Am I too okay too soon?

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Posted by Whereisup
February 1, 2020 6:01 am

After a few days of sleep and processing...
I have the strangest feeling that I am too okay too soon if that makes any sense. I am less than a week from my husband telling me that he cannot suppress his feelings of gender dysmorphia any longer but almost a year out from his first speaking of his “thoughts” as he presented it then. He originally told me he just had seen a therapist for some thoughts he was having and that she affirmed his suspicions but that he was fully committed to me and would keep his “fetish” as he spoke of it private, but he wanted me to be aware. I told him and myself I was fine with him watching whatever and doing whatever behind closed doors as long as he wasn’t being unfaithful with another person. It didn’t intimidate me at first it just seemed like the equivalent of being into any other category of porn. About 5 months later his mental health took a steep decline into panic attacks, anxiety, and depression coupled with an inability to go to work or leave the house almost at all. He has a family history of mental health issues and alcoholism so his family (huge enablers) and I just encouraged him to get as much help as possible, which resulted in him being hospitalized for the first time after being prescribed 14+ medications. He felt forced into admitting himself and called me and his mother everyday to blame us for locking him up and I began to think our marriage wouldn’t survive his mental illness. When he got out he asked for a separation pretty quickly (I assumed because he hated me for the hospitalization). That only lasted a week before he was begging to have me back and I felt I had no reason to say no, after all I hadn’t asked for or wanted the separation. We survived the holidays well enough and he seemed to make progress to everyone in our lives. He was happier in social settings, drinking less, laughing more, etc. After New Years we found out his father has cancer and it sent him into a spiral and since he had stopped seeing his old therapist I insisted upon him seeing someone new ASAP. After two sessions with the new therapists I got a call in the middle of the day from his father that he had texted his mother saying he was going to miss her and he loved her forever but he couldn’t do this anymore. Everyone left work and I headed to drop my husband off at the mental hospital for the second time in 3 months, and I was devastated. He told me this was the last time and he was really gonna work on himself and get the help he needed to defeat this “mental illness.” This hospitalization didn’t affect me as much, I went to work, he only called within the boundaries I set, and was pleasant each time we interacted. Until the last visitation day before his release. He was incredibly agitated and frustrated that no one could understand him and how he felt etc. He claimed he was better but I didn’t believe him, I convinced myself that I was picking him up just to take him home and find him dead the next day. I cried the entire way picking him up and taking him home, something just felt wrong. As we were unpacking the car he handed me his discharge papers and as I read them over he saw me staring at the “triggers” section which listed 1. Being my unauthentic self and 2. Conforming to Masculinity. He snatched the paper and started shaking like a leaf and I just knew. He later told me he had plans to come out to me with his parents that night at dinner (thank god that didn’t happen). This time he presented his feelings as uncontrollable. He said he still loves me and is attracted to me and would be willing to stay committed to our marriage if I wanted to but that he can no longer suppress who he feels he is inside and that he couldn’t promise me that a complete medical/physical transition wasn’t going to happen one day. I knew it was different this time because he allowed me to tell my friends and family so that I would have support, which made it real. He has also allowed me to have the apartment we share as well as our dog (we met at 19 and have been together 8 years so no kids) and has agreed to financially contribute at the same level until our lease is up and the divorce is final. He has been more empathetic, loving, and kind to me in the days since he disclosed to me than ever before in our relationship and it’s throwing me for a loop. I feel like the denial and anger phases had already leaked out of me during the time between when he told me about his “fetish” and when he asked for the first separation, but I have done a lot of bargaining. I know that I cannot change my sexual orientation any more than he can and he has thankfully agreed to take things slower than I know he wants to for my own sake. So like I said I feel too okay too soon but maybe it is because I have really been dealing with this much longer than just one week. I know that ultimately even if he did not follow through or tried to walk it back that I would much rather have an ex wife than an angry, drunk, numb, and impatient husband. I just feel such a strong connection to him as we have essentially grown up together that my instinct is to be a supportive friend, I’m just not sure how to get there. I know many others have it much worse than I with shared property, children, etc. And I should be grateful that I feel okay for the moment but I cannot get over the feeling of overwhelming anxiety that those feelings of anger and resentment are not gone just on pause and I will not be ready if they return.

Posted by MomOfFour
February 1, 2020 8:23 am

I am glad you are feeling good, but be prepared for the roller coaster we have all ridden.   I hope you are spared, but if you aren’t, don’t worry - there are peaks And valleys.
    From what I understand of your story, your husband is trying to be honest with you and himself.  Many of us have had the continual gaslighting and denial that makes it hard to comprehend what we are moving away from or where we are. My soon to be GIDXH  blames me for his “transgressions” and experimentation, and shows a complete detachment and lack of empathy as our 35 year relationship ends.  It sounds like your spouse is trying to show some compassion, at least for now.
    Take care of yourself and don’t worry about him.  Know that you have a sounding board and start lining up the resources you’ need to live your best life going forward.

Posted by OutofHisCloset
February 1, 2020 8:28 am

Sounds to me as if you have been dealing with his gender dysphoria for a very long time!

I would like to suggest that his "more empathetic, loving, and kind" actions now are a kind of "honeymoon" stage that often happens when a partner is honest for the first time.  It tends to have the affect of re-securing us as partners.  It's also entirely possible that he is now trying out on you what he perceives to be "woman" behavior (empathy, etc).  A healthy skepticism in this phase of his transformation is a valuable commodity. I would also caution you that as he progresses with his transition, he may want to cling to you or turn to you for reassurance and comfort, which in my case (my ex also had gender dysphoria and an accompany body dysmorphia) turned out to be a most dangerous enticement to me to believe I had relevance and that I was loved and he wanted to stay married.  I later came to believe his actions and words then were motivated not by a reciprocal and genuine love for me, but by my use to him, both in terms of my carrying the household and holding him up emotionally, and in terms of validating his idea of himself as a woman.  

When you say he has "agreed to take things slower than I know he wants to" I assume--and hope--you are talking about his social/medical transition and not a separation and divorce.  You say you realize you can't re-make your own sexuality, and I hope you keep that truth first and foremost before you, and act on it.

Posted by Leslie77
February 1, 2020 2:47 pm

A lot of what you wrote struck a chord with me.  In the last two years, my husband went from experimenting with cosmetics and colorful clothing to talking about his "feminine side" to an obsession with drag queen shows and finally, the revelation of his female identity.  That included dressing as a woman in public, a storage locker full of women's apparel and his new female name that he made up for himself.  

You aren't that far into this but if your experiences do imitate mine, you are in for a lot of ups and downs.  My husband alternately tells me he is giving up his female identity to save our marriage, then that he cannot control his feelings and his desire to dress up like a woman.  Personally, I think he is selfish because he wants the security of being married as well as the excitement of making believe he is female.  

I don't feel like I'm far enough through the process myself to give you support or advice.  But I would say that you need to think of yourself.  My husband went through extensive therapy and I talked to no one for two years.  As a result, I am now an emotional and physical wreck.  I'm in therapy now and trying to proceed with my crumbled life.  

This support network has been invaluable for me and I hope it helps you too.  Best wishes to you.  

Posted by Whereisup
February 1, 2020 7:07 pm

I am truly just trying to take it moment by moment and focus mainly on myself for now. We have seen a therapist together as well as our own separately and I expressed my frustration that he could essentially go home shave his beard and begin his journey and I would have to wait months/years to lick my wounds before I could begin my own. He seemed to think that was fair (at least for now) we have had our first encounter since his disclosure tonight and we have just been trying to be cordial and kind and get back some of the time we lost from hospitalizations while working through details and managing finances etc. I still feel a sense of peace and relief but it is accompanied by some sadness and grief.

Posted by Rob
February 3, 2020 2:00 pm


Lots,of grief yes.  It is truly,shcoking to watch them discard us and move on with no,remorse or feeling.  The truth is theyve had years to arrive at where they are..weve had days or weeks.

I call it the discard.  But it really is what separates people like us from people like them.
An analogy would be we could never get rid of a pet puppy or someone or something we've had for years.  They have no problem getting rid of someone or something...would throw a puppy out if it gained them,something. 

This is not us leaving them..we,never left..this is them,rejecting and leaving us.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

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