Posted by Estella Oculus May 1, 2019 6:32 am | #11 |
Oh, but be heartened, dear Straight Spouses, that even when people don't "know" they may KNOW on some level! Case in point: Mr. DL told Dear Son (aged 15, who doesn't know about the affairs with men) about the new woman two weeks ago. DS's reaction? First: I already know because I can read your texts faster than you. Second: I refuse to meet her until you tell mom, because I'm not sneaking around on mom to go meet your new woman.
Last edited by Estella Oculus (May 1, 2019 6:32 am)
Posted by Estella Oculus May 1, 2019 6:58 am | #12 |
Also: one more ray of sunshine--our local drive in is opening for the season this weekend to show Avengers: Endgame. I'm going to get BBQ from my favorite spot nearby and go to the show, and then get ice cream at my favorite spot on the way home (if its open for the season--might be a little early). I am SO GLAD I called an end to it all. Like Captain Marvel, I'm going to emerge from the lies and gaslighting to become one of the most powerful weapons in the universe: "I’ve been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what happens when I’m finally set free?"
Posted by StrongerThanIKnew May 1, 2019 8:06 am | #13 |
TwoFeet, I think you are correct. I know my spouse escalated the crazy when ze felt ze was losing control. My spouse became very cruel. Seriously, I was floored at just how cruel ze could be. Soon though, ze realized I wasn't moved by that and ze became nice again - not genuinely nice though. Manipulatively nice. I lowered my guard once and had to pay dearly for doing so. Since then, though, I have stood firm. Now, my spouse largely leaves me alone, but is taking all measures to screw me over in the divorce proceedings as much as possible. It is all good though. I am standing firm and regardless of how it turns out, I will continue to get reacquainted with ME and will move forward and leave her behind.
I think it is important to remember that anger gets a bad rap sometimes. Anger is a healthy emotion. Anger protects us and also compels us to take action. I know I recently have felt anger so intense it scared me. I had never felt that rage before in my life. I learned to ask myself what purpose is my anger serving right now. It helped me make peace with it. Now, I need to add that my anger was always under control. I was never going to hurt anyone or myself, and that is important. I think it is also important to remember that some say anger is a secondary emotion. If you dig into it, you may find that it is just a very intense hurt or fear.
Also MiMi, I agree with the others. You have every right to tell your story. I do understand why you want to remain quiet, but you do not HAVE to. You also have that in between option. "I know my marriage may have looked 'perfect,' but obviously there were problems or I wouldn't have left. That is all I am comfortable saying right now." You could even add that you are leaving it in your husband's hands if he ever wants to let people know the "why" of your separation.
Posted by Rob May 1, 2019 9:03 pm | #14 |
Good for you. You got yourself away from someone that has no problem duping another woman.. You can surround yourself with better people now.
Posted by lily May 2, 2019 1:07 am | #15 |
Hi Estella, nice to see you again. My ex tried for a quick fix with another woman, he had been chatty with her for ages, and she was a bit keen. But she was smart enough to back off, which I was relieved about because she is a nice woman and didn't deserve that.
these are such tough yards, getting to the end of the divorce process - all the best, Lily.
Last edited by lily (May 2, 2019 1:07 am)
Posted by Leah May 2, 2019 6:07 am | #16 |
Dear Mimi,
I am with you there. I am so angry. UNLIKE you however, I did NOT keep my ex's secret. And so destroyed the relationship entirely which is actually a good thing. And here is why....
This last weekend I saw my ex with his new beard (wife) and he pretended I didn't exist. So I went up to say hello and meet his new wife of one year standing. She said, "I thought you looked familiar" which is amusing to think she would not have done her research enought to recognize his ex wife of 27 years!! But it was my son's event and I wanted to show myself above the farce of ignoring one another in a small space, but it was to no avail.
My anger IS The intended effect he wants to get as from his POV as he told me if I called his behaviour out by telling others then it would cut off all hope of any relationship. So we never speak. And even now 3 years post divorce, he cannot get over it and be adult enough to greet me as an acquaintance. God it is so messed up that I am treated unkindly in public and punished further - and my sons are too. No kindness or compassion for OUR shock and grief at the late breaking news of his decades of sexually adventurous explorations that defy what was our assummed reality and broke our marital agreement.
And this grudge he will hold til he dies, because to forgive me for being human and hurt and angry is just not his style. He is a proud man. And NOT gay...just a sexual adventurer with all....or some other story like that.
But this is simply internalized homophobia. Bisexual is simply a accurate description for someone who enjoys sexual contact with both sexes. And gay if it is mostly men. So to say he is bisexual or "was" really shouldn't be an issue. And homophobia is the problem here. We should be able to label their behaviour accurately even if they do not. And if they could be honest and brave enough to do so, but they are not. It is fear and cowardice. Plain and simple. So why should we fear saying the truth and fighting homophobia in this basic way by talking openly about OUR experience?????
So though I am angry and hurt, I feel liberated too. He only reveals how unkind and cruel he is to ignore the mother of his children and a loving wife for so long. I simply called him out on his behaviour. That is my crime. The new wife was full of tension and chatted as he looked on in stony silence with his grim little sardonic smile. I pitied her and I felt actually she is carrying him now, just as I did for so long.
And I am now free. So I am trying to work through my anger and rage and see it clearly for what it is...further evidence of his lack of loving kindness towards another human being who he has treated with disrespect and contempt. And the hypocrisy of expecting ME to act like a martyr and hold on to his false persona and lies and let it corrupt me from the inside. No thank you.
He has lost face. He has lost respect and friendships too and though I take some little pleasure in it, really it is ALL down to his choices and HIS behaviour. And it is kinda sad that in this day and age people are going to judge and reject people who are honest about their lives. If our spouses were honest - with us first - and then the world, then this forum would not be full of so much heartbreak. Me revealing his betrayals was also due to his choices and behaviour - never did he ask me permission for his actions out of our marital agreement and neither did he openly ask me to keep his behaviour secret, but he did threaten me with what he would do if I did. I had nothing to lose as I wanted a divorce, so here I am. He is only following through on that threat now. So why should I be hurt or angry after all this is what he did for so many years while married to me. It was always my fault and he was ever the long suffering one despite the verbally abusive barrage and simple contempt that flavoured any dispute and many interactions.
Anyway I came here to vent as usual and your post really made me seethe too. Why is it us that suffers? We must choose more wisely NOT to allow ourselves to buy into their narrative. They cannot make us suffer unless we choose to deny reality WITH them. My ex is not a kind and loving man who I have lost. He is a selfish man who is angry that he doesn't get the respect and moral high ground he feels he has a right to. And so like a toddler in a rage, he has thrown me out of his playpen. That is all I was to him. Useful, until I wasn't. So aren't I lucky to be out of that particular play pen? YES! I so am lucky, blest and living free of that everyday insiduous abuse of someone who is so disgusted with themselves that they are only disgusted with those around them and spread not love, but grief and self loathing in their wake. I'm only now throwing off so much of the self-loathing and negativity that living with this poisonous person left me with. And we have a right to be angry. But we don't have to suffer, especially in silence!!!
I wish you a more easy and comfortable mental state soon, Mimi!
Last edited by Leah (May 2, 2019 6:16 am)
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet May 2, 2019 7:31 am | #17 |
Estella Oculus wrote:
It's hard not to get caught up in the anger and frustration and injustice of it all. I mean, no one would believe my story, it's so crazy! But at the same time--my god, he's so pathetic and messed up--that crazy is real, and thank god it isn't mine anymore to deal with. I approached this at first with the mindset of compassion, that I (and my family!) wanted to support my husband coming out, but now I see that even that is wasted energy, because he literally cannot live with himself.
When I think of it from that perspective, I start to feel a bit less angry and a bit more relieved to be done with all this and moving on.
Thanks for this, Estella. What an ordeal to find all this out, and especially after so much effort toward him.
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet May 2, 2019 7:45 am | #18 |
Leah wrote:
My anger IS The intended effect he wants to get . . .
So though I am angry and hurt, I feel liberated too. He only reveals how unkind and cruel he is to ignore the mother of his children and a loving wife for so long. I simply called him out on his behaviour. That is my crime.
. . . So I am trying to work through my anger and rage and see it clearly for what it is...further evidence of his lack of loving kindness towards another human being who he has treated with disrespect and contempt.
It was always my fault and he was ever the long suffering one despite the verbally abusive barrage and simple contempt that flavoured any dispute and many interactions.
We must choose more wisely NOT to allow ourselves to buy into their narrative. They cannot make us suffer unless we choose to deny reality WITH them.
My ex is not a kind and loving man who I have lost. He is a selfish man who is angry that he doesn't get the respect and moral high ground he feels he has a right to.
And so like a toddler in a rage, he has thrown me out of his playpen. That is all I was to him. Useful, until I wasn't. So aren't I lucky to be out of that particular play pen? YES! I so am lucky, blest and living free of that everyday insiduous abuse of someone who is so disgusted with themselves that they are only disgusted with those around them and spread not love, but grief and self loathing in their wake.
Leah, thank you so much for this.
Especially, “My ex is not a kind and loving man who I have lost. He is a selfish man who is angry that he doesn't get the respect and moral high ground he feels he has a right to.”
I have really been working with these ideas too. Our spouses feel so much that they deserve things—including respect and and moral persona—that they cannot bear having anyone suggest anything otherwise. And then they punish, and that punishment makes them into that very person they imagine they are not. And, one of their harshest punishments is to twist the story: to insist that those they have hurt are the ones doing the hurting. And then they punish the hurt ones more because they “deserve it.”
It is mind spinning.
Last edited by OnMyOwnTwoFeet (May 2, 2019 7:48 am)
Posted by Rob May 2, 2019 8:23 am | #19 |
Leah, oomtf,
Exactly what happens to me..when i see her at kids events i am if i did somethimg wrong. I always make a point to say hi..especially if my inlaws are there. In her warped reality she thinks she has some moral high perplexes me more than angers me..she cheated having a gay affair and became really abusive and cruel..and she thinks she has the moral high ground and acts like i did something wrong. Cannot look at me or hold a conversation. Im not worth talking to to her I assume..ok..but her anger is not normal behaviour and her acting like it is normal does not make it true. I'm the one that should act angry and mean.
We have more events coming up together and I'm really concerned shes going to explode if she interprets some look or word the wrong way.. She remains angry and paranoid. For those going through this I can assure you all doesnt appear happy in their new gayland. I thank God for getting me away from such a false reality.
Last edited by Rob (May 2, 2019 8:24 am)
Posted by OutofHisCloset May 2, 2019 8:36 am | #20 |
Leah, I was nodding my head, "yes" over your claim that what they exhibit is an internalized homophobia. I suspect that the closeted and in denial feel they deserve the moral high ground because they have spent their lives denying who they are, and this is because they cannot bear to admit they are what they believe to be immoral. And so, in the twisted logic of the closet, having spent their lives living in defense of what's moral (by denying who they are because they believe "that kind of person" to be immoral), they believe they have earned the moral high ground.
As OnMyOwnTwoFeet says, "It is mind spinning."