Posted by Mimi April 29, 2019 1:35 pm | #1 |
I so want to do this in a loving way and to detach with love. But today I feel anger.
I have to keep his secret forever because he wants to remain in denial. In everyone’s eyes I left a perfectly fine marriage. And if he decides to come out one day, he will be celebrated. He claims that he is only bisexual (only after I confronted him). He claims bisexuality because that way he won’t be the villain for dragging a woman into his closet. He is upset with me and plays the victim because in his eyes I wasn’t understanding and gave up on us.
Reading a few recent posts, I felt that a lot of us are in this stage.
I married thinking it was forever. Between the two of us, he knew exactly what he’s dragging me into when he married me. I had no idea. For whatever reason he did it; to conform or fear of homophobia. I don’t care. He shouldn’t have married me.
Last edited by Mimi (April 29, 2019 4:30 pm)
Posted by walkbymyself April 29, 2019 1:50 pm | #2 |
Why do you believe you "have to" keep his secret, though?
Posted by Ellexoh_nz April 29, 2019 2:22 pm | #3 |
No! No you don't have to keep his secret.
You actually don't even have to tell him you're telling your truth to somebody else
"He is not the boss of you"
Posted by a_dads_straight_journey April 29, 2019 4:27 pm | #4 |
I hear ya, Mimi. I still have days where I swear about my ex (in my car, alone at home) for the costs to everyone, especially the kids. It was all so unnecessary if she had been honest with herself.
What’s ironic is she prided herself on her honesty and transparency. I’ve learned that the feature of personality some people boast about are sometimes what they struggle with the most.
Posted by control April 29, 2019 5:06 pm | #5 |
I feel the anger too. Sometimes I wonder if the anger will ever completely go away after all the lies & destruction of lives. And honestly, the anger is what I believe is helping me move forward in a life without this monster in it!!!
Just my opinion, but it’s your story/life too, you don’t have to keep any secret at all for him. You tell your story to whomever you would like. We did not ask to be brought into such a screwed up situation & once we realize what we’ve been involved in (not by choice), we have the right to handle it however we feel the need to move forward with our own lives.
Hope things improve soon!
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet April 29, 2019 5:53 pm | #6 |
I am currently swinging between sheer exhaustion and incredible anger and crying uncontrollably. I thought it was bad at the beginning, but lately—the last 3 weeks or so—just awful awful awful. In the past, I could come here on the SSN boards and read something, write something, have my day taken over like usual by the working through all the feelings, and know I was not myself at all. But lately: just no coherence. Like less than before. Or the same but slightly more aware? Or maybe less aware. Who knows. Just utterly exhausted from it all. Feel like a wounded soldier dragging her wounded, scraped dirt-and-blood-caked body over the edge of the trenches, hoping to find something safe in there. Knowing it is not home yet, but maybe a place for a 10 min nap, or a break from the battle, or a friendly person for a minute before the fire breaks out again? Definitely I am under attack. My husband is pulling out all kinds of emotional attacks, and the worst are the passive aggressive ones, or him as victim and me having to defend myself as “not bad” after being attacked in the first place. I think this might actually be an increase in the attacks as he senses losing control? Like, the most dangerous time for an abused woman is when she leaves or is about to leave?
Posted by OutofHisCloset April 29, 2019 9:26 pm | #7 |
Is there really no way for you to get out of that household? At the very least, can you shut down the discussions?
I think it's likely that what you're feeling is right: as he senses he's losing the battle he's upping the attacks.
Please, if you think you are in physical danger, call your local women's shelter--and you can look online for the national hotline number--and get yourself to a place of safety.
Posted by control April 29, 2019 10:37 pm | #8 |
Agreed that they really seem to up the crazy sh** when they feel they are losing control. As much as I believe my GH wanted his gay life, I don’t think the really believed I’d ever part from him.
I’m working on this daily! I’m getting out of this “fake marriage” to save my soul! Honestly, when I get adjusted to being alone, it couldn’t be too much different. He’s never been present emotionally, or physically either for that matter. I’m ready to Set Myself Free!!!!
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet April 30, 2019 10:55 pm | #9 |
I don't feel I can leave the household or tell my husband to leave, because I am concerned this will escalate things. However, I have asked him to sleep in a different room, and I am definitely trying to limit conversations. Thanks for your kind words!
Posted by Estella Oculus May 1, 2019 5:57 am | #10 |
Good morning all,
I haven't posted in a while, largely because I am in a similar space to this thread. I'm so sorry Mimi, OnMyOwn, and all, because I know, too, how frustrating it is. My divorce isn't final for another two months, and Mr, Down-Low (my former husband of 23 years) arranged a special in-person meeting to announce to me the other day that he's met someone else--a woman! Apparently they met last August and moved in together in December, which means two things: 1) he did a total about face from threatening to commit suicide because I didn't love him/berating me that I didn't care/telling me his death would all be on me-- to jumping straight into her bed, and 2) he flat out lied during mediation about his address and expenses, filing a fraudulent financial form. That now explains why he was so calm during our mediation and when he got fired from his job just prior to our court date. It's all good, because he has a beard again, and she's paying for everything!
Well, good luck to her, because what I have pieced together is that he started cruising guys in college. By his own admission, he cheated on me with men during most if not all of our marriage and is bisexual. Plus he has over $100,000 in student loans that were only paid when I shelled out my own money to pay them, and terrible credit, and he thinks nothing of siphoning money off into a secret account for his activities. (Yes, I am a SuperChump--I paid "our" bills while he played.) A mutual friend who took care of him for two weeks during his breakdown recently confided in me that, based on what Mr. Down-Low told them during those weeks, she and her husband believe those activities include arranging sex with minors.
It's hard not to get caught up in the anger and frustration and injustice of it all. I mean, no one would believe my story, it's so crazy! But at the same time--my god, he's so pathetic and messed up--that crazy is real, and thank god it isn't mine anymore to deal with. I approached this at first with the mindset of compassion, that I (and my family!) wanted to support my husband coming out, but now I see that even that is wasted energy, because he literally cannot live with himself. He is either breaking down/suicidal when he's alone because he feels exposed or hiding behind a woman. What can you do with a mess of a person like that? Add to it that he has periods of joblessness and repeated firings (for I don't even know what--he'd never say) and ... well, it looks like he's going to run his time out on earth and, like his father before him, leave few mourning his passing.
When I think of it from that perspective, I start to feel a bit less angry and a bit more relieved to be done with all this and moving on. I hope you can find yourself feeling that way, too, in the coming days, Mimi. You have and will offer the world so much more--
Peace and strength to you!
Last edited by Estella Oculus (May 1, 2019 7:03 am)