It's not uncommon for people who've been gas lighted to be told lies about their living situation by the person who's mentally abusing them. Same with child custody rights. It's a control tactic they use to keep you scared, and control your behavior. Considering you've described your partner as someone who uses lies and manipulation to condition your behavior to suit his lifestyle, it would be irresponsible of me to NOT ask you where you're getting your information from. I'd certainly rather be told that you know the truth for yourself than to assume you did, and have you being taken advantage of because I didn't want to offend you.
Also, eviction law is often quite different than people think it is. For instance, in my state (Illinois) the landlord has to 1) give a written 30-day eviction notice, then 2) go to court and get a legal 30-day eviction notice, then 3) go back to court to get a date set for the sheriff's department to physically evict the tenants if they don't move out by the given time (usually months after this last court date). So if the police were called today and the landlord started eviction proceedings tomorrow, it would likely be sometime in Feb/March at the earliest that you would be truly evicted. If your landlord doesn't live on sight, he's not likely to even know that the police have visited unless he has a neighborhood informant anyway. I lived in a rented house for 8 years and called the police many, MANY times due to an abusive family member. That information was never sent to the landlord - the police didn't even know we were renters vs. owners. That was never even asked. As far as the police are concerned, the calls was about the about the people in the situation, not the physical residence.
Lastly, I'm not even sure it's LEGAL for your landlord to have this stipulation in your lease. If you haven't discussed your situation with a lawyer who is aware of the local laws, you may be in a completely different situation than you think you are. Understanding our rights can sometimes enable us to make different decisions and see our situation differently.
I wish you well -