My sister's gidstbxh wanted full custody of their kids - so much so that he physically attacked her for it. He got THE best lawyer. But in the end, it all comes out in the wash. His behavior over the last year (since the attack) has shown the courts that despite his charming demeanor, he's not sober, he doesn't show up to visitation on time or use it all, and the Guardian Ad Litem knows exactly how it's affecting their children.
TODAY the judge signed the order to make their child custody agreement legal. Full custody to my sister, with very regulated visitation on his part. Can't drive them anywhere, can't see them alone, can't do either until he blows clean for a full 6 months. Then it steps up to the next level - it'll take him a full 2 years clean in order to see his kids they way any man would want to. And it'll never happen - because he's a secret drug addict.
Don't be afraid to fight. Intimidation does NOT mean you'll lose. If they're good people, then it's okay to share the kids. But if they're not, fight to keep the kids away from someone destructive except for short visitations. Let them show their teeth all they want - they're used it working, which is why they do it. I rarely show my teeth. I don't have to - I'm going to fight harder in the end. People who want things for the wrong reasons don't fight hard for something for very long before they lose interest in expending their energy in something they don't TRULY want with all their heart.
Last edited by Kel (October 13, 2017 3:38 pm)