I figured I should contribute instead of lurking in the off chance there is someone out there in a similar situation to mine that can relate or offer advice.
Long story short I'm a straight female my partner is male we have young kids. I found some suspicious stuff on his computer and in general I have a ton of evidence he is not straight. He claims he is straight (except that one time he sort of agreed he might not be 100% straight which now he 'forgets' ever saying).
I know he's not straight, I'm sure he knows but I believe he is either intentionally hiding it from me or he is rationalizing his behaviour towards men as being a kink because he has a female partner and kids so he thinks he's straight.
I very strongly want to remain together to raise the kids. I would say we don't often fight and we are good at getting along as friends so I think it's possible. I do know he's still doing stuff on his computer because he's hiding what he's doing on it. I don't think he is meeting up with anyone in person, I've made it clear that should he ever act on this without discussing it with me and agreeing on terms then it would be the end of our relationship. He's a good dad and loves the kids so I doubt he'd do anything to risk a split especially since I am aware of his secret and on alert. He has suggested we find an online 'friend' to skype with. From experience I know he will choose a female first then suggest that we find a male friend because it's only fair to me (insert eyeroll here).
I am just so frustrated, he seems straight no one would ever suspect it yet the minute I saw the evidence I knew it was true even though I had never suspected it either. It was like the missing jigsaw puzzle piece was found and now it all makes sense!
Anyone else find themselves in this situation, a partner that adamantly maintains they are straight but they clearly are not, they think this attraction is a fetish or kink?