Tink 55: Wow. Just..wow. As I am sure many have said already, I am sorry this is happening. He is completely in the wrong and you are completely in the right. You are not a "controlling bitch" for having those boundaries and expectations. This was not something he disclosed before marriage and you shouldn't have to put up with it. The newly discovered "bisexuality" is most likely only one small step out of a larger closet. Unfortunately, the next step will most likely be him realizing he is gay. Role playing is dangerous because there he can be truly himself via a lie (fantasy) vs being in genuine world living a lie. I experienced the same with my wife, and she wants to do exactly what your husband wants to do. Exclude their SPOUSE whom they made VOWS to in favor of casual friends or strangers with whom they want to share MORE INTIMATE information / experiences than they ever did with the so-called love of their life. It's truly enraging and heart-breaking. The even more damning issue is that no real person can compare to fantasy. Fantasies created in role playing are perfect and unobtainable by a real person. Fantasies always know exactly what to say, do, think, and how to fuck perfectly. They don't accidentally say something wrong, have a will of their own, insecurities, or need to shave. You aren't competing with another woman for your husband's affection -- you are competing with his own imagination and the people he reveals his deepest secrets to, and the worlds they create together. Worlds and orgies from which you are excluded. It is truly, truly cruel. I am so sorry.