Posted by ThisSeason ![]() December 22, 2018 9:56 am | #1 |
I'm wondering how many other straight spouses have had thoughts of denial when their spouse came out to them. It can feel very surreal to comprehend.
In my case, my wife is not in denial of being gay (currently at least). Sometimes she doubts if she will find true love or happiness from gay relationships, but she has been clear that she is definitely sexually and affectionately attracted to the opposite sex.
But I sometimes find myself wondering if she truly is gay or if she is bi, which she initially claimed to be. Perhaps the what if questions I ask myself are not really the important questions though (What if she gets it out of her system and decides she doesn't want to continue having homosexual relationships, what if I divorce her and she later ends up in a relationship or a marriage with another man, and so on).
I am sure that shock, denial, and some sort of internal bargaining on my part contribute to my feelings on this. She also sends mixed signals from time to time (being affectionate, being sexual, posting old pictures of us on her social media).
I realize that it probably isn't healthy to try to put too much stock in thinking this may be a phase or that she will slide further towards the heterosexual side of the bisexuality scale. It seems logical that by the time a spouse lets you know they are gay (mine says she knew about a month before she told me) they have had plenty of time to think about it. For most people this is not something that they would take lightly, as even the most selfish and self-absorbed person knows that it will completely change and disrupt their life.
Posted by lily ![]() December 27, 2018 6:59 pm | #2 |
No, I had no thoughts of denial. I had been led round the garden path so long I wasn't going to do it to myself. I made myself a promise. No second guessing myself, I knew he was gay in denial, no second guessing at all, don't even go there. A measure of peace for my brain.
You, on the other hand have a partial disclosure which makes it much harder to sort the wheat from the chaff.
There's a couple of things stand out in the post - one is that she only worked out she was gay a month before telling you. With respect that is, well let's just say it's highly unlikely and it leaves me to wonder why she is saying it - could she be trying to minimise the guilt she is under? That's not a healthy thing to do - she is feeling as guilty as she is, better to face up to it. If she can't do that then she will want to put blame on you.
Worse, it could be she is not feeling guilty, and she is just manipulating you by your emotions and keeping the belief alive that you still have a chance with her.
The idea there is a heterosexual side of the bisexuality scale is oh good grief, do you ever shift into bisexuality? straight is straight. there is no bisexual about it. If a person is on the bisexuality scale they are not straight. They are same sex attracted.
I have to add - when you say she sometimes doubts if she will find true love or happiness from gay relationships it sounds to me like she has quite possibly been pretty active in that regard. sorry. I know it hurts and maybe after all this, she does end up married to another man.
But if she does, then you can be even more glad you aren't married to her any more. To marry another straight man in the face of having seen your pain? - what does that say about her.
Posted by ThisSeason ![]() December 28, 2018 8:22 am | #3 |
Thanks for the detailed response Lily.
My wife has made it clear that she is gay, so I should not allow myself to live in denial. I am trying to remain realistic. From knowing her personality, actions, and psychological issues and traits over the last 15+ years, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to "take back" her declared gayness if she goes out and does not find a fulfilling, happy relationship where someone is able to support and provide for her.
I read about someone here on SSN whose wife left him for the affair partner. She then had another lesbian relationship where it got very volatile, and restraining orders were needed. Now the exwife claims to be asexual. I could see my spouse doing something like that. Wait, the grass isn't greener over here? Fine. I don't even like grass at all. I'll just be miserable by myself if nobody can take care of me and keep me at a constant state of euphoria and be everything I need.
I realize that even if I'm right about how fickle my spouse will be throughout this, that doesn't mean it is worth it for me to just hang around waiting for years. For what? To potentially to see how everything shakes out and if she chooses me after exploring her other options?
I feel deep down no one should play the role of consolation prize to their spouse. Marriage doesn't work that way. No matter how much compassion or empathy we can have for someone going through realizing and questioning if they are gay and does that mean they have to throw away their vows, relationship and family.
Posted by Zoso ![]() December 28, 2018 9:00 am | #4 |
ThisSeason wrote:
I realize that even if I'm right about how fickle my spouse will be throughout this, that doesn't mean it is worth it for me to just hang around waiting for years. For what? To potentially to see how everything shakes out and if she chooses me after exploring her other options?
The fact that we entertain this thought shows how committed we are in our marriages. I still have this thought, what if she changes her mind? I am still very much in I’ve with my wife and it is a very difficult thing to just turn off. I guess that’s the difference in being the straight spouse. We struggle with the fear of losing everything we looked forward to and being alone. I cannot envision a future without her, but is there a future with her? I can’t answer that question right now. One day at a time for me.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() December 28, 2018 10:12 am | #5 |
And look at the future ThisSeason describes he would have with his wife: taking care of her and being everything she needs and kept in a constant state of euphoria!
I'm almost four years out from disclosure day, which I describe as the day my ex dropped the trans bomb, and about six weeks past the final court date dissolving our marriage, and I STILL harbor occasional doubts about whether he's and when he's going to get over what still feels to me unbelievable. He was 58 when he dropped this bomb; according to him, he'd "first asked [him]self the question of whether he could be trans" when he was 55. The behavior he engaged in after he dropped this bomb on me was so exaggerated and fantastic, and his version of woman so removed from that of any real-life woman he interacts with, that I thought he was acting delusional (my father was bipolar and did suffer from delusions, so I had pretty good comparative evidence).
Contributing to my continuing to wonder whether he has or will finally "come to his senses" (which is how I think of it) is that my ex retreated more firmly into the closet when I stopped wholeheartedly participating in his acting out of his sexual fantasy of playing submissive femme-toy woman. However, these doubts disappear when either he will do or say something that lets me know he hasn't changed, or I will deliberately go looking for evidence in order to drag myself back to reality. It really is just so hard to accept that the people we have known so intimately and in some cases for decades are not who we thought they were (or have become unrecognizable to us).
There's definitely a pattern of response that we undergo, and this questioning of whether it's real or will presist, and wanting to go back to our previous life or at least salvage some semblance of that life while staying married is part of that pattern.
The thing that's different for me now is that I have reached the point that even if he did return to "normal," I would not want to be married to him. I may not have fully accepted the reality of his transness (that he stays in the closet may contribute to that) but over the time since his disclosure, and in our dealings since, my eyes have opened to quite a lot--not just to his self-centered, self-interested behavior after his disclosure, but to behaviors throughout our 35 year marriage--and I would now not want to be married to such a man, even if he were as straight as a board, because mine comes with his own version of what ThisSeason describes as life with his wife.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (December 28, 2018 10:27 am)
Posted by ThisSeason ![]() December 28, 2018 3:19 pm | #6 |
I see a similar commonality in a lot of the situations here. It seems that after the hope, bargaining, and desperation phases that most of us go through, many people realize that there were many other reasons to leave the marriage IN ADDITION TO infidelity and TGT.
As hard as it is for those of us early in the process to comprehend, perhaps TGT is a gift to push us into a new, better life. It's easier to think of that in theory than to really feel it though, from where I stand currently.
Posted by ThisSeason ![]() December 28, 2018 3:21 pm | #7 |
Zoso wrote:
ThisSeason wrote:
I realize that even if I'm right about how fickle my spouse will be throughout this, that doesn't mean it is worth it for me to just hang around waiting for years. For what? To potentially to see how everything shakes out and if she chooses me after exploring her other options?
The fact that we entertain this thought shows how committed we are in our marriages. I still have this thought, what if she changes her mind? I am still very much in I’ve with my wife and it is a very difficult thing to just turn off. I guess that’s the difference in being the straight spouse. We struggle with the fear of losing everything we looked forward to and being alone. I cannot envision a future without her, but is there a future with her? I can’t answer that question right now. One day at a time for me.
Zoso, if a friend came to you with a similar situation, what kind of advice would you give him? Would you suggest he remain hopeful that somehow things can work out? Or would you tell him it sounds like one way or another, it sounds like there can be no "happily ever after" in this story?
Posted by lily ![]() December 28, 2018 6:20 pm | #8 |
Zoso, have you heard the saying 'love is blind'? - the bit you want to get to is where 'the scales fell from my eyes'.
The silver lining in the big black family crushing storm is the possibility opening up for you somewhere in your future - a relationship with a straight woman, someone who can love you all the way back.
Posted by JT ![]() December 30, 2018 1:44 pm | #9 |
Love can be very blinding and make it easier for us to make decisions that we wouldn't ordinarily make. Time and talking things out with your support system seem to help us see the situations in a more realistic light though.