Did he commit to a monogamous relationship with you? If yes, then going outside of those constraints is called CHEATING - plain and simple. It doesn't matter if it's straight, bi, or gay. He's betraying you. There is no good reason to do so. If he doesn't want to be with you any more because you're not enough for him, then fine - he can leave. Then he's completely free to pursue sex with other women, men, or cantaloupes. But while he's married to you, and you demand that he remain faithful to you and only you, then none of his labels matter whatsoever. If he considers himself straight but keeps having sex with other men, it matters little what his sexuality is self-labeled as. I'd label him as a CHEATER.
If the two of you had previously struck a deal of monogamy and he now wants to change that and you don't, then you're at an impasse. This labeling BS is just a trick to get you to look in the wrong direction. It's like getting run over by a car and trying to make the issue about whether the tires were snow tires or whitewalls. WHO CARES??? You're lying on the ground bleeding. What you need at this point is to remove yourself from harm's way, and to do damage control on yourself. NOT to figure out who the manufacturer of the tires is.
Is he committed to you, or not? Can he remain faithful? If not, then it's a moot point whether he's straight, bi, gay or a unicorn.
Last edited by Kel (November 26, 2017 9:38 pm)