how to figure it out

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Posted by Lucretia_Borgia
October 10, 2023 6:32 pm

Hi, all -- newbie here. Husband of 25 years revealed about 18 months ago that he's trans. He's working on steps to transition, probably is about a year out from starting hormones. The kids are (mostly) out of the house, and we're in a liberal state where I don't expect a huge social backlash on myself (or him). He knows that I'm on the fence about divorcing him. Anyone with experience of sticking with a marriage and waiting through the transition? How did you figure out what YOU wanted? how did you figure out if you could shift from e.g. a straight marriage to being in a lesbian one? how did you figure out if your marriage was worth putting up with the transition? (anyone with experience of their husband going on the hormones? how bad was it? the bottom surgery? how bad was it?) -- the fact is, I am not sure what I want to do and if this is going to end, I'd rather it end NOW while I'm still in my early 50s rather than waiting and seeing that it sucks. Anyone with thoughts/experience/advice? 

Posted by lily
October 10, 2023 7:04 pm


there was a poster here called Out Of His Closet who stuck it out a long way, thankfully divorced now, but she wrote extensively and I think you should be able to find her posts still on this site.

my thoughts in a nutshell - hit the ground running.  Look for the friends and family who will help you.

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
October 10, 2023 8:28 pm

lily wrote:

.....there was a poster here called Out Of His Closet who stuck it out a long way, thankfully divorced now, but she wrote extensively and I think you should be able to find her posts still on this site....

Welcome Lucretia Yip Lily's right OutofHisCloset was the person to go to if you needed to talk about trans spouses. She was a wealth of information but sadly she left the site after a disagreement with Admin.


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Ellexoh_nz
October 13, 2023 1:58 pm

Lucretia_Borgia wrote:

..... Anyone with experience of sticking with a marriage and waiting through the transition? How did you figure out what YOU wanted? how did you figure out if you could shift from e.g. a straight marriage to being in a lesbian one? how did you figure out if your marriage was worth putting up with the transition? (anyone with experience of their husband going on the hormones? how bad was it? the bottom surgery? how bad was it?) -- the fact is, I am not sure what I want to do and if this is going to end, I'd rather it end NOW while I'm still in my early 50s rather than waiting and seeing that it sucks. Anyone with thoughts/experience/advice? 


Lucretia...the Forum has been very quiet and I was reading some of the last comments posted and reread yours. My former partner wasn't trans but I can speak to the situation of not knowing what, when or how to move on. When I was living in the confusing, scary quandary that you're in I think I was too unaware of the options that were/are out there so sort of muddled along really. I read heaps, researched topics to try and get my head around what was happening and accepted that my life had been irreversibly changed forever. Forever.
I determined that I couldn't be happy with somebody who made me unhappy and it's taken me 6 years to make the final move.

Now....the trans side of this. Through the internet, not on this site I got to know a 60 year old man who lived as a woman and had reassignment surgery (in my city so I also met him in person) So he had his dick and balls sliced off and a 'vagina' inserted....all at the tax-payers expense! This man (I refuse to call him a woman), who was 60 when he had the surgery, was prepared to have this done, a choice he'd no doubt spent years thinking about. He'd been married, had a child and  had no doubt reached a point of no return, his need to be a woman was stronger than the love he had for anybody else I suppose, and he was making himself happy. 

Well you Lucretia now have the chance to put yourself first. You deserve to not be a bystander in somebody else' life. 
I hope you come back and talk more



KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Norah
October 14, 2023 12:03 am

I have had experience with my Ex bf, after 17 years of living together that he was a trans femme and wanted to transition with hormones.  You can read in depth about my experience in my post of Eyes Wide Open and Trying to Move On from Sept 2019.  I also have Our Stories Update from 2019 to present.  I’ve tried not to be too graphic on the sexual part, but it will give you an idea what the challenges were for me.  
When I expressed my concern how the hormone therapy would affect the sexual response and our relationship, he said that he would consider me.  However, behind my back he went to and started it anyway.
He said that he would not have any SRS, nor an orchiectomy.  However I know he has had the orchiectomy this year and the other surgery is not off the table.  He was talking about breast implants back in 2017 when he first announced his trans identity to me.  Maybe he had his mind made up but only told me things in increments.
Besides the drastic physical changes from hormone therapy there were drastic mind and personality changes before and after hormones.  It is mind boggling.  Actually I was shocked.  I thought he had a nervous breakdown or a brain tumor to have changed so radically in personality and morals. 
Once he was on a path to transition he went at warp speed ahead.  In time he became the center of himself, I was invisible to him.  Thank goodness I was not married to him, did not have children and did not live with him the years of his transition.  
I don’t know how your husband is towards you and your feelings about this,  My ex was always dismissive about my feelings.  

Posted by lily
October 14, 2023 3:31 pm

Norah, thanks for update - I have just been reading your stories post and interested in your description of how he wanted to 'be friends' even when there is nothing left of your relationship and he is just driving down your street - such actions viewed through a romantic lens is attractive, you naturally think he must love me but now I am wondering if it is all to do with manipulation - will you be my friend means will you let me manipulate you - whoever you are, no history involved.

I think this is true of my ex.  After we had been together for 2 or 3 years, I would have been early 20's and I just up and left him, he came after me and said he loved me and missed me and I went back but sure lived to regret that, at the time I just felt a bit of a let down when I got back with him but it was done.  I believed he loved me but now I see it as a shallow trick.

Posted by Norah
October 14, 2023 5:41 pm

I never thought his hovering and attempts at communication was love.  In fact each attempt triggered me for days.   For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why he’d want to be friends as I was previously ‘crazy’, our relationship was ‘dead for years’ and I was always wrong in what I said, did, even thought.   Previous attempts of us being ‘friends’ did not work out, as that mask of good behavior would drop and back to the abusive side especially if I questioned or expressed any of my feelings.  Three times and you are out, right?  I came to my senses. NO CONTACT! NO CONTACT.  Just open the door ever so slightly, engage and bam suddenly he’s in your life and the drama starts all over again.  Why does he want to be friends when he’s already got a FWB for years?  Because he can. Maybe he can’t manipulate her.  I remember when he told me that she didn’t like it when he wore pink or plaid, didn’t like it when he cooked certain foods, when she’d call after 9 pm and talk for 1 hr or so.  If I had been that way, I certainly would have been put in my place and lectured. I’m suspecting he just can’t manipulate her, play head games and abuse, idk.  But he knows my buttons and how to get a response from me as well as control me and suppress my voice.   Part of the communication is to ‘stick it to me’ in a passive aggressive way. Telling me how FWB and him would cook together, how intelligent she is, and sent a pic of both of them w/his head on her shoulder that they went on a Fall Leaves Tour (which we used to do annually) and the glorious accomplishments he’s doing in the LGBTQ community.  
He is cunning as a Fox and a master manipulator at getting you into his web.  I don’t understand it but I think it’s a sick game. I tread carefully as I never knew what he’d do if I wigged out when he used to ring my doorbell.  When I told him years ago that he was verbally and emotionally abusive, suddenly he turned the tables around and said that I was physically abusive to him.  What?  I was never abusive.  But he is so suave and has such good social skills, a calm convincing manner and appears so normal in public, that if I was provoked and stressed by him, I’m sure he’d turn the tables and people would believe him as the sane one and he’d accuse me of some fictional abuse for spite and revenge.  He has never touched me physically but with the emotional and verbal abuse he seems revengeful.  So I have never trusted him.  I locked my bedroom door at night in 2017 when we broke up and he finally left.  
Best bet is absolute No Contact.  I am grateful that I don’t live with the mindf@k, gaslighting, abuse and drama.  

Posted by lily
October 15, 2023 3:35 am

yes, I live with a cat and some chickens and so grateful to be here.  I think I made the same mistake as my mother in thinking that because he wasn't yelling at me or physically abusive he wasn't abusing me - the psychological abuse has been pretty terrible really.

I had another shot at leaving him in my 40's but again no concept he was abusive, just me wanting to get away.

It was finding this site in my 50's, coming across the term gay in denial and recognising he had always been lying to me and from there it was different.  I started to see things differently.  

I'd been completely sandbagged under it all being my fault right from the start.  While he seemed so nice, he was always unkind to me in an underhanded way and so no wonder I wanted to get away!

Posted by Anon2222
October 15, 2023 12:36 pm

lily wrote:

I'd been completely sandbagged under it all being my fault right from the start.  While he seemed so nice, he was always unkind to me in an underhanded way and so no wonder I wanted to get away!

It still hits me when reading others experiences, just how similar they are. That is one thing I still struggle could someone so nice do this? I would have said the same thing. He was just so nice. Everyone said the same - my family, friends, anyone we met - that he was just such a nice man.

When the snarky comments started, and all the "little" ways he backhandedly made me feel like crap....when I felt unsettled and like something was not quite right....and he just lied, and I believed him...all I could think is I must be crazy, he's too nice...

Posted by lily
October 15, 2023 4:09 pm

I struggle with it too - what you see is not what you get, a completely different reality underneath the appearance of being nice.  I tell you what though, when I look through my memories I can find plenty of people thinking how nice he is but struggle to find one instance where he actually did something nice for one of them.  

It all got worse with time and opportunity but he was already doing things like moving my car keys just for the pleasure of watching me hunt for them just by himself.  And I had no idea, no conception that he could be doing things like that.  Eventually I started to get this phrase bubbling up in the back of my head, my intuition I think it is - there's a malicious gnome at the bottom of the garden.  I had no idea what to make of it though I knew it was about him - it was completely foreign to the way I thought of him.


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