Thanks Dave!
This is why I've kept up my posts. I want my experience and insights to be helpful to others. Knowing I've helped out someone else makes my awful experience feel like it had a value and purpose.
Another two weeks has gone by since my last update.
Last night was frustrating when I found out my ex told my boys to never tell me what happens in their lives while they are at her house. I make it a point to keep up with their activities and lives. I don't ask about what their mom is doing, but I ask what they have been up to, what activities, are they happy, who do they interact with, etc.. She is clearly guilty about having "the homewrecker" around the house and so she doesn't want me to know about it. Unfortunately she has now put the boys in the middle. She is forcing them to pick a side, choose a loyalty, have the burden of keeping a secret. it's really bad parenting, so I let her know that it's unacceptable. She won't listen to me of course. Her selfishness is very disappointing.
I'm making some progress in my challenge to forgive. Like this whole experience, I find that it's a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Some days are much easier to feel like I'm gaining peace and finding a way to forgive, and other days are very hard and make me feel like I'm regressing. But overall i think I'm starting to find some footing.
I've sought out a lot of different insights on forgiveness, many brilliant ideas and advice has come to me. I feel like I have great understanding of what forgiveness means, why it's important, why non-forgiveness is dangerous, what will harm my progress, etc.. But I've been searching for a "how to guide" and have yet to find it.
My father had some great insight for me.. finally something that really rung a bell for me. He said that forgiveness is a mental decision, not an emotional feeling. He said you have to make a commitment mentally to forgive and then give your emotions some time to catch up. He said most people do it the other way around and depend on how they feel to change before they can say they forgive. That can work, but doesn't always and it usually takes much much longer. So I'm making a mental commitment to forgive my ex for her actions. I'm hoping my feelings will catch up soon so that i can find peace and detach the baggage I'm carrying around.
I've decided to sell one of the two puppies. They are too much work and having two makes it harder to train either of them because I can't get their attention and focus. The boys are ok with this.. we talked last night about it.
I had my first date in 18 years last Sunday. It went well and I have a second date planned with her. I'm still guarding my heart, but I find myself wondering if it's too good to be true.. how can the first person I connected with after my divorce possibly be such a good match? So i'm cautiously moving forward. As I said before.. it makes a world of difference having someone new in your life. It gives so much hope for the future and completely eliminates any feelings of loneliness. It gives me the opportunity to outlet my care and love to someone else as well (not physically.. but emotionally). So it's been great.. hopefully it continues.
So.. life goes on and the pain of TGT and my divorce gets easier to deal with each day. New relationships, new situations, new activities take the place of the old ones and I find myself enjoying my new life more than I did my old one. I still have times where my emotions creep back in and get the best of me, but they are less frequent, less severe and I get better sooner. There was a time when I measured my progress in the number of times a day that I shed tears. Then I started to find days when I didn't cry at all. Then it was a measure of how many days in between a good cry. Now.. I can't remember the last time I was overcome.. it's been weeks.
Life gets better after TGT.. have hope and keep pressing forward.
I changed my username. Someone mentioned that my old one didn't seem to fit anymore and I think that's correct. I don't think i'm "lost" anymore. I've found the way forward. I'm still walking the path and there are still ups and downs, but I'm a different person now than I was before. For this reason I've decided I like the username phoenix. The mythical bird that dies in a flaming inferno and then comes back to life as a beautiful and majestic creature. I'm certainly not beautiful, but I think my future will be beautiful so I'm going to embrace that hope and let me username reflect it. .
My streak of not succumbing to my emotions ended last night.
I found out that my ex's sister not only unfriended me on facebook, but actually blocked me. It has me wondering what my ex is saying about me to cause that level of rejection. Does she think I'm some kind of creepy stalker or something? Or perhaps just showing solidarity with her sister?
I really liked the sister and her husband.. they are great people. They were family to me.. we went through a lot together and had some great times over 16+ years.. I had hoped that we could remain in touch in the future. I knew it wouldn't be the same... we wouldn't be spending holidays together, but I hoped that maybe we could just stay in touch. I guess not..
What is frustrating is that I took the high road and didn't tell the secret. Even when asked.. I told her directly that it would be wrong for me to say anything that my ex hadn't shared because they were family.
I guess it's a no-win situation.. If I defend myself I come across as malicious. If I say nothing then my ex has a blank canvas to paint her lies upon. Oh well.. I did what I know was right.
Last week was a challenge as well.. I had to see her for parent-teacher conferences and she was very hostile toward me before and after.
I'm not a psychologist, but I have a theory on how people think about and treat other people.
1.) I think when a person does something they are ashamed of, they try to justify the action so they can get rid of the guilt. To justify the action they need to make the party they offended out to be a bad person.. like they deserved it. So I think they manufacture things to dislike about a person.
2.) I think when a person paints another as a bad person, every future interaction begins with bad thoughts.. They are no longer neutral.. they are now tainted to dislike you or think the worst of you.
3.) I think people are very highly influenced by others.. Especially when they are in love with the other. So when one of our gay ex's falls in love with a new person, they allow that new person to help paint a picture about their ex.
In my case, my ex is extremely ashamed, so she is deflecting all of that guilt by making me the bad guy. She is now holding a grudge for whatever she has manufactured against me, so any future interactions are now slanted before they even start. Worst of all.. the ex who she left me for already hated me.. simply because I existed and because I called her out for being an immoral and unethical slimeball.. So she's heavily influencing my ex as well.
All of this suck because it threatens to put the kids in the middle of a bad relationship between the parents. She will, without even knowing it, have a harmful slant on how she mentions me to the boys. Her hostility toward me will make it more and more difficult for us to co-parent and see each other in person when necessary.
This sucks!!
Oh well.. life goes on. Aside from the stress with my ex being hostile toward me I am enjoying my life more and more by the day. I can see hope on the horizon and I'm looking forward to the future.
Last edited by phoenix (April 4, 2017 3:53 pm)
Live up to your new name, my friend. Rise above. In the end, who you are inside will shine the brightest. You don't need to explain anything to anyone. You don't need to justify who or what you are. Others don't know the complete situation. And, neither do you. Your ex is terrified of how the boys will see her, how her family will see her, and everyone's anger/questions/confusion. She's clearly not ready to deal.
You become the bad person only if you become the bad person. Understand me. You become the bad person only if you become the bad person. You don't need to explain yourself, defend yourself, or do anything. Stand strong in the truth of who you are, what you give to your boys, your family, your friends, and people in your life. People will take note.
You know my story somewhat and what I chose and chose not to do. I was criticized by many when they found out "the truth". Why didn't I tell them? Why didn't I destroy him? Why didn't I fight back? They knew nothing. They did not know me. They did not know the most important thing: That to live authentically for me, meant being able to look myself in the eye in the mirror every day and like that person. And I did. I didn't let him drag me into the dirt (he tried). I continued to love fiercely like I always did, and in the end, love won. Integrity won. Anger didn't. Jealousy didn't. Ego didn't.
The most important thing you said was "I did what I know is right.". She won't be able to say the same thing.
The boys are smart. They know you love them. They know you are split. I'm sure they know why people split and that sometimes they get angry at each other.
They know who you are. Don't question that. Keep loving them. It is the truth to tell them that Mom doesn't love you anymore, but she loves them and so do you.
Stay strong and hang on. The rollercoaster continues.
First , congrats on the new name It was Kel who told me way back to not change my name to Forsaken but to take back my name. At the time i took the advice because despite how forsaken I felt, the folks here had to know something. I'm glad I kept my name. My ex, as your's surely did, changed her name back to her maiden name.. part of their re-writing the past. ,
Ah yes, the treatment we get in public or overall now; " had to see her for parent-teacher conferences and she was very hostile toward me before and after. ". Yep, me too. They act as if we did something wrong. That we harmed them. Mine glared at me with a mean face a bully on the playground. What makes it more bizarre is we know how well we treated them and I know for a fact that there is no way her girlfriend could treat her better than me...but then I guess she considers acting like a selfish teenager to be better treatment... It is bizarre...the only thing we're guilty of is loving them and treating them well. So they cheated with someone of the same sex and we're to blame..that justifiies and makes what they did morally ok.
Yes, I agree with your analysis word for word... they seem ashamed...they have to get rid of the they project it onto us. Mine is downright paranoid when I interact with her (all we discuss is the kids); ie. randomly interjecting into the conversation "I am a good mother".. "of course I will be blamed". Taking every word as an accusation against her...way off topic and context.
She does not seem happy at all. Some may say this is vengeance or karma that all is not happy in gayland. I really don't want that..she put us through all this trouble and destruction... the least she can do is be happy...happy enough to leave me alone and not take her troubles out on me. I want no unhappiness taken out on me.
Time for another update on my saga.
I've encountered another bump in the road. This is one that I expected to come at some point and worried that it would be very difficult to deal with.
I had been courting a woman for the past two months. We explored compatibility a lot and I was very excited about the possibilities. In the end though we learned that our emotional compatibility wasn't very good. She is very self-affirmed and not very open to emotional intimacy. I'm the opposite.. I need deep connection and am looking for that romantic spark. I need a partner who makes me feel good about myself and shares their love with me. I'm also most fulfilled when I know my partner needs those things from me.. it makes me feel fulfilled to show them the love they need. I like to give and receive compliments, but she doesn't need them herself and doesn't give them freely. She's a spectacular woman and will make a great wife to a man who is more independent than I am.
Anyway... this isn't a dating site, so I don't want to focus too much on that.. But I do want to comment on how my experience of having my first dating breakup is going.
It's not as bad as I thought it might be.
I was careful in allowing myself to fall in love. I didn't give away my heart to quickly and thus, I didn't get hurt. That doesn't mean I wasn't willing or able to give away my heart. I didn't run into any fears of trust. I didn't have any intimacy isssues (because there was none.. lol). I also knew what I needed from a relationship and was able to identify early on that there were some issues that would have been roadblocks to either of us being happy.
I'm glad I went through this step. It was important.
It does hurt a little bit. She seemed so perfect on the surface.. the similarities and goals.. So i fear I won't be able to find another person who had those attributes. I also really enjoyed having someone to stay in touch with on a regular basis.. the daily texts.. checking in on each other. Now I'm feeling a bit lonely again. I'm also back to square one.. My goal is to find a new wife and get married.. and i'm further away from that today than I was yesterday.
But.. this isn't so bad.
I'm proud of myself. I kept my morals and values in check and dated with intention. I was honest (perhaps too much), and never tried to take from her. Most of all.. I knew what I was looking for, what I needed from a spouse, and was able to keep my head and back away when I realized this wasn't right.
I didn't fall victim to the painful rebound..
I wanted to share this experience for a couple of reasons. First I want to keep documenting my own path and make sure that I share my feelings as I go. It helps me to look back and read these things so that I can see the changes going on within me as I progress. Second, I want to share my advice from my experiences with others so that it might help them as they encounter each similar stage in their own journey.
I know we all have different personalities and love in different ways, but I'll share my thoughts for anyone interested.
My advice: If you are looking to receive from a dating relationship you probably aren't ready. Granted we all have wants and needs, but if the only reason you are thinking about dating is to get satisfaction.. it's not right. When you are excited to give and make another person happy.. then you are ready for something more meaningful.
Don't jump in too quickly.. be patient and intentional. After a crushing divorce we are likely to be a little tender and sore. If you give away your heart too quickly and things don't work out it will bring you right back to a bad place.
Be sure to use your brain instead of just your heart. Put in the work early in a relationship to find out if you are compatible. Ask tons of questions and learn about each other. Find out what love language they speak and what your language is to see if there is compatibility. This way, when you find out you aren't a good match it won't hurt so much.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, Phoenix. But it wasn't a waste. I'm sure you had some fun along the way. From my perspective, you are proving that you're not just going to be desperate, but are willing to take the decision seriously on who you choose to spend your time with, moving forward. I also don't think you're further away from finding a wife than you were yesterday. I mean, yesterday you were with the wrong person. Today you're one day closer to finding the right one.
I think it's really good that you're looking at compatibility the way you are. You can find a good person who's kind and loving, but just doesn't fit you the right way for long-term happiness. Don't try to make a piece fit that doesn't appear to do so on its own. Keep looking for the right piece. Know that just because you're ready doesn't mean that you're going to automatically find the person immediately. Nothing in life works that way - not buying a home, not having a child, not improving your health or getting an education. It takes time, hard work, and perseverance. Everyone you eliminate means you're closer to finding the right one. You don't delve into a haystack to find a needle and come up with a fistful of hay and decide that the needle can't be found. You weed through each and every piece of hay, even it takes you forever. If the needle is what you're looking for, then keep going.
I think part of the reason my husband and I work so well together is because our love languages are the same. We are very different people in many ways, but we fulfill each other very well. He loves being touched, and I love touching. I'm okay with being touched, but don't derive the pleasure from it that I do from touching. Almost every night he gets a good back scratch followed by a rub out and then some neck and shoulder massage, and light head rubbing (he's bald). It makes him feel so loved for me to do this, and I love making him feel that way. There are other alignments too - we both love words of affirmation and give and receive them freely. We both provide acts of service for others. We seem to have the love language thing covered, and it's.... easy - when you're matched well. Don't try to mold yourself into someone who accepts what the other person has to give - look for someone who naturally gives what you need - and vice versa. It make a world of difference.
I know that for me, I figured that finding the right person would be impossible. I mean, here I was, a woman of 40 with three kids - one of whom had horrific behavior. I was overweight, loud, and high emotion. I had no money to speak of, but lots of debt. Now, I had a lot to give too - I was employed, I was a hard worker, I kept a clean home, I can cook, I'm spontaneous, I'm funny, I love to laugh, and I love sex. Lol. But I'm sure there are a ton of women out there that can offer that. So first thing was to get someone to want the package that I was offering. THEN they had to be a certain kind of person. I'm a very strong, intelligent woman - it was going to take someone very special to neither cowtail to me or try to make me submissive. In fact, I'd never even met that kind of man before! He'd need to be fun, have a sarcastic sense of humor, live in the area, be willing to be married if the relationship moves in that direction. He had to be someone who enjoyed both going out and staying in. Had to love animals - or at least let me. Lol. Had to get along with my family, had to have at least one child (so he understood that connection), but not a ton (I don't need a Brady Bunch scenario!). Needed to have a good job that he'd stuck out for a while. Had to be self-motivated and a hard worker. Had to be "manly" without being chauvanistic. GOD - the list went on and on! And these weren't even the WANTS so much as the NEEDS! Ideally, I wanted him to be tall and handsome (to me). A gentleman, but not in the bedroom. Ha ha. You know I got? ALL.OF.IT. And SO much more. Love the same foods, find fun in the same things. A leader to my family. A man who lets me make a ton of decisions, but is clear when something is non negotiable. He is ALWAYS healthy, and ALWAYS kind about my long list of aches and pains. Protects me and our children. Wants to have fun. I would not have been able to dream up this much in one person if I'd spent a lifetime on it! This is a twice-divorced man who had a bankruptcy in his past. And he just bought me a house.
She's out there. You will find her. Don't dismay.
Thanks for sharing.
I freely admit I'm too scared and desperate now. I'm working on myself. I was so codependent and gave so much of myself.
I think it was very honest and good of you to realize it would not work out. I hope to be like that someday.
Kel seems to have chosen wisely. Kel I will say I gave back rubs every none in return. ..I was told I was a bad husband.
Kel wrote:
I also don't think you're further away from finding a wife than you were yesterday. I mean, yesterday you were with the wrong person. Today you're one day closer to finding the right one.
This is a very good point Kel. You are right that being one step down the wrong road is in fact further away from my goal.
Rob.. I applaud you for knowing that you are not ready. That's a very important thing. Too many people lack consideration for others and jump out there to find only selfish fulfillment. In the end they wind up only hurting themselves and their dates when the implode and turn everything into a mess.
It's good to get away from desperate first. The fear we have is that we won't get away from it until we're with someone, so why bother? But if you KNEW that you weren't going to ever be with someone again, you'd somehow manage to make a life for yourself anyway. It's about doing that now - finding out what you like and who you are again. And there is nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who's got his sh*t together. Lol. We don't want someone who is going to need to be with us 24/7 or they're going to be upset - because we're their whole world. We want to like their world so much that we want to jump into it. When you both have lives that are fulfilling and active, you both make for more interesting partners and people.
Take your time.
Last edited by Kel (April 25, 2017 2:09 pm)