In explicitly not following the guidelines your counselor set out, to refrain from infidelity, your husband has given you a preview of what you can expect from him going forward. He has revealed that he will act unilaterally, and is not committed to the two of you as a couple; nor is he willing to take into account your feelings. Take your counsel and make your plans from that.
Unfortunately, your husband's behavior is "remotely normal." When those who have denied their sexuality for decades, or have hidden it from view, come out, it's the beginning of a period of self-assertion, and because they have hidden this aspect of themselves away for so long, they feel entitled to now do only what they want to do, having (in their minds) not done it because of social or family pressure.
We straight spouses get caught in the middle: we are not an active part of what they see as having stopped them from being themselves (many of us have been allies to LGB people, and count them among our friends and family), but we are the consequence of choices our spouses made after having gone along with the social or familial pressure, which makes us the "frenemy." We're symbolic of everything they wish to discard and which in their minds is responsible for their "having to" repress themselves; unfortunately for them, and for us, we're also their flesh-and-blood spouses, the ones they swore to love and cherish, and that introduces new pressures of its own, which they too often respond to with an aggressive defensiveness which translates into a kind of "you're not the boss of me and I'll do what I like" attitude and behavior.
It seems your husband is going this latter "you're not the boss of me," "throw it all overboard," unilateral route, You need to protect yourself accordingly. See a lawyer to find out what you are entitled to under the law.
You might also want to peruse Sean's thread on these boards. He tells it straight, from the perspective of the day husband in hiding who comes out.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 14, 2022 10:50 am)