Posted by walkbymyself June 9, 2019 1:35 pm | #1 |
This post is going to contain bad language -- please be forewarned.
i lost my shit completely yesterday. Well, to be accurate I've been slowly losing it for you know twelve months or so, but it all came cascading down at once, and I ended up doing stuff that probably is not smart in terms of leaving a trail of evidence that will prove to a divorce court I'm a complete maniac.
Our mediation recently collapsed. Actually, the mediator gave up on us. For the better part of the year, I had declined to seek temporary support, on the theory that our divorce was going to be short and simple. As my husband imposed more and more conditions, I finally told the mediator I needed to move out, and I wanted temporary support because I felt we had reached a stalemate in our efforts to come to a long-term settlement. She agreed with me, so we started trying to work out the support agreement, and my husband wanted to attach all kinds of conditions that were unrelated to support -- he wanted me to waive certain legal claims, and I felt that was inappropriate. So that fell apart, too, and now we're going to have to go through a judge, which means I've wasted nearly a year -- and even getting the paperwork to my lawyer is forcing me to re-visit all these deeply painful incidents from the past.
So I've been crying a lot, uncontrollably, wherever I happen to be.
A friend of mine claims to be a medium, and she was holding a seance the other night, and she invited me. It's not something I believe in, but on the other hand I needed to get out of the house. So I was there with a dozen complete strangers, and something about the whole situation started to affect me -- not because I believe in calling the dead, but because I understand how hard it is to say goodbye to someone you've lost, and how desperately you can get to believe anything that might give you another minute or two or three with someone you've lost. So when my friend asked me whether there was anybody on the other side that I wanted to reach out to, I started crying uncontrollably, thinking about my best friend who'd died a couple of years ago. I was maid of honor at her wedding, and she was the same at mine. i know she wouldn't want to see me in pain like this, and I just couldn't stop crying.
So over the next, say, 48 hours I've been unable to stop myself from crying in the most inappropriate places.
Yesterday, my husband texted me that one of his friends is in town from San Francisco, with a bunch of friends, and they want to come over to our house before going out to celebrate Gay Pride. He said he'd understand if I said "no" but I was thinking how bad he would make me look, behind my back, if I said I couldn't handle it. I was thinking his lawyer would use that text to show that I was preventing my husband from having a normal social life, or something. So I said, it's fine, the guy and his friends are welcome to come over.
It turned out to be about twenty gay guys. In addition to the San Francisco crowd, my husband also invited the guy I'm not supposed to know he's been cheating on me with -- who is 20 years younger than my husband -- and who brought the partner he himself is cheating on with my husband, who is easily 20 years or more younger than him. This kid had braces on his teeth. He didn't even drink alcohol -- to be honest, I don't know whether he's even old enough to drink legally. It was like my house was suddenly transformed into Fire island from the 1970's. I was friendly for a while, but when I could graciously extract myself, I retreated into the house and hid in a spare room watching a baseball game on TV. They stayed for over four hours. At one point, I went out on the deck and sat apart as the sun went down, and two of these strangers came over. One of them said, "I just want to ask you something ... how are you doing? Are you okay?" and I absolutely could not hold it together at all. I just couldn't. I kept thanking him for just asking, and begging him not to tell anyone I was crying.
By about 9:30 at night, I was in the house watching TV and I could hear them clearing the dishes on the deck. I heard them gradually leaving ... they knew exactly where I was, because I was across the hall from the bathroom they'd been using all evening, and the door to the TV room had been left open, but nobody even came in to say bye or thank me for having them over. Finally, it got quiet and I went out -- the entire house was empty. They were out front getting their Ubers and going out partying, and I assumed my husband was going to come in and speak to me after he'd said goodbye -- but he never did, he just went off with them to celebrate gay pride and left me alone in an empty pitch dark house.
I lost my shit.
I sent him about 15 or 20 toxic raging texts. I asked him why he couldn't even walk in and thank me for being a good sport, under the circumstances. I pointed out that it was really manipulative of him to put me on the spot, knowing that if I'd said I didn't think we should have these guys over -- it would be used in court as if I was denying him the right to have a normal social life.
He sent a couple of apologetic texts whining about how he didn't realize it was going to be so many guys, and blaming the one guy from San Francisco. I texted back it wasn't that guy's fault, it was his own fault for not even coming into the room and saying good bye at the end of the evening. But I really went overboard. I just couldn't handle it.
Then, I locked all the doors, knowing he wouldn't have a key with him when he staggered back at whatever hour. That's gonna look great when his lawyer finds out. There's a side door to our garage that's partially rotted out, and he had to break some additional panels in that door in order to be able to crawl through and get in. So now he can tell his lawyer I forced him to break down a door.
I know I messed up here, but I am so hurt and so angry and so tired of holding in my emotions and trying not to blow sky high. I just wanted to ruin his gay pride weekend.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz Online! June 9, 2019 2:57 pm | #2 |
Do you regret allowing them all in the house?
(I didn't see any bad language ....where was it?)
Posted by OutofHisCloset June 9, 2019 3:34 pm | #3 |
I'm so sorry you felt so boxed in that you couldn't say no, and then were treated so abominably. I'm so sorry your house was turned into gay pride party central and your husband disavowed responsibility for that by displacing the blame onto "the guy from San Francisco." What a despicable thing he did, and how cowardly he is.
You have been holding it together throughout the mediation, for an entire year. No wonder you have been beside yourself.
Adding the gay pride party to this other provocation was simply too much for you to handle. Please do not blame yourself for what is a completely understandable meltdown.
It seems to me that your mediator has a very clear understanding that you are not the problem in the breakdown of mediation; I imagine the facts of the breakdown of the mediation will also be apparent to the judge.
Again, please go easy on yourself.
Posted by a_dads_straight_journey June 9, 2019 5:50 pm | #4 |
Honestly, How about some gay humility for a change? When does it end?
WBM you have accommodated so much, you deserve so much better.
Once again no sensitivity or empathy on the part of the gay spouse or his gay friends for that matter.
Your tears and losing it are simply a measure of how much you have accommodated. The bucket is full, and the tears must come to release it all. Let them come ( the tears), all of them. You have us here to understand it all.
Wishing you strength and courage...
Posted by walkbymyself June 9, 2019 6:44 pm | #5 |
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Do you regret allowing them all in the house?
(I didn't see any bad language ....where was it?)
The bad language was when I said I lost my shit. There was a whole metric buttload more in the texts, which I have not copied. I made copious use of the word "fuckbuddies" though.
It's not that I regret letting them use the house, but my husband just acted like it was his God given privilege to have these guys over, and he couldn't even be bothered saying "So long I'm going out with my fuckbuddies now" at the end of the ordeal.
At one point, one of the guys came into the room where I was watching TV and asked where he could lie down and take a nap for a half hour. I was so confused I misunderstood him and had him repeat the question several times -- until he'd explained to me that he wasn't feeling well, and that it "must be a combination of the drugs and alcohol." And he wasn't even kidding -- he was serious. So I let him use my room for a bit.
I mean, the entire thing was so unbelievably surreal. The texts I sent were absolutely toxic, one after another in fast succession. They're going to look beautiful when he displays them to all his friends, to convince them I'm completely crazy.
Posted by jesijake June 9, 2019 9:20 pm | #6 |
It just shows how toxic he is. How heartless. You are human and can tolerate only so much. Hopefully everyone will understand that. Hang in there!
Posted by Whirligig June 9, 2019 11:19 pm | #7 |
Don't be too hard on yourself. It doesn't seem to reflect well on him to be honest. I can't imagine that it would work in his favor with a judge that he threw a party where drugs were being used or that it would be your responsibility to remember his keys for him. Normal people lock their home up at night for safety. Not your responsibility to remind him or stay up late to let him in. I also can't imagine that your husband would be keen on having his friends deposed about where they got the drugs, how he treated you, etc. If he has any kind of reputation he wants to maintain I doubt he wants that info out there. Sounds to me like you are still trying to bend over backwards like the good person you are and be fair and decent. Of course you cracked! Let your lawyer know and handle the details. One exchange of texts isn't likely to prove you are toxic. It's not a pattern of behavior by you. Take care of yourself. You didn't deserve that. He can take his social life elsewhere.
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet June 10, 2019 12:21 am | #8 |
I sure would like to read those texts you sent! Probably some of the best. writing. ever.
This all sounds so awful--surreal as you say. I love Whirligig's advice. I think that what you have written here is also good documentation.
I am always just so surprised at how little my husband grasps how draining everything is for me. E.g., Going to a family wedding where he is the best man for the groom and everyone is sitting there holding hands with their beloved, but I am gripping my little fingers together on my lap, as I listen to the words of the wedding ceremony, and husband is so filled with the beauty of the event--like not even aware of the irony. He just seems to go forward like everything is OK, does no recognize the strain. That is one of the hardest things like you say--it is not even the party or the event, but the callous unawareness of how this must be for you. Almost like if it was deliberate meanness that would be better, because at least that would mean he thought you were a person--this kind of thing is more like not even realizing you might have any feelings at all. Our feelings are inconvenient.
ALSO! Yesterday was a day for blowing up. I had one too. My experience was nothing as difficult as yours. But I understand the strain, the losing it, and then the fear that this will be used against me.
You really have been through so much. The mediation falling apart. Him throwing up barriers to temporary orders. Just the staying in it--it is exhausting--it is living in the "world where nothing makes sense." Hang in there!
Posted by walkbymyself June 10, 2019 12:04 pm | #9 |
OnMyOwnTwoFeet wrote:
I am always just so surprised at how little my husband grasps how draining everything is for me. E.g., Going to a family wedding where he is the best man for the groom and everyone is sitting there holding hands with their beloved, but I am gripping my little fingers together on my lap, as I listen to the words of the wedding ceremony, and husband is so filled with the beauty of the event--like not even aware of the irony. He just seems to go forward like everything is OK, does no recognize the strain.
Oh, wait, I got this one! You have to turn it into a drinking game, during the reception. Every time someone makes a speech, any time they mention "trust" or "honesty" or "the need for honest communication" or "marriage is based on trust" you have to drink a shot!
Actually, sometimes some of my brilliant ideas turn out not to be so smart after all, and this might be one of them.
Posted by lily June 10, 2019 9:09 pm | #10 |
well it's a funny brilliant idea if not a practical one!
can I just say your GH sounds like a bit of a bully.
so hard to deal with.
wishing you all the best.