Hello! Wonderful people from this forum saved me from continuing in a miserable existence with a GID husband. The assured confirmation here that his sexual behaviors and porn preferences, anger issues, and chronic lying proved he was gay in denial gave me the ability to start growing my self esteem by finding boundaries, listening to my intuition, and allowing myself to be angry. I left him about 5 years ago and we co parent amicably. I probably am still too friendly to him and started to see him as a more decent hearted person than he is. Since leaving him I went back to school and started a new career, and am over him romantically. Because I was raised super religious, he has been the only person I’ve had sex with. I’m no longer religious.
Now he is dating a woman again. I had no idea how much that would anger me. I feel traumatized all over again. All my old icky feelings of rejection, betrayal, hurt have exploded within me. This is also sidelined with some lying he has done to me recently concerning some parenting agreements we have about how to protect our kids during the pandemic. Will my yucky feelings become meh (Chumplady reference) soon I hope? It drains me. I have to remind myself that he always was this selfish and delusional, I had just mistakenly took him for someone with empathy and love. Do you agree I should not ever tell his girlfriend that he is gay because I will be labeled a crazy bitch? Please tell me your experiences with this or advice.