very cliché, but he is truly my best friend. He says he loves our family and the life that we created it’s just that he’s forever angry at himself and he hates himself and he just has to get better to be better for me and my girls. I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t think that I can stay married to this man. I picked a man,I chose a man,I love the man, I married that man,he is my everything. I guess my question is when all that is said and done and he is OK in his head and he is done being angry at himself and he is done not liking himself and he’s done figuring himself out who is left to figure me out?? what choices do I make?? he has manipulated and made all the choices in this relationship to cover up a secret.
I do not understand who is left to figure it out for me?? I did not sign up for this!! why the fuck do I have to figure it out?? In the meantime he’s just hunky-dory, great in his head ,going to move on find someone to love him and his new life! Help! So angry! So many questions! I have not eaten in 3 days, I’ve puked, cried for days, so has my husband. He says this is all on him, it’s his fault. Great...but when all is said and done what do I do??
Last edited by Destroyed70 (June 12, 2019 6:50 pm)
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet June 12, 2019 6:51 pm | #2 |
Hi there dee! I’m just gonna give you a kind nickname. I want to validate your atomic horror. You feel destroyed. Your life as you knew it is destroyed. But you—you are not destroyed. Please hold on to that. Yes you are a barely-survivor of a bomb attack, and you might be wishing you had just been destroyed with everything else, because oh my goodness! The searing pain! Who could ever imagine this kind of pain!
But there you are. Your hands, your arms, your face, your body. Your soul. You will rise again, like a phoenix. (The name of one of our forum members, BTW.).
I am so sad you have had to search for us, but here we are too! And I am glad yiu have found us.
I am also so glad you called the hotline.
When I have felt this sometimes, these past months, I remember my children. Your children need you.
When you can, look for the “first aid kit” pinned to the top of the forum boards.
And immediately find someone you can talk to. A friend or family member who will,listen, support, not judge. Do that right away, as soon as you can.
Let us know how you are doing! I for one sure want to hear from you regularly these next days and weeks.
Posted by OutofHisCloset June 12, 2019 8:12 pm | #3 |
We do this just as you are, one painful second at a time. To have our lives blown up makes us all atom bomb survivors (hibakusha, the victims of the bombings in Japan were called, many of whom carried their scars on their skins).
The bomb drop in one blast destroys our pasts and our futures as we knew them. But because we still live, and there are still those who love us and whom we love--your daughters-WE are not obliterated, despite the destruction.
I, too, am glad you called the suicide hotline. I echo OnMyOwnTwoFeet's comments: find someone in your life you can talk to. I know it may feel as if you can't tell anyone, but the people who love you can surprise you with their understanding. I have found that it's people who don't know me well who feel sympathy for what they mistakenly believe my ex-husband went through; the people who love me and are my friends understand the pain immediately, and immediately say "how awful for you."
Here on the SSN, we understand your pain, because we have also lived through it. We know how awful this is for you. Let me repeat what I said earlier: we lived through it. And so will you, although it may not feel bearable right now.
The one thing I can tell you is that your man is not, thankfully, your everything. He is not you. He is not, to quote On My Own Two Feet, "Your hands, your arms, your face, your body. Your soul." You do have a life and a self apart from him and his, although I know how hard it is to see that right now.
Please let us know, soon, that you are safe and sound.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 12, 2019 8:15 pm)
Posted by Destroyed70 June 12, 2019 9:33 pm | #4 |
Thank you, this certainly helped! I’m laying in bed with a counselor number to call tomorrow and a rest place to go to for a few days if needed from the suicide hotline. They told me it was not a hospital but a place to clear my head and rest away from my family if needed. I appreciate your words of encouragement and I wish it would all be over with by tomorrow. From what I understand it can take years(which I’m not looking forward to) but I know it has to be done. I need to get myself healthy and then take care of my girls. I will continue to reach out and read, listen and seek advice. Thank u again!
Posted by Ellexoh_nz June 12, 2019 9:33 pm | #5 |
Destroyed70 wrote:
.........I have not eaten in 3 days......
Welcome to the Forum Dee. First things first......stop "not eating" right need energy to get through this. This is no everyday worry...a lost job, a sick parent or child.....and you will need to keep yourself well. Your life will never be the same....and you need all your strength to get through it. Be stronger than him xx
Posted by Dandelion June 13, 2019 12:11 am | #6 |
Dear D: Sending you hugs and immense strength. What you may not yet realize: your strength has always come from you. Your life can be amazing when it is all about what is important to you. You can love from afar with absolute boundaries and limited interaction.You are worthy and perfect (as a perfectly imperfect human) as an individual on this planet irregardless of the input from the persons in your sphere. Everything changes. Pain heals and morphs. Humans are resilient. We can do good with our hard lessons.Even those that feel impossible. They are not. Life is not meant to be comfortable and pleasureable. It is meant to help us evolve as humans. To make us more compassionate, kind, grace-filled and yet, unflinchingly fierce.
Feel our warmth. We need you. Stay. Heal. Grow. Help. Love. In time, things will be different. You, are a unique treasure we need.
Posted by Rob June 13, 2019 12:53 am | #7 |
Those kids need you and will need you..if not today even later in life when they have a hurtful spouse.
Our kids bind us to this earth...and as much as seeing my ancestors and the face of much as we long for God to take this pain away..we are needed here.
And..these spouses are so not worth it. I called the hotline also in one of my shaking episodes when my gx was out having sex. I could start to see then that she was not worth it.
You took some great first steps ..calling the hotline, posting here. Baby steps of self care..start building your support system...breath. There is an end to this..and its here on this earth.
A warm ehug (virtual but sincere and authentic)
Posted by Destroyed70 June 13, 2019 6:09 am | #8 |
I read an article the other day that says “you need to put your past behind you, it no longer exists” How do I do that, I have kids with this man? I think or look at the pics on my phone, key west vacations, Mexico for Christmas with my girls. Everything thing is so painful and so sad. I just don’t get it. I feel myself becoming cold, bitter. My mom died 20 years ago(1999) at 53 years old and a part of me died then. I feel like a part of my heart became black that day and it no longer works. I can feel that happening now. Another piece of my heart is black and is shutting down...I don’t know how much of my heart or myself i have left. I feel like after my husband is okay in his head and my girls have found spouses and moved on to their lives that I will just be waiting to die.
Posted by OutofHisCloset June 13, 2019 6:31 am | #9 |
I used to feel that blackness inside of me, too. I once said that I felt that there was a blackness at the core of me, like a cancer in waiting, a shadow on an X-ray. I felt it was part of me, ineradicable, and I thought it was part of my inborn self. I once woke up every day and asked myself whether I felt good enough that day to go on living. I had an internal spectrum in me on which were the two poles: "live" and "kill myself." I still remember the day that in therapy I realized that most people did not live with this particular set of options as a default and I could change the labels. It was a momentous realization.
After that, I decided that although I might have a blackness at my core, it was neither fatal nor ineradicable. I learned that it was the result of growing up in a violent home and my father's abuse. I decided that although I might have that blackness, I was going to build a life that shone so brightly it would throw a shadow over the shadow, so to speak.
Listen to me: we are all in some sense waiting to die. We're all going to die. It's what we do while we're "waiting" that is going to count. You have lived your life in honorable ways: loving your mother, loving your husband, loving your children. This is what you hang on to. That you are a person capable of love, and skilled at giving it. If your children find men who love them to marry, that will be because you modeled love for them. Your mother died, and you were grief-stricken, but still you were able to love--and loved--and love-- your girls. Your task now is to turn that ability to love to your newly-again-grief-stricken heart.
You need help doing this. The counselor you are to call is the first step to being able to find a love of life and a love for yourself again. You have meaning and worth.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 13, 2019 1:39 pm)
Posted by walkbymyself June 13, 2019 12:19 pm | #10 |
Dee, I am so sorry for everything you are going through.
I could have written your post word for word. There's no instruction manual out there for us. We're just the blind leading the blind here.
You wrote "I read an article the other day that says 'you need to put your past behind you, it no longer exists.'"
There is no shortage of experts out there who are willing to give you the benefit of their wisdom and experience, but be aware they're all making it up as they go along. Anything that begins with the phrase "you need to" or "you have to" or "you've got to" is probably going to be useless advice, however well-intentioned it may be.
I tell people, going through this is like watching "The Sixth Sense" in that there's a surprising plot turn near the end, and then a series of flashbacks where you realize you had misunderstood the meaning of earlier scenes -- and if you're like me, you go back and see the movie a second time and it has a completely different plot this time. We all went through this same process, making the discovery, and then spending months and years recalling incidents from the past, understanding the new narrative. So anybody who says "you need to put your past behind you" is, I'm sorry to say, full of it. Your recovery is going to involve you going back over your own memories, one by one, until they make sense. Your daughters are going to have to go through this process, too.
I don't know how long it takes to recover -- my initial shock was about 18 months ago, and I am still clawing at my scalp at night, waking up to find blood on my pillow. That's probably not particularly reassuring to you. But at your stage -- don't bite off more than you can chew at the moment. If you set a small goal for today -- even if you're just talking about getting through the laundry or emptying the dishwasher -- make it one goal you know for a fact you can reach, and that's enough for today.
All this pain you go through -- and the conflicting feelings you endure, both loving and hating a single person who is both real and unreal and both manipulated you and wanted to be kind to you -- everything you feel, is necessary for your ultimate recovery. So crying and puking may be necessary.
I am still feeling suicidal at times. I've decided it's okay to feel that way, if it gives me a sense that at least there's one option I could take if the pain is too bad to bear. I don't agree with people who leap to action with every suicidal iteration, I think if you can manage these thoughts and take comfort in them, they can help you get past the pain of here and now. In my case, I knew I could never put my daughter through the pain of having a mother take her own life, and I knew that the only person who would benefit from my suicide would be my piece-of-shit lying philandering husband who would get away without having to pay alimony. That alone was sufficient to make life worth living, regardless of how painful today may be.