I'm at the park to today and notice my GID doing a 'tail feather' signal to other cars. (That's one hand behind back palm up fingers wiggle) I've seen him do it a few times. Does anyone know what this means?
The only thing I can find is 'operation tail feather' park stings. I saw a video of an undercover cop walking in to mens room and doing the same signal.
I'd say ask him but at this point it does not've lost trust with him..he clearly thinks don't notice it? That he's what? covert from you from you with this but other "smart" men see his signal.
My ex was so stupidly obvious in her cheating but in her mind they thought she had me tricked...thus is their low opinion of our intelligence or us.
Not what I wanted to be married to..not what we signed up for. Not what we should have to worry about.
Sounds like you already know, please stop torturing yourself. If you are waiting for a heart to heart confession and to be able to go back in time, it's not going to happen. Please get out and protect yourself, you are putting yourself and your health in danger.