I said the same thing, that financial considerations were keeping me in the marriage, and finances were such that I'd wait to get out for three years. Turns out it was less than two, as I reached the point where the scales tipped and my health and sanity was worth more than the added financial security. I'm living on my own now, and it is less comfortable financially, but it's far more peaceful, and, added benefit, friends are coming by to have coffee or lunch or a drink on the porch of my new place. I isolated myself in that crazy situation, stayed in his closet (my stbx dressed and acted out only at home, and still presented publicly as the male he is), for most of that three years, and now I'm re-establishing friendships with those I distanced myself from, because I couldn't stand having to hide. Let me just pass on a little wisdom my mother offered me when years ago my stbx said we couldn't have a child because we weren't financially secure yet: "If you wait until you're financially secure, you'll never have a child." I know that doesn't apply to you exactly, as you're saving and working toward the financial goal that will enable you to leave; all I mean to suggest is that you might be able to exit quicker if you think about the cost of staying and weigh that against what you'll lose out on financially.
In the meantime, vent away. It's a safe space here for the likes of us, and there aren't too many of them for us!
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (May 8, 2018 7:46 pm)