Hi Roo & jkc1214, it was over 18 years ago that my GID told me he wanted to "explore his homosexual feelings". I don't know if there is a specific "time-line" for getting through this situation. If there is, I think I get the prize for the longest, slowest in being proactive. 
Back in July, my 2 adult children had told me that their father had bought a condominium in Nice, France and was living with a man.
Anyway, one day, 2 weeks ago, as I was struggling to tend to the very large pie-shaped back-yard, I suddenly thought, "Why am I still doing this alone? He is NOT coming back. I am getting too old for this (I am now 61.) I am not enjoying this yardwork/gardening anymore. I do not like living like this. I have had enough if this 3-bedroom house!!"
I called an estate agent and have booked an app't to get help cleaning out this house. I have told my adult children & I suspect neither believes me. I have often told them that they can clear the house when I am gone
. Anyway, neither wants to live with me, preferring to live in the big city (Toronto) with its convenient transit, restaurants, night-life,...