He loves me so much he is just so confused

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Posted by Shan13
January 22, 2019 11:02 am

I’m going crazy trying to keep it together. We have been together 15 years, 3 kids and over the years I have found gay porn and buried my head in the sand! The last time it was a dick pic and selfie, so I asked who they were for and it’s for Grindr. That was my last straw. He is such a mess says he loves me and is attracted to me and all ways has been but he is just so confused and has been since a kid. I just don’t understand how he could be so attracted to me. Is it a lie. I just know he is gay and not bi. Says he loves me so much and doesn’t want to give up, but I can see he does, he is ready to explore. I’m just so confused. We are in separate rooms but are still in the same house, it’s been 4 days, I cried for 2 days straight I think... he says he is so confused because he has always loved me and it doesn’t feel wrong but he has these feelings. I’m so confused!

Posted by Mimi
January 22, 2019 12:11 pm


I totally feel you as I’m in the same situation. Found solid evidence on him being on hookup sites, but he tells me he’s just curious.

You are going through a lot of emotions. What you are experiencing is grieve of losing a husband you knew. It’s like a death of a loved one. Cry it out if you need to. Let yourself go through the emotions. Take one step at a time. Don’t make any quick decisions. Just remember to trust your gut.

Posted by Shan13
January 22, 2019 4:09 pm

Thanks the reply, I don’t really get on the internet or social media, so I’m a little bit new at all this...
and oh how it feels like grief too, I think the first day I cried so much because he wouldn’t be coming home to me anymore, I’m going to be so alone, I know I have the kids but we live in a small town and we only moved here for work so no friends or family... I know in my gut he gay, I just can’t understand how he can keep saying he was attracted to me and was really in love with me and it didn’t feel wrong because that just seems like a lie... I really don’t want to become and angry person


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