greyhound gal wrote:
......Coming off facebook for a while too I think as it seems to be full of happy couples.
I'm finding myself using Facebook as a personal diary. Not every day, but sometimes I need to write something down, don't want it public, but want it easily found. So I click on the "lock. Only me" emblem, and know it'll come up as a memory in a years time. Even though a few people know my story I still feel apprehensive about publicly showing my pain.
I added the last paragraph to this post......then decided to lock it because it made me feel so vulnerable.
""Yesterday we were in the city....and walked past several beggars. Most had crudely written signs on scraps of cardboard asking for money. Hungry, homeless etc. Almost all of them looked downtrodden and hopeless, some made eye-contact, some didn't. A few talked to themselves
Then we came upon an old guy. Wiry and spry he was standing, juggling and wore a bright yellow shirt and had a huge smile on his face as he expertly tossed balls in the air.
I caught his eye as we passed, his face brightened even more and he asked "any coins...?"
I shook my head, smiling & said "nope"
He laughed as he said "" but kept smiling, kept juggling and I wished I'd had some money to give him. He wasn't sitting expecting money to drop into his cap, and I wondered if his smile hid some personal/financial/emotional pain from a life that knows you get nothing without giving something back.Nobody knows what goes on behind the smile. I hope the next time I see him that I have a few coins in my pocket.**We all juggle balls right? of one sort or another. Sometimes it's not easy to see what another person is juggling....because they keep that smile on their face. And it's not/it wasn't easy to admit that I was juggling a few too many life-altering balls, but when I felt good to have told others because I felt the people I told would have my back if I needed help.And they kinda did. But I'm still here juggling alone. I've said "I'm keeping these balls in the air"
I'm doing it by myself but it sure would be good if somebody, anybody... asked "how's the ball-juggling you need a hand...some input...a critique....a conversation about the weather?" ** ""
Last edited by Ellexoh (April 16, 2018 8:33 pm)