I didn't know where to post this ... but I have for the very first time edited a wikipedia entry! There's a first time for everything.
It's the listing for Mixed Orientation Marriage. The piece as originally written, quoted "a study on mixed orientation marriage" as finding that women in mixed-orientation marriages may be attracted to homosexual men and proceed to marry them. It went on to quote the study's author as saying that "straight individuals rarely marry gay people accidentally". I clicked the link to the source, which was a NY Times article that went on to dispute this claim (all of which was omitted from the Wikipedia entry). Also, according to the NY Times, it was actually not a "study" that "concluded" this -- it was a case study of a single mixed-orientation marriage. So there was no "conclusion" or cumulative data that could possibly have supported the guy's claim; it was his own speculation. The wikipedia entry made it sound as though there really was hard data backing that noxious stereotype up, and believe me I went ballistic when I read it.
So anyhow, I've never in my life edited a Wikipedia entry, but now if you go back you can see, I've changed it to:
"One case study of a single mixed-orientation marriage led to speculation that heterosexual women in mixed-orientation marriages may be attracted to homosexual men and proceed to marry them.[9] Kort said that "straight individuals rarely marry gay people accidentally". [13] He theorized that some heterosexual women find homosexual men less judgmental and more flexible, while others unconsciously seek partnerships that are not sexually passionate. This claim, however, is widely disputed. [10]"