Posted by Kel March 7, 2018 2:41 pm | #1 |
Hi everyone,
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about goals. I've never really had big goals for my life. I just want to be able to have the things that most people do - to be able to earn money to support my family in relative comfort, to be able to be healthy and to spend time with my family. But outside of that, I don't have wishes for a certain car or home or vacation - I'm one of those people who's content to be content. Not that there aren't things I wouldn't like to have in my life (who wouldn't want to go on a beautiful vacation?), but I always thought of them as much the same as winning the lottery - kind of..... wishes. My experiences have led me to believe that gazing upon something big can lead to big unmet expectations, and therefore big disappointments. So I've stayed in my lane, looked for the silver lining, and been thankful for what I have.
My husband is a big dreamer. He makes lists every year about what he wants to have happen in the upcoming year - from getting the bedroom door with the hole in it replaced, to replacing the worn couches, to going to Vegas. Now,... this has always seemed far-fetched to me. Because despite the fact that we're doing okay, there is always a shortage of money. I would NEVER think to put Vegas or major household projects on the list. My list would be more like, 'fix the hole in the door', because I'm sure with enough online learning and a bit of scraping together some spare change, I could do that relatively cheaply. So I've looked at his list as just that - HIS. But you know what? His.stuff.keeps.happening. He put 'buy a home' on the list 2 years ago. I thought it was a pipe dream. We had no savings. I literally had an argument with him over HOW that dream was supposed to come true when we were having challenges meeting our monthly bills. He said, "Maybe something will happen. Maybe we'll get a windfall of money. Maybe God will see fit to deliver it to us." And I scoffed at him. And he was angry. He said, "I'm not expecting YOU to dream - I'm expecting you to believe in ME - to support me as Iiiiii believe." Okay. I can do that. So instead of fighting him when he wanted to visit a mortgage broker and discuss where our finances put us in the mix of buying a home, I got the paperwork he requested ready. And I sat there - unbelieving - but with an open mind - as the mortgage broker told us we could do this. That we could buy if we solved X, Y and Z. And still, I balked. "Well SURE - we COULD fix all of that - IF we had the money to do so. If we'd had the money, we would have already done it!" But dh said now we knew what we had to do, and in what order. We started going to open houses as they presented themselves. We looked online all the time, and he made me refine my "must haves" list for a home. We spent months doing that - learning the market, what was out there, what to expect, how to look at a home objectively, etc. And then.... BOOM - we got a windfall. TOTALLY unexpected. And dh started spinning a plan of how to best parlay the money into paying off debt, and in what order, and within WEEKS we were in a different place, had obtained a realtor, and we were making an offer on a home. Four weeks later, WE.OWNED.A.HOME. I sat in the car after closing with a "what the hell just happened" look on my face while dh cried tears of joy. I felt like I'd stood back, watched it all unfold, and thought, "Well, I'll BE." Every year we look back at that year's list and cross off the things that we accomplished. And it's a good 80% of the things that I never.thought.would.happen. So, you know what? CLEARLY I'm doing this dreaming thing wrong. I balance him out, and that's fine. But why am I not doing what he's doing when it's freaking WORKING???
I've decided to turn over a new leaf this year, spending time thinking about a vision, and I'm putting "to-do's" on my daily calendar. And I've watched a few videos on making a vision board (which SEEMS like such a teenage thing to do, doesn't it?) and learned that you're not supposed to dream small - you're supposed to dream so big that it scares you. Think about what you want two years out. Not in what you THINK you can accomplish in 2 years' time, but in what you want to see come to fruition in that time. Okay, I can do that. And then pick photos to represent those things. And put words to them - be specific - not "pay off debt", but a vision of what it looks and feels like - "open the monthly utility bills and see a zero prior balance. Pay off the bill in its entirety each month.", "start contributing an extra 5% of my paycheck towards my 401K". "Take a second honeymoon on Royal Caribbean with dh" Then put your vision board somewhere where you can see it every day. And take pics of it for your phone screen, and your computer screensaver, and put a pic of it in your car - you should be seeing your vision all.the.time. A vision is something you can SEE.
And so I began. And I'm still not there, but I've found goals. I want to be current on all utility bills every month. I want to have all my personal loans paid off. I want to have my vehicle and my husband's paid off. I want a garden in the back yard. I want the family room remodeled. I want to be in a healthy size 14 body. I want to be able to enjoy walks with my hubby and kids and dog. I have my pics picked out (from looking on the internet). I still have to print them out, cut them out, and post them on my board. At the top of the board, it will say, "I believe I can have..... I expect to have..... I am ready to receive:
The second part of this - after getting clear on the dream and putting it down in clear terms - is making a path to the things I want. I cannot get to ANY of my goals on accident. I've been trying that for 30 years, and it's not working. I've actually bumbled along pretty well - what the hell would happen if I put some effort into getting somewhere? Just imagine! So now I've got a nice daily planner that I write in (because something about writing hard-wires it into my brain). Prior to any month beginning, I take time to sit and plan out what I want done that next month. Put up new curtains in the living room, see a doctor about my knee issues. Then I break down the goals into weekly goals. Week 1: call Primary Care Physician about an appointment to come in and discuss a knee specialist. Week 2. Call specialist and make appointment. Week 3: Call Primary Care Physician's office and get referral sent over for specialist appointment. Week 4: See specialist. Outcome: Complete knee replacement surgery booked at the end of March. BOOM - already closer to my goal of being able to go on walks with my family, and then, after I heal, I'm closer to being able to exercise and continuing on my health journey and losing weight. It took writing it down and checking it off.
THIS.IS.WORKING. No, I haven't figured out how to magically pay off more debt when things are tight. But it's there as a goal. Maybe next time I'm tempted to upgrade a car before I truly need to, I'll instead say no - I want this other dream more.
I encourage you all to dream - BIG. Your goals are whatever you want them to be. Maybe next week you need to open your own bank account. Or gather paperwork. Or go out with an old friend. Maybe it's call a few lawyers to make appointments for a few consultations. Maybe it's to figure out exactly what your budget looks like so you can figure a way out of your situation rather than being scared of it. Maybe it's planning on spending some fun time with the kids. Whatever your goals, there are steps you can take. You can see a counselor to help you deal with the emotional toll your journey is taking on you. Or you can decide that you're going to go to your room each night by 9:30 pm, spend some time taking care of yourself and relaxing before deciding on trying to get to sleep at a sensible time - at a time that will help you heal and recharge. Maybe you need to start looking at a new place to live, or vent to a good friend. Maybe you need to start going back to church, or reading, or journaling. Maybe you need to clean the clutter out of your closet, and metaphorically, your life. Whatever it is, it's there for the taking. The more you do, the more you will feel capable of. The more you grow. The stronger you get.
Tell me about YOUR journey. Tell me about YOUR dreams. Tell me not what you're afraid of, but what you desperately want, and what you're willing to put out there as your dream - your heart's desire. Then tell me a bit about how you're going to chase it - what your plan is. WHAT.IF life is truly ours for the taking? What if we can have the things we want, but we have to KNOW what we want, first? How can you create a map to somewhere when you don't know where you're going? Tell me a goal, and your first step.
Last edited by Kel (March 7, 2018 2:50 pm)
Posted by Tamiam March 8, 2018 11:19 am | #2 |
Hi Kel,
I will get back to you on this idea. I love this post! This is a lot to take in for me, so I need to process a bit. Thanks for the inspiration.
Posted by Kel March 8, 2018 1:34 pm | #3 |
Hi Tam,
You don't really need to do it the way I have explained. The first step is deciding on some dreams. The rest can unfold itself if you look at that as a starting point.
Posted by Rob March 8, 2018 9:23 pm | #4 |
You know. Joel Osteen's talks about this a lot. Whether you believe what he says or not.
He says thinks like;
Put a picture of that home you wish to own on your bathroom mirror.
Buy the t shirt or coffee mug of that college you want to go to someday.
..that is put a reminder of the positive things and goals you would like to achieve out there for you to see everyday. It inspires you and helps you get toward your goals.
Your husbands list reminded me of that.
I'm slowly thinking of things and goals that make me happy...its not so much achieving or acquiring the said things so much as giving me something positive to look forward to and cheer me up. I'm essentially on my own now for the first time in decades...I have a blank slate. Time to think about goals indeed.
Last edited by Rob (March 8, 2018 9:25 pm)
Posted by Tyurk March 11, 2018 11:39 am | #5 |
Kel wrote:
My husband is a big dreamer. He makes lists every year about what he wants to have happen in the upcoming year -
But you know what? His.stuff.keeps.happening.
At the top of the board, it will say, "I believe I can have..... I expect to have..... I am ready to receive:
The second part of this - after getting clear on the dream and putting it down in clear terms - is making a path to the things I want.
This is a form of manifestation. Or as I see it. Magic. Like attracts like. The power of attraction. What you put out, you get back. Writing down your goals brings them into reality. We manifest our reality. I am really excited for you reading this. It will work. It has been proven. Its the earliest form of magic. Pagans would enact rituals depicting successful hunting or mating. To ensure their survival.
Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. The word "magic". I am very spiritual and practice paganism. Thats why im so excited for you. You will see your inner power to create your reality. Its so cool. Good luck!!
Love & Light
Last edited by Tyurk (March 11, 2018 11:44 am)
Posted by Kel March 11, 2018 12:32 pm | #6 |
Thanks, Tyurk!
I am very excited.
Posted by Nomorelies March 26, 2018 7:06 am | #7 |
I like this post! I have been goal setting for years and have achieved many of mine (though lately it's been harder because of the constant distraction of the TG).
Today I think I will revisit some of my old lists and get out my planner and dream big.
Thanks, Kel.
Posted by gonzo2000 March 26, 2018 11:47 am | #8 |
Hi Kel,
I had a dream, and it came true, when I got married in 1982. We were able to buy a house when the interest rates (in Canada) were at 16%. He dreamed big, we had 2 mortgages and a loan, and we were both working full-time. Within a year, we had paid off the loan (3rd mortgage) and 4 years later, the 2nd mortgage was also paid off. I had dreamed of working with primary-aged children, was attending college for the qualifications.
He convinced me that I would not need to work because he would always be there for me, so I focused on having a baby. After 4 miscarriages, we had a baby girl. He was a successful executive with a world-wide insurance company. But I sensed in my gut (?) that something was wrong. He was going "away on business" frequently, for ever increasing periods. And I was stuck at home with the children. Tried getting a part-time job, but his absences were inconsistent and frequent, so I could not even keep the commitment of being a Tupperware Sales Rep. He had me convinced that no babysitter would care as well for our children than I. Intimacy became a memory.
In 1995, he turned 40, at first told me he didn't want a big deal made, but then on his birthday, he came home and was visibly upset that only his wife & 2 children were present. He actually went into every room, expecting to be surprised by our friends/family. I managed to contact our friends & family and we pulled together to give him a surprise party on the weekend, a few days later. Decided he didn't want to keep working for somebody else. He quit his high-paying job as the Canadian Vice-President of the insurance company. Did not consult or discuss this change in our financial situation with me. Sold the house, returned to the 1 we had been renting out. Refinanced to have a large mortgage and the extra went into his own business. I had to use my savings to renovate the smaller & much damaged (by tenants) house.
I was feeling increasingly alone, began having "episodes" (PTSD) from my childhood in the boarding school. Expected him to support me in recovery from physical & sexual abuse. His only support was to agree to pay for psychotherapy.
And then, he began to really undermine my authority with our children. I'd spend hours cooking and cleaning, while he & the children were at work & school. I was volunteering at our children's school as a tutor & fund-raiser. He'd often come home as we were sitting down to eat and proclaim, "Who wants to eat at Red Lobster!? Given that choice, of course our children would choose Red Lobster.
My therapist suggested I ask him for "couple counseling". He objected, at first, but eventually relented. During our first session, he told the counselor, "I don't know what her problem is. She should be happy." But he wasn't interested in ME, wasn't interested in being alone with me. I was feeling jealous of the attention he was giving our children. We didn't go anywhere without the children. No vacations, only frequent business trips. Often, spouses were expected to attend, so he felt the obligation to invite me. And of course, I accepted. No family vacations, so I asked/ arranged to take them. Our children enjoyed Norway,Denmark, Halifax, Whistler, France, Portugal, Britain with us. Those were "family vacations" during which he had to attend conferences for a few days.
The few times I arranged for "couple counseling", he "forgot" to attend.
Then, in May 2000, he contacted my therapist and asked her to tell me his secret. She refused, told him that was for him to do. He asked if he could attend my next session, she declined firmly.
On May 2000, after Mass (yes, we were attending weekly Sunday Mass, singing in the choir, were Lectors) after lunch, he told me he wanted to talk. The children were doing their school-work (daughter was 13, son was 10). He insisted we leave the house, walk to a park.
There, he told me that he "wanted to explore his homosexual feelings". Talk about being sucker-punched. There we were in a public park, people walking their dogs, cyclists going by, And I could not scream or anything,..... I am sorry, I cannot continue right now, need to take a break, but hope to continue later.
Posted by phoenix March 26, 2018 1:57 pm | #9 |
My dreams:
I want to find an amazing woman to spend the rest of my life with. I want to know what a real marriage is like with a real straight woman who really desires me.
I want to see my boys graduate high school, college if they chose, and turn into fantastic young adults.
I want to travel the world.
I want to go on missions trips.
I want to make a profound impact on people's lives.
I want to grow the SSN to help and reach more people and ease the pain of TGT.
I want to work for another 20 years and have a comfortable and secure retirement.
I want a house on the beach in Mexico a southern state to spend my winters and a house in the midwest to enjoy the summers.
I want to visit the Holy Land
I want to speak a blessing over my newborn grand-children.
I want my wife sitting beside my hospital bed holding my hand as I look into her eyes and tell her how much I love her and thank her for our life together and how I look forward to seeing her in heaven as my worldly body fails and I pass into the arms of my Lord.
Posted by gonzo2000 April 9, 2018 11:52 am | #10 |
Hi phoenix: As I read your dreams, I recognized that several were my dreams.
I too wanted to find an amazing man to spend the rest of my life with. I too wanted to know what a real marriage was like with a real straight man who really desired me. (I no longer believe that is possible at this stage of my life.)
My (now adult) children have graduated from post-secondary schools. And I am proud of them for having stayed on the "straight & narrow path" as law-abiding citizens. Both are using their aptitude (God-given gifts) to earn a living. While my daughter is making a profound impact on people's lives, my son is struggling to...
I have traveled to several European countries, and recognized Canada is my home (all be it on Native land).
I want to go on mission trips to share God's goodness & blessings.
I want to make a profound impact on people's lives.
I don't know much about the SSN. For now, I hope to heal enough to ...
I no longer expect to work for another 20 years and have a comfortable, secure retirement. I am now 60 years old and have resigned myself to having "fragile employment", until retirement or illness.
I visited The Holy Land in 1985, with the man I believed was my husband. I was inspired & since then, have known that I am never truly alone. Regardless of what other people do, Jesus is always with me." My boss is a Jewish carpenter." And in the end, I must answer to God.