I invited A. (former bisexual partner) to stay a couple nights with my son and I for xmas, because I knew he'd probably (?) be alone. All good.
Xmas eve my son says, at 9 in the evening, he's going to the other island to support his brother
and won't be coming to the family dinner (with relatives) that we were going to because of him (my son)
So my son takes off to his brother, A and I go to an awkward lunch with family, then when we got back to my place
A says "thanks for the invite....I'll be off now"
I'd rather not be alone, thought I wasn't going to be alone, I'll be alone at least 2 days. So I took a deep breath...told myself "you started this, this is how it is, you can do this"
Tigger....remember why you're where you are, remember who it was that changed the dynamic of your marriage
and if you don't need or want the gift regift it or take it to somebody who can use it.
Happy holiday 