Posted by Leslie77 ![]() January 9, 2020 9:38 am | #1 |
I am new to this website/forum and thankful to have found it.
My husband (age 60-ish) started an interest in cross dressing two years ago. First he was wearing male cosmetics. Then female cosmetics. Then reading women's fashion magazines. I found some glittery jewelry in his car when I was cleaning it.
Then he started going to drag queen shows. He had new friends, all of them lesbians. He went to a Gay Pride Rally. I found out he was dressing up at the drag queen shows. He went on a vacation with a friend and I found out he went to a gay bar while he was there. I've seen him walking around our town, wearing women's blouses, earrings and makeup.
I asked him if he was gay/bi/trans, many times, and he said no. I asked if he wanted to dress up privately in our home and he said no, he wanted to do it publicly.
As far as I know, my husband didn't have these interests up until two years ago. He said it was new to him. Last year, we went to a marriage counselor for three months and she said that it is normal for men of his age to decide to cross dress and it is okay as long as it is okay with me (it isn't, which I said in our sessions repeatedly.)
I told him I love him and will always be there for him but I can't continue our marriage any longer. He said he will give up cross dressing forever if that keeps us together. Note, over the last six months he has told me several times he will give it up for me. Then he says he can't. He has been to several different therapists and is in therapy now.
A person close to my husband said she thinks this is a phase and he has some deep-seated emotional issues that are causing this to surface at this time. She said a therapist who is an expert in sexual identity situations will draw this out and maybe he will resolve the issue.
Has anyone gone through a similar experience? Is it possible to "give it up" and be okay?
I feel really alone and like there is no one to talk to. I can't discuss it with any of my friends or family. I feel hurt and like this is somehow my fault.
Thank you for reading this and any comments would be appreciated.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() January 9, 2020 12:05 pm | #2 |
My then husband (now ex) began cross dressing in his mid 50s, in secret (without telling me, that is). After several years of it, he decided he was "a woman in a man's body," and told me he was planning to transition and live as if he were a woman. Eventually he decided to stay in the closet and act out his desire to be a woman only at home. I, too, had never had a whiff or a hint of this desire of his.
My ex, too, said he would limit his cross dressing, and even proposed the boundaries himself. He never adhered to them, breaking the boundaries and manipulating me into accepting the next move--from in the bedroom, wearing women's lingerie during sex, to in the bedroom sleeping in women's nightwear, to out of the bedroom to the living room in the morning in women's lounge clothes, to as soon as he came home from work, etc etc etc.
After three years of trying to accommodate him, I moved out and got a divorce. We'd been married 35 years.
Once they manifest the desire, it never goes away. They don't stop, although they may engage in a binge and purge cycle.
I, too, engaged in the hope that he would "get over it" or that it was some mid-life crisis or a manifestation of childhood trauma (his mother was an alcoholic who regularly sat him down and drunkenly berated him for being male). They don't "get over it" and more therapy is not going to "cure" him (by the way, the initial therapist who said "it's normal" for men to cross dress? Hooey) . It's more likely that your husband has felt these pressures in some form or other his entire life even if he had no language to explain them to himself, and now in this atmosphere of the mainstreaming of drag has fastened on that and decided to act on them. It's not "a phase," despite what the person "close to" your husband says (and wouldn't you say as his wife that YOU are closer to your husband and know him better?). It's been going on two years (that you know of); this was something I had to accept about my husband, too--the longer it went on the harder it got for me to maintain the hope that it was "a phase" or a "mid-life crisis."
That your husband has acted out as he has without telling you and has told you he can't give it up (despite saying he will) is your best indicator of his future actions and the worth of his promises to you. Pay attention to what he does, not what he says. He is not only a cross dresser but an exhibitionist, and he has found in drag a socially accepted foot in the door. A devotion to drag and attending Pride Parades does not a "hobby" make.
What you told him--that you love him but that you can't stay married to him? Please act on that. It will save you a lot of heart break in the future. At the very least, your husband has some serious issues to work out, and they are not something you can help him with; he has to work them out for himself, and as long as you are on the scene, he will pull you into his drama. If he's like my husband, he wants to stay married because he wants both the stability you and your marriage provide, but he also wants the excitement of his cross-dressing life and alter ego. That's a pattern not limited to crossdressers and transgendered men, as other straight spouses here can attest.
PM me if you like.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (January 9, 2020 12:14 pm)
Posted by Leslie77 ![]() January 12, 2020 6:00 pm | #3 |
Thank you so much for your support. This has been truly awful. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have someone who has been through something similar to tell me that I'm not to blame, or that somehow I (or a therapist) can "fix him" . I don't think he wants to be fixed. I think he enjoys the excitement of dressing up and having our marriage be on the edge.
Right now he is back to the "I love you and I will do anything to keep you" phase. Not buying it.
Thanks again. I tried to Private Message you but I got a message that I haven't posted more than 3 messages on this board so that option is not available to me ye.t
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() January 12, 2020 9:16 pm | #4 |
I PM'd you. Check your in box.
Posted by Leslie77 ![]() January 14, 2020 12:40 pm | #5 |
I got your message and wrote back yesterday but not sure if you got it.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() January 14, 2020 1:14 pm | #6 |
There's nothing new in my inbox. I checked yesterday and just now. If you've made three posts (which I see you have) you might want to try again. Or just post here if your message doesn't have personal information that you worry about being seen.