Posted by LMM March 24, 2022 7:53 pm | #1 |
On April 1 my husband moves out. It's been a couple months of living together after deciding to divorce, which wasn't long after he came out as fully gay and unable to be with any woman at all. This slow detaching is really hard on my heart. He's open and not defensive or punishing ever since we agreed to divorce. As he puts it, he doesn't need to perform anymore and he's not threatened by me having opinions or making mistakes. He was always frantic about me messing things up, saying it made him look bad or cost him time and energy if I got sick or did something accidentally like forgot to be there for the oil delivery. We can talk nicely about things and he's apologizing all the time for how bad he's been to me. The nice, friendly feeling is how I always pictured marriage. Sharing life and going on walks, going out for coffee. No drama. No gaslighting or being punished by silent treatment. It's really nice. Monday was my birthday and he actually made me my cake instead of me making my own!
I love waking up with him in bed. Even though sex stopped months ago, we typically went months to years between times for the whole marriage. So that's not different at all. I feel SO raw with grief thinking about the day he won't be there in bed. I went from college dorm to marriage, so I always had a sibling or roommate in a nearby bed until now. Somehow it's unthinkable to have no one sleeping in my room. I never knew I'd be terrified of that aloneness.
Every day now I think, "This is the last time of ------- while married to him." My whole body cringes inward like I'm dying. I'm always realizing my hands and feet are clenched tight. I keep getting headaches, which is rare for me. My eyes are sort of "leaking" all the time with small drips of tears. Not like crying hard and being done, but just always leaking. Although I've had a couple good cries. I don't know how I'll get trained at my new job, the first time I've ever worked in an office, when it feels like I'm drowning in emotions. I can't remember anything! I do stupid things all day every day, like forget to be at the school bus stop or put a book in the freezer and then spend 2 days searching for it.
This strange grief of watching the final day approach is killing my heart. And I'm terrified it'll be even worse after he's gone. I really still want him to love me. I've had 18 years of church leaders and friends telling me that he'll love me when he heals from his childhood abuse, he'll love me for standing by him when he finally recovers from the pain. Now he's actually recovering and finding peace but me standing by him was all for nothing. I always pictured how nice he would be to me then, and the good things he actually meant when he was in pain - that's what the church said to do so my heart would stay connected and not guarded towards him. But it was all just plain old abuse, no beautiful redemption and meaning from God. I don't know how to let go of that agonizing realization. Everyone was wrong, he can't love me even if he recovers. I wish I could untie that hope from my heart and let it go like a balloon so I can move on. Instead it's gnawing at me all day and night.
Posted by Rob March 24, 2022 10:03 pm | #2 |
Maybe it's just him realizing the day approaching so he's being nice? He's had years to be nicer.
The day my GX moved out I cried. She made sure the kids went with her for maximum effect and hurt. At the same it was like load of bricks being lifted off my chest. I had been living the entire divorce process in physical fear.
So I found that day both sad and relieving. Really pomp and circumstance..not of my making.
Know that there is a life and world without them.. without hurt and fear..
Posted by Chapster23 March 24, 2022 10:04 pm | #3 |
You sound like you are a few weeks further down the road then me in my situation.
And the thing you said about "this will be the last time we ...". This really resonated with me and brought a tear to my eye. I'm having the exact same thoughts.
I can't imagine her but being next to me when I go to sleep or wake up.
I cry just thinking about doing normal stuff with her; grabbing a coffee, making her laugh, walk down the beach
Its not fair
Posted by anniescott March 24, 2022 11:23 pm | #4 |
Hi LMM, I'm incredibly sorry to hear you're going through this. You sound like a very patient, loving person and he was lucky to have you in his corner all this time. I'm sure he has loved you in many ways, even if you can't be together anymore, a marriage doesn't last that long if there isn't some kind of love there.
I wish I could take your pain away. I truly feel for you and everything you're going through. You are grieving and that can feel so overwhelming- there are so many angles to grief. Your mind and heart are trying to make sense of everything that has happened, as well as mourn many different parts of it. It's more than ok to feel all of this, it's more than ok to not have it together right now. Please remember that.
It might not be comforting at the moment to hear this, but you will adapt and adjust to living alone. You might even prefer it! Something so unfamiliar will inevitably feel terrifying, but the reality is we as humans adapt to changing situations, often without even realizing we are doing so. Before you know it, it becomes your new normal. I hope you find peace in knowing that you have done everything you could, given everything you've had to love this man, and none of this is your fault. This is your fresh new chapter, go forward knowing that you deserve nothing but happiness and love. Although you will still experience affection for him and your memories, it is helpful to remind yourself that it ended for a reason- one that had nothing to do with you. Writing a list of cons, rereading that list, can be helpful in reminding yourself what you deserve in a partnership.
When you're ready, the world awaits you. I hope you lean into friends and family during this time for support. Please be gentle and loving with yourself. It's a process and healing takes time, with a million different emotions along the way. All will pass, you will not feel like this forever. Wishing you immense comfort. Virtual hug.
Last edited by anniescott (March 24, 2022 11:24 pm)
Posted by lily March 25, 2022 6:27 pm | #5 |
glad to hear he is being nice at the moment - as long as that doesn't mean he is getting a good deal financially, of course!
It is not surprising that the promises made by the Church turning out to be hollow is gnawing at you. Main thing right now is to take it easy, let the thoughts come and go, let the feelings come and go, be kind to yourself at all times, it is entirely normal to leave a book in the freezer for two days in the middle of a marital meltdown.
wishing you the best of luck, Lily
Posted by Marianne March 26, 2022 4:35 am | #6 |
LMM, my heart goes out to you. My husband moved out a few weeks ago and I also experienced "the last time of ..." very painfully. The last Christmas together, the last meal, the last walk in the nature... We are both very fond of nature and we spent lots of time walking to our favorite places. So the last trip was especially difficult for me.
But I can at least offer some hope to you. Things will get better and it may not even take long. Yesterday I went for a walk and suddenly - unexpectedly - I felt happy to walk by myself. If I went with my husband, we would inevitably start to discuss trans stuff at some point... but now I was free to think about things important to me, I was free to feel, to sense the spring... and hope for my future.
Just as lily said, let the feelings come and go, it's OK to feel them. I'm sure you'll find strength, hope and joy in unexpected places.
Posted by Gloria March 26, 2022 7:48 am | #7 |
LNM please know that I am holding a good thought for you.
Posted by LMM March 29, 2022 5:47 am | #8 |
Yesterday at therapy I was diagnosed with PTSD about my husband’s sexuality and our upcoming divorce. On the inventory, my answer to all but one question was 3, the highest rank on the scale where you rate how often a symptom happened on 1-3. I was really surprised. I had PTSD after a near-death hornet sting in 2016, which made me have flashbacks and panic for 18 months before I saw a therapist and got diagnosed. This is different, of course, but I know that trauma has many flavors. I also have complex PTSD from childhood abuse and from my cult-like church trauma.
I’m feeling all the feelings as they come in this hard few months. I’m definitely not stuffing them or trying to control things. My 7 months in a 12 Step is helping me to do that! But even so, I’m having the flashbacks of memories and intrusive thoughts at a crippling level.
My symptoms from dysautonomia are flaring so badly that I sometimes can’t stand up (my heart beats so slowly I have no strength). My medicine is helping a little, but my nervous system is overwhelmed! I spent my first day at work trying to hide how shaky and unbalanced I am with the symptoms when I stand too long. It kills me that I need an office job because of him, and his behavior made my long dormant illness reappear the week I start working.
I’m grateful for the encouragement here. It’s like a lifeline. I keep reading old posts in the forum. This place is so hard!
Posted by Gloria March 29, 2022 8:06 am | #9 |
So sorry. Stress can cause illness. Please know that I will continue to hold a good thought for you.