A note of support to all the straight men who were unwitting partners to a closeted lesbian or bisexual lady:
All this time, she rejected your masculinity.
All this time, she made you feel guilty for your manhood.
All this time, she caused you to question your own values of what it means to be a Man.
All this time, she was feminizing you. Manipulating you into the lesbian partner that she wanted. Creating a reality in which you were a woman in the wrong body and shaming you for it.
She was trying to bring you closer to the level that she is attracted to, while also robbing you of the natural male gifts that you were born with. The gifts that this world needs and has always needed.
I challenge you to ask yourself: what does masculinity mean to me? What does the world need that I, as a Man, must provide?
Now, you must regain your masculinity.
Now, you must feel pride in your manhood.
Now, you must identify your own virtues, the qualities you value in being a Man.
Go forth and be Manly.
Last edited by LonelyDude (November 2, 2023 3:13 pm)