Husband in Denial!

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Posted by Confused123
September 2, 2016 12:01 pm

Thank you everyone for your response! What a great group of people here! So much motivation to move forward!!!! Yes, I'm working on me

Posted by Lisa9978
September 2, 2016 2:57 pm

Confused 123,

I have only just found this website.  

I am married, currently separated (6 weeks) and I have four kids, 20, 17, 15, 11.

Ten years ago I found evidence of my husband being unfaithful.  Porn and a condom left in the toilet (certainly was not from him and I).  I confronted him, he had many excuses, blamed it on me that he was looking at porn etc.  I also had 4 young children and I was a stay at home mom.  He said that he loved me, he begged me to trust him...I stayed with him.  As the years went by our marriage deteriorated.  I could not understand this.  I tried my best to be the best wife I could be.  Nothing was ever good enough.

How I wish with all my heart I could turn back time to 10 years ago.  I would certainly make better choices for myself and my children would have been younger and it would have been easier for them to adjust to a divorce.

7 months ago (Christmas Day!) I had access to his phone.  I found evidence of YEARS of infidelity, cheating and lying.  He did have some S&M relationships with women (I found this out first), and as I dug into his emails I looked in his "sent" files.  There was YEARS of sexual acting out with men.  I have evidence of over 50 hook ups, video, pictures.  Not for even one second did I suspect he was gay or bisexual.

I confronted him and he begged me to work on our marriage, he said he was "done with all of that", and "its not what he wanted".  He said it was from having a stressful, demanding job.  I entered individual counselling, he refused counselling.  

2 months ago I found evidence on his phone that he was on  He had not stopped AT ALL what he was doing.  I emailed him for a hook-up through (obviously, he did not know it was me), and he answered the email while I was sitting in his office at WORK.  I went to a lawyer and put everything I needed in place and moved money around to make sure I was financially ok.  

I packed all of his stuff, drove to a location down the street from his office and asked him to meet me there. I confronted him, told him that I knew he continued to be on and that he was meeting men.  I told him to get his stuff out of my car, he refused, I told him he could get it out of my car or I could dump it ALL in the parking lot of his office.  He jumped to action and got his stuff out of my car.

He has been moved out for 6 weeks and we are going through the process of legal separation.  He absolutely DENIES being gay and he absolutely DENIES being bi-sexual.  He insists he is straight.  I have read enough books, been in counselling for 7 months to understand that he is a lier, a cheat, and a horrible husband who did not value out life, our children or myself.  He desperately wants me to take him back.  I have absolutely refuses.  He is desperate for me to not tell anyone what he has done.  

I am heart broken but determined to move on with my life in the healthiest way for myself and my kids.  If I have one regret that tears away at my soul it is that I stayed in this marriage 10 years longer than I should have.  I was desperate to keep our family together.  DESPERATE.  It was a mistake and I mistakenly thought 10 years ago I could not leave because the kids were "little".  Well, it is not easier but harder now that they are teenagers.  I built this fake, pretend, happy life around them and they do not know yet that we are separated.  I plan to tell them soon.  Basically, I need to get the separation agreement settled first and make sure we are settled financially.  I do not want my husband to freak out before I have everything done.  Once the separation agreement goes through the court and everything is signed I will tell our children and family that needs to know.

I have decided I will not LIE to my children (I will keep it age appropriate).  My husband has begged me to tell the kids and family that we "grew apart"  I will no longer be a horrible example to my daughter of what a marriage is like and I will NOT raise my son's to be liars and cheaters but men of integrity and it will begin by them knowing what there father has done and that when you lie, cheat, and have NO character there is consequences in life.  

Find a therapist that tells you more than "take care of yourself".  You need to find out why you are in an abusive marriage and why this is ok with you.  I had much to face about why I let my husband treat me the way I did.  

The last 6 weeks with him not in our home have been a total relief.  I feel like I can finally breathe, I get stronger everyday.  I can tell you, I did my children or myself any favours by staying in this marriage 10 years longer than I should have.


Posted by Confused123
September 2, 2016 3:57 pm

Wow !!! This sounds like me !!!! 10 yes ago I had my suspicions and now I found proof! I left my career to be a stay at home mom and a wife! I wanted my kids to have the best life ever! Better then me! I was sexually abused when I was a kid now emotionally abuse in this marriage ! I haven't had any time to vent about this! I have to pre-tend I'm happy everyday! This is really hard!!! I need to get my finance straight again! I'm not ok in that area! He's is the only one working ! I was planning to get a masters in tax while I'm home then get a job and do me! I need to be financially stable! Plus we just bought a house 2 months ago! Mortgage is 2500! Can't pay alone so much to think about ! My school loans have been deferred all this years now it's time to repay ! I'm ok with him being bi... I'm not ok with him not coming clean with me ((( this is were it hurts very emotional here !

Posted by Still Wondering
September 2, 2016 4:29 pm

Lisa - I'm so sorry.  Good for you for taking his stuff and kicking him out.  I'm glad you're ok will be ok emotionally after you've taken some time to heal.

Don't beat yourself up over staying and trying to create a happy life for your kids.  I know so, so many people who have done the same thing.  Even couples who were not involved with gay in denial spouses.  The first instinct is always to suck it up and create this bubble of happiness around the kids while they are slowly dying inside. 

How are the kids handling it?  Where do they think he has been for the last six weeks if they don't know you're separated? 

Hang in there and keep posting.....

Posted by Lisa9978
September 2, 2016 6:22 pm

Hi All,

Well that was a pretty big VENT on my part. (I just re-read this post and this is a WARNING that it's a bit explicit)  Seriously, it has taken me months to get to this point and I only just recently came to terms with my husband being gay.  Even after all of the evidence of my husband's sexual activity with men I was still in denial.  He said he was straight, INSISTED.  I was trying to make sense of the senseless.  My world was turned upside down and I couldn't find the ground.  It was a nightmare

 I found hundreds of emails, texts, pictures etc all in just about one sitting. A little bit on Christmas Day (I saw him put his passcode into his phone Christmas Eve when we were at Christmas Eve mass) and then the whole works a few days later as I sat on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night while in Mexico on vacation with the kids (trip was booked before Christmas).  It was literally more than my brain could comprehend.  The one smart thing I did even thought I was in complete SHOCK was take a picture of every single thing on my husband's phone with my phone and I texted the video of him that he had on his phone to my phone and then I deleted the text on his phone.

I survived the Mexican vacation  (I have no idea how I did, because I was absolutely numb and my husband was messaging women and men while on our family vacation), we got home and I made an appointment with a lawyer and therapist the second we got home.  It was 5 more weeks before I confronted him but in those 5 weeks I started the process of protecting myself financially, put a new roof on our house, bought things I needed and basically took care of everything I possibly could.  The breaking point for me was when I saw on his phone he was making plans to detour to Portland to meet up with a women for 2 days at a S&M bed and breakfast (Twisted Cedar Estates) on route to meetings in Utah.  I was physically sick that night.  I was absolutely horrified and crushed.  It was overwhelming and utterly shocking.  We were a family, a normal family with 4 kids and 2 businesses.  We had Sunday suppers with his family, we went to church. A wonderful life.

If I had not taken the pictures with my phone of the stuff on his phone so that so I had proof, he would have denied everything and it makes the separation agreement much easier to "agree" to because he does not want anyone to know what he has done.  I am not being unfair in the separation but I am making sure I am getting every single thing I am entitled to.

When I did "confront" him last Feb, like I said, he PROMISED on the kids LIVES that he would NEVER do anything again.  He said he was "mixed up" and it was just the "stress" of work.  He said,  "he did not want it" and BEGGED me for another chance.  We went through what I realize now was a "classic" honeymoon phase.  He was attentive, spending more time with me and the kids, unloading the dishwasher (yeesh), trying sexually with me.  I started to suspect in May that things didn't seem right sexually (he just did not respond to me the way I thought was right) and I noticed him on his phone, missing the kids baseball games etc.  

It was then I found the passcode to his phone again, and I saw a message from on a meeting he had planned with another man.  It was directions.  He had taken a picture of the message because it had directions to the meet up place and then he "deleted" the picture not knowing the a phone saves deleted pictures for 30 days.  I found the picture 6 days before it would have been deleted permanently.  I joined as a member and messaged my husband.  He messaged me back thinking I was a guy (once in front of me).  It was devastating because we had been really "working on our marriage".  I made an appointment with my lawyer to start the process of separation and this time I REALLY moved around money to protect myself.  He had sold a car he had and I took every penny and put it in the kids college savings accounts.  Thankfully, over the years I was involved in all of our finances.  I also began over paying every single household bill (electricity, phone etc) so that I have a cushion of a few months of household bills already paid.  I confronted him mid July and 2 days later kicked him out.  My lawyer was very clear that  it was VERY important that he "leave" our family so that legally he could not claim it.

I still could not come to the terms with him being gay.  Last week I decided to look back on all of the texts and emails etc that I had because my husband was asking me every single time I saw him to take him back.  There was a lot of things that stood out that my mind hadn't been ready to comprehend months before (I really hadn't looked at the stuff I found again because it was so traumatizing), anyway, one thing I saw that I had kind of forgotten.  One guy asked my husband to "drink lots of water" so that my husband could pee in the other guys mouth, and in another instant another guy wanted my husband to have to pee in a bottle while jerking off because it was a control thing or something.  I thought this stuff was weird but kind of put it on the other guys.

I was on last week (I wanted to see if my husband had logged on), anyways I clicked on some profiles and you know what tons of guys have listed is "water sports".  Seriously, I thought to myself...why are guys listing wake boarding and I googled, "water sports and gay"...oh seriously, it's kind of a  thing to pee and stuff while acting out sexually with another was at that moment that I thought, "o, that's pretty GAY".  The thing is my husband identifies as a STRAIGHT man on  He refuses oral sex, anal sex or anything "gay".  He likes to jerk off with other guys and he was submissive.  It took really looking at those texts and emails again to really realize, MY HUSBAND is gay.  He has brought up that he was "with" women too which he is seriously not sorry for.  I seriously told him, spanking some girls butt until it is black and blue and then jerking off does NOT mean you are NOT gay.  Our marriage started having serious problems about 18 months ago, I just could not figure out what was "wrong" with my husband because he was acting so different, angry, withdrawn etc.  I can see from the emails that he had started a somewhat relationship with another man.  Certainly, someone who was more than a one night stand.  

I have been in therapy with thankfully an absolutely great therapist.  In the last week I read Bonnie Kaye's books and listened to her podcasts and seriously I could have written or said every single word.  I can hardly believe it.  I also would be the first to say that my husband was a great guy, a good father, we were best friends and we never fought and we were completely on the same page about everything parenting with the kids.  I did not see this, although I would say the entire 20 years our sex life did not seem "right" to me. I am attractive, and in fairly good shape and he would tell me to get a better body, he was "pushy" sexually knowing I would reject him...this gave him the excuse to go act out with other people.  I could go on and on...but I can see now how "unloving" our relationship was.  I am horrified that I let this go on for so many years.  But we did have a good life and I always saw my blessings.  He was always miserable.

We have not told the kids yet.  They have not noticed that he is gone.  He always went to the gym at 5:00 am and then worked until 8, 9, 10 pm.  He would come home, have supper and go to bed.  Unfortunately, I can see now how little he was a part of our family.  He has always been loving and kind to the kids, though.  We have a fairly large business.  He "worked" ALOT.  I gave up my nursing career to be a full time mom about 10 years ago.  This was our life.  He worked and I was home.  He game to baseball and hockey games when he could but work always came first (now I know he had a whole other life).  Until we finalize the financial aspects he has been coming home around 6-7 pm and having supper, he sees the kids, I am myself when he is here but if I don't want to see him I go for a walk, to the bookstore or something.  Then he says he is "going back to work" and leaves.  The kids are busy with sports, friends etc and have not noticed.  

I told him this afternoon that I would no longer continue to be apart of his lies.  The kids will have to be told of our separation.  He was devastated.  Said I was "driving him to suicide"...I was a bit angry and said, "don't get my hopes up"...seriously, this is what my life has come to.  After saying that though, I said, "are you coming for supper tonight and he said, "yes".  I told him for the millionth time that he needs to get help, he refuses counselling.  I told him I will not keep this from the kids indefinitely. 

If I could say one thing to anyone it would be to get out as I should have done 10 years ago.  Or at the very least start going in that direction.  Put money away, go for individual therapy, contact a lawyer so you know you rights, find support (I have a therapist, a wonderful mom and brother, and 2 awesome friends who have been there for me).  Downsize your life as much as possible (3 years ago my husband tried to convince me to buy a mega expensive house, we put an offer in,and it was accepted we sold our house...I freaked out and phoned the realtors and everyone and said, I AM NOT BUYING THAT HOUSE and stayed right where I was...instead he bought a Corvette, which I made him sell  2 months ago). Pay off credit cards.  I applied to do my Master's degree last winter, was accepted and I am starting my second class next week.  If the kids are little, keep things happy for them but do absolutely everything you can to move your life in the right direction.  I am fine financially but how I wish now I have saved way more over the last 10 years.  I wish I had devoted my life for the last 10 years to building a life for MYSELF. 

If I learned anything from the books I read in the last week on straight wives/gay husbands it is that if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, swims like a duck...its a DUCK...believe me....I am not divorcing my husband because he is gay.  I am divorcing him because he is a liar, and a cheater with no character who did not value me or our family. I deserve better and I will never teach my children that you stay in this kind of marriage "for them". 

Posted by Dee
September 3, 2016 8:58 am

Hi Lisa ,
Welcome to the club none of ever wanted to join, so glad you found us. Holy crap, what a story!  I also stayed 15 years longer than I should have based on some gay porn I found, same reason as you, because I believed and trusted him, mistake # 1. I recently broke free of a 30 year marriage, and you are right, my kids are doing ok now, but in the long run, I didn't do them any favors. Neither have any contact with him of their own doing because they have seen for themselves his lying and despicable side My daughter's response to me was "What took you so long." . You sound strong, and you already have discovered the exact thing I did after I kicked him to the curb, I could breathe, and didn't realize how horribly toxic my life had become. Keep chugging forward on your path to an honest life. Good luck.

Posted by BryonM
September 3, 2016 12:07 pm

"I have decided I will not LIE to my children (I will keep it age appropriate)..."

Does this mean that you are going to tell slightly different versions to each of them? I don't have children, but I have siblings, plenty of them (5), and one thing is for sure, we all talked to each other and compared notes. Be careful of putting yourself in the position of them questioning whether you are a liar, too, if they hear inconsistent versions from you. I assure you, they are going to talk to each other about this, and they are going to compare notes. Whatever you do, I would advise against telling any one of them how to talk about it with each other if they ever do, or worse, to ask them *not* to talk to each other. Doing that will only guarantee that they talk to each other, whether you know about it or not. It took my parents a few mistakes before they figured out that telling one of us was the same as telling all of us.

"You need to find out why you are in an abusive marriage and why this is ok with you.  I had much to face about why I let my husband treat me the way I did."

Lisa - bravo, bravo, bravo! This is the part that makes many of us squeamish, even defensive, and why we want "proof" and why we keep buying into the lies - what is it about us that thinks it's okay to live like this. Sorry for what you had to go through, I certainly understand the part about "what I would have done differently if I had been aware," but sounds like you are on the right path.

Last edited by BryonM (September 3, 2016 12:26 pm)

"I have given you my soul, leave me my name!"  - John Proctor, The Crucible
"Question everything you've been told; hold fast to what is true and good." - I Thessalonians 5:21
Posted by Lisa9978
September 3, 2016 1:13 pm

Byron and Dee, thank you for the responses.

It feels like a tough day today, likely a response to actually writing down what has happened to me.  It has however given me the strength to confront my husband and tell him I absolutely refuse to be a part of his secrets and lies anymore.

I appreciate the advise about telling the kids.  I will be very careful to be consistent with all of them.  My therapist has given me very good advice on how to tell the kids and I have discussed with my therapist the best information to give them.  I have delayed in telling them until I have sorted through the trauma I have been through.  I want to be in a strong place when I tell them.  I also pray everyday that my husband will enter therapy as well.  I think he needs it.  Again this morning he is begging me to take him back.  I said it is too late.

Confused 123, I thought of you last night because you are where I was 10 years ago.  I understand staying with your husband with younger kids. I did that as well.  Hindsight is everything now but I will say that 10 years ago I did the best I could, with my youngest being only 1.  I think I decided to stay home with the  kids  because I instinctively knew he was never going to be the parent they needed.  What I wish I had done and understood then is that I could have built a life for myself over the last 10 years.  I wish I had someone to tell me to build a way to support myself (begin my Master's degree sooner, really focus on what I wanted for my life, my future and who I wanted to be etc).  I sure could have used therapy 10 years ago.  I wish I had saved way more money.  If you do stay, really begin to focus on yourself, not just, "taking care of yourself", though that is important too but on what you would do if you knew your husband would leave you in 10 years.  Make sure you are where you need to be in 10 years.  

Posted by Rob
September 5, 2016 8:33 pm


Although you beat yourself up over not leaving sooner your posts radiate strength.

Don't beat yourself up.  We all tried to save our marriages...we all had fierce true love..nothing to be ashamed about.

I did not stay years..once I found she was cheating my body literally made me move forward. .I would sake with trauma at the betrayal and lies.  I knew what I ha DC to do and was gathering etc..when she filed.  (Shocked her that I had a lawyer though).

I admire you for moving with conviction and speed once you knew of his lies.  This should be a lesson for all here...we need to go into emergency accident what needs to be done.
Hair on fire as it's said here.

Sadly the shock froze many of us and it takes time to move forward.
For those that can't throw their lying gay spouse on street (just wow..I did not have the guts to do that) steps for you and your kids...always forward..

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7


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