Dating after My Ex

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Posted by Anon2222
September 4, 2022 8:08 am

lily wrote:

 isn't there a tiny bit of you just waiting for him to go? 

I have to say. The emotions are at war. A part of me wants to plant myself in denial and wish the whole thing away. Another part of me just wants to get this over with already.

There's the Disney version of my brain that has him moving out, realizing just how amazing he had it, and coming back crawling on his knees begging me to take him back. And then we live happily ever after.

Last night I had a terrible sleep full of nightmares of him all over men while I trailed behind him. It's funny, cuz I sometimes wonder if it would hurt just bad if he was leaving me for another's feels like somehow the gay thing adds this weird extra twist.

The most difficult part of all I have been with this person literally half my life. And he's excited to leave. He's looking forward to having his own space. The person I am madly in love with can't wait to get away from me.

Posted by Daryl
September 4, 2022 9:26 am

Disney isn't real. I think you should focus on your last sentence. Even if he did come crawling back, why open the door? He's proved he can cast you off so easily, what's to stop it from happening again? I think that means he was never committed, except as a 'for now' kind of deal. You deserve better.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
Posted by Victo
September 4, 2022 11:45 am

Anon2222 wrote:

The person I am madly in love with can't wait to get away from me.

He gave you a helluva performance for half your life.  He was always ‘on stage’ for you.  He resents you.

The fact that you never ASKED for this performance and instead trusted that it was real doesn’t penetrate his consciousness.  Why?  Because the version of him you knew wasn’t real.  It was an act and he was an actor.

F*ck him!  Get away.

Posted by firefly
September 4, 2022 4:36 pm

Hi Anon,
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.  It's so hard to feel discarded.  I don't know if he is excited to get away from you, but, rather, in my opinion, he isn't thinking about you at all.  He isn't considering  your hurt, pain, needs, etc.  It's all about him at the moment.  He is also living in fantasy land.  I suspect HE thinks his life will have a Disney-type ending.  Reality could very well hit him hard.  You may want to consider what you would do if he did want to come back.  I would think long and hard before letting him do that if I were you.  I truly doubt he would be coming back because he wants to be with you.  He may just want the safety and security while he nursed his wounds.  But, he has already proven who he is and how he would treat you, as Daryl said.  Maybe he won't look back either.  That is also very devastating.  I feel  your pain.  You definitely deserve better.

Posted by Blackie563
September 4, 2022 5:43 pm

firefly wrote:

 I feel  your pain.  You definitely deserve better.

I think this sums it up perfectly. We can all feel your pain and I think we all deserve better. I keep repeating to myself, I am worthy of at least, honesty (not self delusion) and I deserve to be more than a backup plan.


Posted by Anon2222
September 5, 2022 8:05 am

Thanks everyone! 

Not to worry, I am getting better at doing me! I'm just struggling with it lately. I have chronic depression and I've been in a funk. I hate it. It's something I've always lived with....but this whole thing has really thrown it into a tail spin. 

I also can't do the limbo anymore. The longer it drags on, the more mixed up I get. 

But I am doing something solely for me right now. I have wanted to adopt a cat for years. He didn't. So we never got a cat. So I've decided to bite the bullet.

I am meeting several cats from a rescue to see if any of them would be a fit. I'm terrified to do it, because my life is in chaos and I don't know the future. But, I've made the decision that I'm going to adopt a senior cat who fell on hard times. According to the rescue, no one is lining up for these I figure I can give one a loving home for whatever time it has left. I'm going to go see a 13 year old girl this week.

I appreciate everyone's support on this page. It has been very helpful. Hard to believe there's so many of us in the same boat.

Posted by Blackie563
September 5, 2022 8:25 am

Anon2222 wrote:

I appreciate everyone's support on this page. It has been very helpful. Hard to believe there's so many of us in the same boat.

Understatement of the year :-) Completely agree, while this is awful, I am grateful for you all. They say misery loves company, I would not wish this on anyone, it's truly terrible. That said, I am glad we have come together to try and help one another, complete strangers, with so much in common. 

Good job, Anon! Get those kitties! Do you. I am contacting the lawyers now for my "free consultation". This is all so surreal. Found out last night, she doesnt think it will work with the other woman, which makes sense of why she has been opening up a bit lately....backup plan. Also checked the records, over 500 texts in less than 3 months between these two. According to her? Nothing going on, just two people with common our best, I don't text my own kids or her that often...thats almost 6 a day averaged out. every day. No wonder she had nothing left for me...

Posted by Victo
September 5, 2022 9:43 am

Blackie563 wrote:

Found out last night, she doesnt think it will work with the other woman, which makes sense of why she has been opening up a bit lately....backup plan.

Backup plan.

While she likely always knew she was gay and never bothered to tell you, she is not certain how to go about actually living this way.  She is likely counting on you to always love her unconditionally anyway, like a captive with Stockholm syndrome.

But don’t gloat.  Just get away.

Have you heard of a uhaul lesbian? 

When my ex moved on with my colleague, a young lesbian girl watching this scenario told me about uhaul lesbians - the joke is they will bring a uhaul full of their stuff on the 2nd date.

Your wife WILL likely move on and do so shockingly quickly.  But in the meantime, it isn’t a surprise she is still figuring out how and planning to string you along just in case.  Ugh.  You, her husband, have probably always been her backup plan.

That’s what my relationship felt like.

Posted by Rob
September 6, 2022 7:47 am


I can say my GX had your wife beat on the number of text in a day...hundreds in day.  They are  like kids in candy store with their gay affair.  But they also to want make sure we are around my case to keep paying that cellular bill and because mine felt she was entitled to this reliability of a husband and a gay  lover.

You sounding you're doing the right thing..

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Gloria
September 30, 2022 6:39 am

I have also heard the U Haul remark



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