OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 30, 2017 2:43 am  #1

WTF??? Shock and disbelief at first ...now so confused and sad

Hi everyone.
I don't really know where to start so I'll just start somewhere. 

I am a 41 year old woman, married my husband 7 years ago (he is almost 45). It has never been plain sailing for our relationship over the whole 11 years we've been together. Except for "honeymoon" period of when we first got together and the days shortly after we got married. However, we're both still here and both still trying.

Although we had our post wedding honey moon interrupted by having to return home for the funeral of his gay "best friend" who used to be his "flat mate" which of course he was incredibly upset about. And just on  that - on satruday night when he was really drunk he told me angrily that I forced him to marry me and to have the wedding on his dead gay best friend's birthday and what a nasty inssensitive thing that was to do and that he had no say in it whatsoever. Anyway. My recollection was that we agreed together because it was the anniversary of when we got together so we just kept the same date as it was a Saturday. I even remember going to the friends house who was terminally ill with cancer at the time to invite himj to the wedding. the sick friend took one look at the invite and just looked at us, I had no idea the date was his birthday and my husband should have said something. He never expressed any resistance at the time, I had no idea that this had upset him so much. 

Actually when I think about how he and I got together and the timing - he had just moved out of a house with this gay best friend flatmate (there were others living there but most had left) and moved into his own place. Around the same time, the gay best friend flat mate (Mr T) had actually sent my husband flowers and chocolates at work. He got incredibly embaressed and angry and was teased by a few girls in the office (we worked together back then),.

I feel so sorry for that dead firend now. He had obviously been rejected. When he was on his death bed, my husband's parents were visiting the family and Mr T told my mother in law that my husband shouldn't be marrying me and didn't belong with me. He has always denied there was anything between them. 

It's all coming together in my head now....

So. why am I writing on this forum? I'm 80% sure my husband is gay and still in the closet but is only just realising that this is something he can't shake. Always, the whole time I have known him, he has had frequent dark periods of depression and anger, resulting in shut downs, meltdowns, suicidal thoughts, and a lot of anger directed at me. He's told me that he feels trapped in our marriage but didn't express specifically why. Tonight he said he can't see any way out of "this". but wouldn't elaborate on what "this" means. He's done the counselling/antidepressants/you name it we've tried it but of course no change. 

He is miserable. There is no physical intimacy unless I initiate it. and 8 times out of 10 I am turned down. "Sex isn't important to me, on my list of priorities its way down the list" he told me the other week. In the beginning we had GREAT sex, loads of it, crazy hall way kitchen sex, great out doors sex you name it it was incredible. I got pregnant within the first 3-4 months of our marriage and then things really started going down hill. he's a fantastic dad to our only child. I have been TTC for the last 4 years but no luck, and frequently find myself "begging" for physical intimacy which he always reluctantly gives or makes exuses about being tired. it takes ages for him to get physically turned on which is such a change to when we first got together. 

BUT occaisionally there are those times where its really great. so things are pretty inconsistent. Black and white, Hot and cold. 

I'm just SO CONFUSED!!! No I haven't found any gay porn or incriminating txt messages, websites or emails. 

The thing that really bugs me and makes me think that somethings up is:
- the gay best friend flat mate (Mr T) I mention above,.
- all the time I've know him he's mentioned this guy (Mr N) he went to high school with, his only friend ( he was bulled a lot at school, including by girls) who is gay. I know the friend is gay, he knows the firend is gay. he is openly gay. no problems there.
- He lost contact with this friend when he joined the navy at 17
- 18 months ago this friend magically found out that he had moved countries and tracked him down on LinkedIn.
- surprise! said Friend had coincidentally decided to move all the way across the world to not only the same country but the same city as us after recently having broken up with his gay partner of 10 years
- the emails from my husband to Mr N start off with went like this..."blah blah blah oh thats great mate will be great to see you..somehow I've ended up married and have a son"..and ..."of course I coudn't forget you mate, for good reason ;-) "

WTF? wouldn't you say - something like, I married my beautiful wife 5 years ago and we have a little boy...not somehow I've ended up married and have a son (like I don't know how that happened and I'd better let you know straight away that its a complicated situation because she doesnt know about us...)

anyway...that didn't make me feel particularly good.

 At first I was happy for him, when we found out Mr N was moving here. Husband has always been quite lonely and shy and finds it really hard to make friends. He doesn't have any guy friends now except this one guy who moved here 18 months ago. so when this guy (Mr N) was moving to our city, I thought it would be good as he's always wanted to get back in touch with him and apparently they were good friends in high school. 

Husband is such a good actor, but I can SO TELL when he's faking the tiredness/excuses to not spend time with me. Tonight was particularly bad. I had to beg for a hug, for some affection, he couldn't look me in the eye and just shut down, frozen, detached, totally blocked me out. Sometimes he just sits, frozen, with tears rolling down his cheeks. I can't bear to see him in so much pain but at the same time I'm so angry that he has betrayed himself and me and our son like this. I feel so cheated but I want to be kind to him at the same time and help him through and tell him it's ok, its ok to be your genuine self, just tell the truth and be honest even though its breaking my heart and destroying my life. 

I feel so starved for intimacy and affection, I feel worthless, invisible, ugly and broken. I hurt. I am a zombie lately, I just can't get these thoughts out of my head. gaslighting happens on a daily basis several times. I crave for him to show the love and emotion and physical touch he shares with our son everyday but with me its almost complete avoidance. 

More things that make me go "hmmmm":
When the friend first moved here, we would all catch up together (husband, me, son, friend)
The friend very friendly to me and son (overfriendly I thought at the time), pairing up with me to go to shops, buying son expensive toys for no reason
after a while, the friend and husband stopped inviting us to outings
they kept having regular "movie nights" at the movies, GPS tracking tells me that this was true but of course no idea what happened in movie theatre.
Before long, they were catching up several times a week and at least once on the weekend
(I'm glad I'm writing this all down, its really helping me see the pattern here..)
Always at the movies. or going for a "walk"

Sorry readers, this is all over the place, my head is a mess. 

It was my son's birthday one weekend and we were having a pretty big birthday party for him, doing the catering and decorating ourselves at the local hall. When I asked husband to keep his weekend free to help prepare the food/decorating he went ballistic because he had decided that he was going to make plans with mr N. So I said bring him along, we could do with an extra pair of hands. Got the usual ballistic response and was told that Mr N doesn't do family parties, he feels uncomfortable. WTF?? he was fine a few months ago...also won't come to BBQs at our house anymore with other families/couples (ok so none of the other ppl are gay but so what?!)

It was our son's 5th birthday party. He's his Dad. But it was very clear that the friend was more important than being involved in son's birthday party. Priorities? I found this really wierd as he has always been such a doting dad.
Later I found a text that said - can't make it today mate sorry - too busy "meeting expectations".

Not - oh its my son's birthday party do you want to come along (I invited him but this was flatly turned down). Confusing considering when he first arrived, he was being really nice to me and our son and buying our son gifts. but now he didn't want to come to the party.
WTF is going on??????? I just want some clear evidence so I can make a deicsion and move on with my life. 

Last weekend:
- I hadn't seen the friend for over 6 months and the opportunity came up when we were all out one weekend to catch up for coffee. I suggested it and immediately my husband got incredibly defensive, went ballistic and blamed me for making him angry. It was a completely irrational response. He basically said that no I wasnt invited and I couldn't come and he needed time with the friend alone.
Later I found out that they went to a posh bar on the waterfront that we used to go to and he paid for all the drinks. 

We all went out for dinner before Christmas to another pub. At the time I dismissed it but I'm sure that as they sat opposite eachother my husband was actually giving him flirty looks while he thought my head was turned.

My husband now frequently picks fights with me for no reason

A few weeks ago I asked if he'd like to come to salsa lessons with me. I would love to learn how to dance. He said no but go ahead without me. I said no - Salsa  is a really sexy dance, the only person I want to do that with is you. Don't you care that I would be dancing sexily with other guys? He's like "No". and changed the subject. 

I think the writings on the wall. but I have no money, no job and no where to go. 


January 30, 2017 7:13 am  #2

Re: WTF??? Shock and disbelief at first ...now so confused and sad


Yes..so sorry.
..the shock of discard is setting in. What your experiencing right now I refer to as "the discard".
Your seeing the lies and shift in loyalty from you and your son to his boyfriend.  The lies are so absurd sometimes and obvious.
You do not deserve this...what you feel is your "gut", "bones", or morals kicking in..this is not how one human should treat another..it's definitely not how husband's and wives should. They have broke trust on a fundametal and the disloyalty will eat you up and gnaw at you.  I would shake with trauma at the blatant breaking of our trust. 

I didn't have all the little clues like you but it matters little..my discard was swift and without remorse...the lies.."hey I'm going to meet my friend to go shopping..at 11:3pm at night?  Am
I that stupid..answer...yes..the disrespect and dislike of us is so great that they think we will accept the lies and explanations.
Its madness.

Please build a support system for yourself...there is no set time for these things..start with small steps for yourself..work on distancing yourself from him. Discreetly build strength. 

If you want to confront him now you have every right.  But from what you wrote it sounds like he's already discarded you..doesnt sound like he will care.who would.pick a friend over their son..  your son as you can see needs you..he needs someone that will put him first.  These gay spouses earn a special place in hell to me for hurting not only us but our kids.  At some point their hurt outweighs any fiancial issue throwing us into a primitive defensive survival mode...one can only take so much abuse..

An ehug (sincere and authentic)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 30, 2017 1:01 pm  #3

Re: WTF??? Shock and disbelief at first ...now so confused and sad


Your story feels so much like my own.  I can just feel the pain of you coming to terms with having a gay husband.. I can feel in your writing.  It brings me back to my own recent past and I can still feel those same feelings. 

I'm so sorry you are going through this.  I'm sorry you find yourself on this webforum.  But, I'm glad you have found us and that you had the courage to sign up and share. 

You did great with your fist post.. It's so helpful to just let those thoughts and feelings and memories and observations just flow out of you.  It is fantastic therapy.  Don't stop..  anytime you feel like you want to write down more of these clues from your past or how you feel about things or what has been frustrating to you..  DO IT!   Don't worry about how well your post reads or flows.. it's not important.  What is important is that you share and give us a chance to show you that we understand and share your experience.  We are here for you!

As I said, so many of those clues you shared are so familiar to me.  I remember exactly how horrible it felt to be second or third in line of priority when you should always be #1 to your spouse.  I remember how much I hated the lack of sex and knowing that if I wanted it I had to initiate it every time.. and when I did I had a slim chance of actually getting it.  Then even when i did get the opportunity my emotion and passion was not returned...  I always got the "Are you done yet?" sigh.  

I remember putting together those pieces of the puzzle and starting to see the picture..  my spouse is gay! It usually takes a lot of puzzle pieces because we refuse to believe the clues we see.  We subconsciously deny the validity of those clues because we don't want to believe them.  

So, you seem to have arrived at the correct conclusion.  Your husband is gay.  I have never met the guy, so I can't say that I'm 100% sure, but based on hundreds of stories I've read on this forum, your husbands behavior leaves little doubt.  I'm sorry dear!

What can we do for you?  There are so many different things that people need help with in the early stages of this storm.  We are here to help you through all of them.  Please let us know what is weighing most heavily on your mind and how we can help. 

Let me give you a few thoughts for right now.. 
-This is not your fault.  You did nothing wrong.  You married someone you loved fully and expected the same in return.  This is not your fault!!!
-Finding yourself here means you have entered one of the most difficult storms of your life.  You will get through it and you will be happy again. Please make yourself and your son the priority and don't try to take on more than you can and take things one day at a time. 
-Here's the hard one..  For the sake of your health, both mentally and physically, please stop having sex with him.  First, you will need to distance yourself emotionally, so removing that intimacy is key.  Second, even though you say that he has not cheated on you, the overwhelming majority of us were given that lie and found out later it wasn't true.  I sincerely hope he has remained faithful to you physically... if so, that is a gift.  But don't risk your life on it.  Consider getting tested so that you can be sure you don't already have something. 
-Find a support network.  As Rob said above..   This is a must!  You don't owe him..  You don't need to suffer more than necessary.  Find family and friends that you can trust to be there for you.  I'm not saying you should "out" him publicly of course.. but don't stay locked in his closet and suffer.  

Hugs to you sadwife.  Let us know how we can support you.  I look forward to seeing you change your username someday to happymom or something like that..  You will get there 


-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


February 2, 2017 7:06 am  #4

Re: WTF??? Shock and disbelief at first ...now so confused and sad

So sorry you are here but as Rob and lostdad said, glad you found us. 

I remember those days of headspins, wondering how to piece everything together when all I wanted was an answer.  The thing is, you may never get an answer from him. 

You know what you need and deserve, and it's not what you are getting.  You are not selfish, or crazy, to ask your husband to put you and your son first.  It's obvious he isn't.  And you deserve better.  

What support do you have?  Do any family members or friends know?  Can you begin saving money to make some changes?  What can you do today, even if it's one small thing, just for YOU?  

It seems to me that the more you try to point out what you need, the more he will belittle you and criticize you.  I know that, sadly.  My ex was so good at this.  If I asked for something completely normal, such as sharing chores in our home, his response would be to criticize me, or belittle me.  I fought for as long as I could, but it chips away at you, the constant need for them to make you the flawed one, when they know in their heart what is really going on, but can't face it themselves. 

These boards are a great place to vent and get support.  Please keep posting.  

Virtual Hugs.  M

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

February 4, 2017 6:38 pm  #5

Re: WTF??? Shock and disbelief at first ...now so confused and sad

Big hugs to you, sadwife. You are in utter hell right now. I can completely relate because I was recently in your shoes as a stay-at-home mother who was completely dependent financially on my GiD STBX, who did many of the exact abusive behaviors you so eloquently listed in your post here, before suddenly walking out on me and my three little kids. I'm going to be ok and so will you, but the way you handle the next few weeks/months and play your cards here is going to be critical.

If I may proffer some advice, do not confront him. You already have all the information you need (sorry to be blunt). Listen to your gut. He'll only deny it and continue gaslighting you. Confronting risks him realizing the cat's out of the bag and it only confirms you know a big secret of his-- he could escalate to violence, drain bank accounts, etc. Do not let him know you know he is having a gay affair. Instead, speak confidentially to a local divorce attorney who can advise you. Pay the lawyer's consultation fee, if any, in cash. Document everything the lawyer tells you to, and come up with a safety plan. These situations where the GiD gets deeper into a relationship with a partner devolve into nastiness for the straight spouse pretty quickly. I'll say again: The fact that he thinks you don't know the truth is an asset to you. I'm so sorry you're in this terrible mess. It's not at all your fault. You are stronger than you think, and you are in the right place to get support! My best!!

Be awesome & stay positive

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