WHY do all of our stories sound the same??? Really. My husband says this to me all the time, " I am not gay-I don't want a relationship with a man." I continue to find evidence of gay porn magazines, google searches for gay bars. But he claims he is not gay, a few times he admitted to being bisexual, but then later on decided he wasn't. It is such a mind f--k game. At times, I believe he is delusional. I finally made a list of all the reasons why I know he is gay, and I reference it every tie I feel sorry for him, or when I want so badly to believe his Lies. My divorce will be final January 10th......I am on a rollercoaster of emotions, sadness, anger, pain, relief, fear, hope......
Anyways, I started to heal, when I decided to focus on me, It no longer matter how he identifies himself, whether he is gay, bisexual, bicurious, whatever he is he is not straight. He is not honest he has no integrity, he has no soul. I decided I want honesty, truth, happiness, he is incapable of giving me that.
I just want you to know, I understand.