do we have to have a MOM section?

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Posted by StrongerThanIKnew
July 26, 2018 8:59 am

Survival90 wrote:

And "not all situations are those that ought to be lived" is insulting. You are basically saying my husband and I's decision to stay together is wrong, and shouldn't be done. You then relate being in a MOM to being in an abusive relationship where one spouse beats the other. The two are nothing alike, and I find it really insulting to compare my husband to someone who beats their spouse. My husband is a gentle and loving person, and if we choose to work through something like this doesn't make him abusive. 

Just to be clear... nobody said being in a MOM was like being in a physically abusive relationship. Not all abuse is physical, and many here have experienced emotional, verbal, and financial abuse. Some have even experienced a form of sexual abuse that would probably be classified closer to emotional than physical. The damage, however, is just as real. Also, many of us weren't able to recognize the abuse for what it was until we were out of the situation. I feel certain that is the type of abuse that was being talked about.

Posted by OutofHisCloset
July 26, 2018 9:08 am

Something I forgot to say in my last message.
On the masthead, above, it says, "Opinions posted here, including that of the Administrator, are the poster's own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Straight Spouse Network."
  I think it's clear that the opinions of those who post here often diverge from the official line of the Straight Spouse Network.  Certainly I feel very differently about trans issues than the Network's official position (that one of the resources for straight spouses listed on the support/resources page is a memoir by a trans woman, and is told from that trans perspective and not from that of the spouse, such as Christine Benvenuto's memoir, "Sex Changes," of living with her transitioning spouse, never fails to irk me).  
  I'm very grateful to the Network for affording us this place to express our own take on our own experiences, even when as they often do they diverge from the Network's carefully calibrated stance.  I think Phoenix does a very good job straddling the line between his work as forum administrator and private poster.  I expect Kel will also find her own stance in doing the same, and I very much hope, Kel, that you don't end up muzzling your very useful and direct comments when you "call bullshit on." 
   The Network doesn't censor us or ask that we say only what comports with the Network's official position, and I very much hope that comments that don't pass that litmus test continue to be welcome.  

Posted by Kel
July 26, 2018 9:45 am

Don't worry OoHC - I have no intention of being muzzled.  I personally don't feel that I could have any kind of open marriage - even if my partner were completely straight and we were very happy.  And that's because I don't want my partner to be okay with me sharing my body with anyone else. I won't ever even think of doing that.  It goes against the very point of marriage to me.  But that's the thing - to ME. I'm not saying that it can't work for others. There are tons of polyamorous individuals in the world that seem perfectly happy that way.  As long as no one's forcing me into that situation, they can have at it all they want.

I can't say that I'm going to be neutral about MOMs - my feelings aren't neutral. I suspect that most of us don't feel neutral about it - especially after trying it for a bit.  But my point is that they should be allowed that option, and that since we all feel the need to jump on them, it's a good thing for them to have a place where they are free to only have others in their own situation. They can come here and discuss too, but they will likely meet a different response. And that's okay.


Last edited by Kel (July 26, 2018 9:47 am)

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by walkbymyself
July 26, 2018 12:51 pm

OutofHisCloset wrote:

   We also don't want to be made to feel as if we are simply unable to adjust, or are unreasonable, or suspicious or bitter (those last two words used by Yaz) ...  

Wow, I missed that part.

Suspicious?  Moi?

I only ask because, looking back on the past quarter-century of my lying cheating husband successfully having defrauded me out of my dignity, my own sexual happiness, my financial well-being, my ability to support myself as an adult and in retirement, etc., etc., etc. -- it's an interesting perspective to hear: that somehow my problem is that I haven't been sufficiently gullible.

Well, at least I'm getting a good laugh out of that one.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by Kel
July 26, 2018 1:28 pm

I've heard that kind of thing before - not necessarily with regards to attempting to be in a MOM, though.  It's part of the gas lighting, in my opinion. We're brainwashed into thinking that WE have the issue because we snooped - don't we TRUST? But then, there was STUFF to find - it's why we snooped in the first place - because something felt off and we began searching to find out if we were right about that, or crazy. Only to find out that they consider us crazy or suspicious when we had reason to be.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz
July 26, 2018 5:31 pm

The MOM section seems to have been infiltrated by Articles that can be found and read on other sites, 
and appears to be losing the *intimate advice and discussion between men & women* sanctuary it was.

KIA KAHA                       
Posted by 6kidslater
July 26, 2018 7:50 pm

Some of us through this journey and not by our choice have been in a MOM for varying amounts of time floundering around. But during that time I actually believed my marriage was special and that we were the ones who could make this work in remaining married. I was never on board with any sort of open relationship. Foolish thinking I know. I no longer believe that what we had was special or that there was any possibility of making it work. However, I had to come to this conclusion entirely on my own. I had to know that I had done everything I could while sticking to my morals to save my marriage and family I have 6 kids with him and I loved him with all my heart. We all have to live with our own choices and come to them in our own time. Also it has to be remembered that sometimes when a spouse comes out a relationship is temporary improved because the burden of the seret is removed from the gay spouse and they feel accepted by their spouse and it brings a closeness and complicates things further as this “honeymoon period” does not last and we are yet again not enough. Just my thoughts.



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