I'm always tired. I'm also still actively struggling with sadness and depression. Depression doesn't always show up the way you think it does though, MJ, so I wouldn't rule it out even if you wouldn't classify it as depression yourself. Sometimes fatigue is a symptom even when you would say your mood is 'normal'.
I relate to how you're feeling in some ways. Even though my situation isn't as actively in my face anymore, I still grieve. It hurts. I cry. I have a normal day. Or two. Maybe a week if I'm lucky. I remember something new. I get angry. I cry again. Processing just takes time and energy. I don't have much to spare for others, especially when I view people's motives as suspect now.
I can't be bothered to use my limited energy on figuring out who deserves the benefit of the doubt anymore. I'd rather focus internally. I assume that may change at some point. It may not. I stopped trying to force myself to be more social a couple months ago. I show up for the people who show up for me. Anything more ambitious will have to wait. I don't think I will (or want to) love anyone again but I still think I can have a good life. It's just different than what I hoped for and I'm grieving for that as much as the loss of the person I loved because of this sad mess of an experience.
Anyway, if your fatigue persists you might still talk to a doctor about it. Depression is a sneaky beast. Good thoughts headed your way!